
Terms for subject Commerce containing | all forms
不能由交换的货币inconvertible currency
专利动失效automatic lapse of patent
业主有资本owner's equity
为防备然灾害作好准备make preparations against natural disasters
交由某人行决定leave to one's discretion
他为己的发明获得专利权He patented his invention
他们已向我厂订购行车10,000辆They have placed an order for 10,000 bicycles with our factory
付款cash and carry
代理人在履行身任务中招致负债The agent has incurred liabilities in the course of his duties
然资源为基础的生产单位resource-based unit
由方式in an autonomous manner
企业留资金funds retained by enterprise
你方有必要详细说明己的要求It is necessary for you to go into details of your requirements
保护身利益protect one's own interests
原始数据动化缩为 SDAsource data automation (指以机械可读形式收集原始数据,一般的媒体有磁带 (magnetic tape)、打卡片 (punched card)、穿孔带 (punched tape))
的优点respective advantages
的需求respective needs
合同动中止automatic suspension of a contract (如遇不可抗力)
合同动解除automatic cancellation of a contract (如遇不可抗力)
然灾害而造成共同海损In consequence of natural calamities, general average happened
国际由贸易区International Free Trade Area
基于规则的、公正和由的国际贸易rules-based, fair and free international trade
美国外国银行信贷动限制规则voluntary foreign credit restraint guidelines
完全有所有权wholly-owned ownership
完全有的附属出口公司wholly-owned subsidiary export company
然资源拥有的主权sovereign rights over natural resources
岀口动限制voluntary export restraint
岀口动限制voluntary export restriction
工业上极为重要的然资源natural resources that are of great importance to industry
开发然资源tap natural resources
开发国家然资源develop the natural resources of a country
我们从未不履行己的义务We have never failed to discharge our obligations
我方总是履行己承担的义务We always honour our commitments
拉丁美洲由贸易协会Latin-American Free Trade Association
推行新的进口动批准制度carry out a new AAIS
新西兰澳大利亚由贸易协定New Zealand-Australia Free Trade Agreement
有些中国人已经将宜家作为他们己家庭的延伸Some Chinese have always treated IKEA as an extension of their own homes
有限由市场limited free market
本合同十二月一日起生效The contract will come into effect from the first of December
代理人的报道消息advices from agents
欧洲由贸易区European Free Trade Area (欧洲16国)
欧洲由贸易国家EFTA countries
欧洲由贸易联盟European Free Trade Association (亦称 Outer Seven 外部七国集团,1959 年成立)
欧洲由贸易联盟工业联合会理事会Council of Industrial Federations of the European Free Trade Association
此类货物的贸易额去年以来有了很大增加The volume of trade in this line has greatly increased since last year
每一方应履行各的义务Each party shall fulfil his own obligations
每打价格12美元至16美元不等The prices range from US $12 to US $16 per dozen
海上风险包括然灾害与意外事故Perils of sea include natural calamities and accidents
消费者协会的代表们将讨论如何促进各国家努力改善食品质量和安全Representatives of Consumers Associations will discuss how they can contribute to their countries’ efforts to improve the quality and safety of food
独立主自力更生政策policy of independence and self-reliance
现付cash and carry
由他行决定Whether the buyer avails himself of the reasonable opportunity of examining the goods or waives his right of examination is for him to decide
电子计算机动化数据处理automated data processing
巴拿马科隆由贸易区Zona Libre de Colon
股东有资本stockholder equity (指资产净额 (net assets), 资产净值(net worth))
主税则national tariff 国家税则
制产品own product
力更生rely on one's own efforts
动出口配额voluntary restraint of export
动出口配额automatic export quota
动出口限额voluntary export quota (指自动岀口限制(voluntary restraint of export))
动分类automatic sorting
