
Terms for subject Water resources containing | all forms
世界然保护监测中心World Conservation Monitoring Center
亚硝酸盐完全养脱氮completely autotrophic nitrogen removal over nitrite
动灌溉系统fully automatic irrigation system
化学净作用chemical self-purification
单级养脱氮one step autotrophic nitrogen removal
反应摩尔由能量molar free energy of reaction
国际然与自然资源保护联合会世界自然保护联合会International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources
FA 型全动水处理装置full automatic FA water treatment instrument
然生态处理技术multi-natural ecological treatment technology
完全养脱氮completely autotrophic nitrogen removal
微囊蓝细菌毒素喷灭藻剂处理microcystin following algaecide treatment
微囊藻毒素喷灭藻剂处理microcystin following algaecide treatment
恒位动闸门constant-level automatic gate
扩展谢立-郭坤敏方程extended XG equation
斯蒂克尼动式泄水板Stickney automatic flash board
水体净作用water body purification
水体净作用self-purification of waters
水体净作用self-purification of water body
水体净星物工艺biological process of water body self-purification
水体微生物污水然净化natural purification of wastewater by water microorganisms
水污染然源natural source of water pollution
污水净化站动化automation of station fbr purification of sewage
河水净限度limitation to stream self-purification
河流净作用self purification of river
河流净作用self-purification of stream
河流净作用river self-purification
河流生物净作用river biological self-purification
河流生物净模型model of river biological self-purification
活性由基reactive free radicals
海水净作用self purification of seawater
海洋净能力marine self-purification capacity
湖水lake self-purification
湖水lake natural purification
物理净作用physical self-purification
环境environment self-purification
环境净能力environmental self-purification capacity
生化净作用biochemical self-purification
生化需氧量动测定仪biochemical oxygen demand automatic meter
电子旋共振器electron spin resonator
养反硝化工艺sulfur-autotrophic denitrification process
硫酸根由基sulfate radical
线性由能相关法linear free energy relationship
羟基由基hydroxyl radical
养反硝化autotrophic denitrify
养反硝化菌株autotrophic denitrifying bacterial strain
养微生autotrophic microorganism
养生长autotrophic growth
净参数self-purification parameters
净容量又称同化容量self-cleaning capacity
净性能self purification characteristics
净水体self-purification water body
净速率rate of self-purification
中心枢轴灌溉设备self-propelled irrigation installation with central pivot
动冲洗滴头self-flushing emitter
动双扉堰automatic double trap weir
动发电厂automatic plant
动发电站automatic station
动检测automated detection
动水处理厂automatic water treatment plant
动水质控制系统automatic water quality control system
动水质监测仪water quality automonitor
动水质监测仪automatic water quality monitor
动水质监测站automatic water monitoring station
动汞质监测站automatic water quality monitoring station
动汞质监测系统automatic water quality monitoring system
动监测automated monitoring
动空心纤维超滤法automated hollow fiber ultrafiltration method
动空气喷洒机self-propelled air-blast sprayer
动粒径分析仪automated particle size analyzer
动纤维光导生物传感器automated fiber optic biosensor
动采样分析仪automatic sampler-analyzer
动采样器automatic sampling device
动预选采样器automated preconcentration sampler
gravity discharge of water
流井的水artesian water
流供水渠系gravity-fed canal system
流压力artesian pressure
流水gravity water
流泉盆地artesian basin
浮浊流auto-suspending turbidity flow
热式高温好氧消化autoheated thermophilic aerobic digestion
热高温好氧废水处理系统autothermal thermophilic aerobic waste treatment system
然入流量natural inflow
然净化特性natural purification characteristic
然水资源water resources, natural
然污染源natural source
然污染源水域natural source waters
然特征水温natural characteristical water temperature
然环境保护法令Natural Environmental Conservation Act
然自净效力natural self-cleansing effect
然资源保护conservation of natural resource
然鱼类生境native fish habitats
生固氮nonsymbiotic nitrogen fixation
生固氮菌free-living nitrogen-fixing bacteria
由水gravity water
人工湿地系统处理废水由水面系统free water surface system
由泛灌free flooding
由泛灌mountain flooding
由泛灌wild flooding
由淹灌free flooding
由用水free water use
由电子浓度free electrons concentration
由的水free water
由面涡旋free surface vortex
适应滤料adaptive filtering material
超分子组装supramolecular self-assembly
限氧养硝化-反硝化工艺oxygen-limited autotrophic nitrification denitrification process
限氧养硝化-反硝化工艺OLAND process
限氧亚硝酸盐养去除硝化工艺oxygen-limited autotrophic nitrification removal over nitrite process
黏度记仪viscosity recorder