
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing 薄壳 | all forms | in specified order only
凝固坯壳局部减薄local thinning of solidified shell
凝固坯壳局部减薄localized thinning of solidifying shell
圆筒薄壳cylindrical shell
【连】 坯壳减薄shell thinning (① Shell thinning occurs when the solidified shell is partially remelted as the flow of molten steel washes the solidification front 当钢水冲刷凝固前沿导致凝固坯壳部分重新熔化时,坯壳就减薄了。② Shell thinning is usually localized around the breakout hole. 坯壳减薄通常仅限于环绕漏钢口的周边。)
坯壳最薄部分thinnest shell part
坯壳最薄部分thinnest portion of shell
坯壳薄区thin zone of strand shell
坯壳薄区thin strand shell zone
坯壳薄区thin-shell zone
坯壳薄区thin region of shell
坯壳过薄shell thinness
坯壳过薄exaggerated shell thinness
【连】 极薄坯壳very thin shell
薄壳brick shell
窄面坯壳变薄漏钢thin shell breakout at narrow face
窄面薄坯壳漏钢thin shell breakout at narrow face
窄面薄坯壳漏钢narrow face thin shell breakout (【技】板坯结晶器由窄调宽时,铸坯壳与窄面板相脱离,造成铸坯窄面散热不良,窄面坯壳温度升高,厚度变薄,抵抗不住钢水静压力故易形成窄面薄坯壳漏钢。)
结晶器内窄面薄坯壳thin narrow-face shell in mold
膜压式薄壳制型机diaphragm shell moulding machine
薄坯壳区thin-shell zone
薄坯壳区thin zone of shell
薄坯壳区thinner region of shell
【连】 薄坯壳型漏钢thin shell type breakout (【技】由于结晶器内钢液温度过高、传热不良、或冷却强度低等原因造成坯壳过薄,铸坯出结晶器后抵抗不住钢水静压力而引发的漏钢。: The addition of a low heat removal alarm has significantly reduced the number of thin shell type breakouts. 增加了散热下限警报器后,薄坯壳型漏钢次数大幅度降低。)
【连】 薄坯壳型漏钢shell thinning breakout
薄壳shallow case
薄壳屋顶shell roof
薄而易碎的结壳thin fragile crust
薄铁板壳sheet-iron shell
铸坯壳减薄漏钢shell thinning breakout (The first was a shell thinning breakout that was caused by a PLC encoder error. 首先是由于 PLC 编码器误差所引起的薄坯壳型漏钢。)
铸坯壳减薄漏钢breakout due to shell thinning