动化管理系统automated management system
动升运装载车elevating wagon
动发现故障automatic diagnosis
动合作voluntary cooperation
小商品动售货机vending machine
投币式动售货机slot machine
动展期贷款revolving loan
动岀口限制voluntary restraint of export (指自动岀口限额(voluntary export quota),亦用 voluntary restriction of export)
动岀口限额autonomous export quota
动延续合约self-renewing contract
动恢复保险金额条款automatic reinstatement clause
动承保增值peak cover
动承保增值条款peak cover clause
动最佳化控制self-optimizing control
动生产线automated production line
动破产申请voluntary bankruptcy (与被动破产 (involuntary bankruptcy) 相对)
动计时钟time clock
动记录图record chart
动记录图recording chart
动记录片recording card
动设计automation design
动识别automatic diagnosis (故障)
动调节系统self-adjusting system
动调节设计control design
动限制出口简写为VERvoluntary export restraint
动限制协定voluntary restraint agreement
卸卡车dump track
变量independent variable (数)
己动手用品商店DIY store
愿限制对外信贷计划voluntary foreign credit restraint program
我偿还债务self-liquidating debt
我变现资产self-liquidating assets
我实现需要self-expression needs
我设计与制造产品self-designed and self-built product
担部分运费freight absorption (卖方按交货价格 (delivered price) 售货时,所收运费少于实际运费)
有资本self-owned capital
有资本对借入资本的比率ratio of owned capital to borrowed capital
有资本收益率rate of return on equity
有资金own funds (指企业股本资本 (equity capital))
self check
然人natural person (与法人 (legal person) 相对)
然人physical person (与法人 (legal person) 相对)
然人natural man (与法人 (legal person) 相对)
然经济natural economy
然资源丰富be abundant in natural resources
然资源经济学economics of natural resources
然风险natural risks
用运输人private carrier (指工商业运输人 (industrial carrier))
由价格free price (与管制价格 (administered price)相对)
由关税区tariff free zone
由决定权discretionary powers
由决定权discretional powers
由决定的开支discretionary spending
由决定的开支discretional spending
由外汇市场free exchange market (与官方外汇市场 (official exchange market) 相对)
由权条款liberties clause
由汇率free exchange rate (与法管汇率 (official exchange rate) 相对)
由浮动汇率freely fluctuating exchange rate (包括:汇率下浮 (floating downward),汇率上浮 (floating upward))
由浮动汇率制freely fluctuating rate of exchange system
由港port franc
由港free port (如新加坡 (Singapore),亚丁 (Aden),贝鲁特 (Beirut), 巴拿马 (Panama) 等港口)
由竞争价格free price
由航行权freedom of seas
由货币free currency (与冻结货币 (blocked currency) 相对)
由贸易free trade (与保护贸易 (protection trade) 相对)
由贸易区Zonadi Commercio Libero
通过国家协定在成员国之间形成的由贸易区free trade area
未作抵押的由资产free asset
由资本股息dividend on equity capital
由运输人industrial carrier
相矛盾的论据inconsistent argument
would be
营商业务dealer operation
营商价格dealer price
营商执照dealer's licence
营商贷款dealer loan
行开发地表水源private development of surface supplies
行支配的资金funds at one's own disposal
负盈亏sole responsibility for one's own profit and losses
负盈亏on one's own account and responsibility
足率缩写为SSRself-sufficiency rate
足经济self-contained economy
身保险准备金self-insurance reserve
tons deadweight
dry weight
证券行情动记录收报机stock ticker
运费定货物open rate cargo
这些产品来加拿大These products originate from Canada
进口动批准制度Automatic Approval of Import System
进岀口由化liberalization of import and export
通用来水公司Compagnie Generale des Eaux (1853)
银行业务动化automation of banking service
随卖方行处理at the discretion of the seller
由的浮动汇率制managed flexibility system (指可调整钉住汇率制 (adjustable-peg system))
预防然灾害be prepared against natural disasters
达汽车公司Mazda Motor Corp. (1920)
巴西马瑙斯由贸易区Zona Libre en Manaos