
Terms for subject Economy containing 营销 | all forms | in specified order only
双渠道营销dual channels of distribution
合作市场营运经销法案cooperative marketing act
向市场营销机构提出抗议lodging of a protest with the marketing agency
市场营销决策支持系统marketing decision supporting system
按销售净额计算的营业费用率operating ratio based upon net sales
推销员的无能造成了营业额的下降The inefficiency of the sales staff causes a fall in turnover
撤销营业执照nullification of business licence
撤销营业执照hand in one's business licence for cancellation
根据代理商在经营能力方面的表现,公司应授与独家销售权The company shall grant an elusive selling right to the agent relying upon the representation of the agent with the respect to his operational capability
生产和营销合同制production and marketing contract system
缴销营业执照hand in one's business licence for cancellation
美国市场营销协会American Marketing Association
营销below-the-line promotional activity
营业利息费用与销货比率ratio of operating interest expense to transactions
营运净利对销售净额之比ratio of net operating profit to net sales
营运利润或费用对销售额之比ratio of operating profit expenses to sales
营销利润marketing margin
营销测试test marketing
营销计划marketing programme
营销计划似乎非常理想,但实施起来又会怎样呢?The marketing plan seems very desirable, but what will it be in practice n.?
资本— 市场营销线capital-marketing line
这个集团专营汽车销售和出租This group specializes in the sale and lease of cars