
Terms for subject Telecommunications containing | all forms
由度three degree of freedom (3DOF)
上电power-on self-test
动换行no wrap
专用交换机可接外线private automatic branch exchange
专用动交换机不能接外线private automatic exchange
专用动交换机private automatic branch exchange
串行动呼叫serial automatic calling
主叫号码动识别automatic number identification
主叫号码动识别器ANI detector
美国科学情报研究所主题动引文快报Automatic Subject Citation Alert
由度2 degree of freedom
交互式动设计auto interactive design
交换适配装置switch adaptation device
代数动化数字迭代网络algebraic automated digital iterative network
有设施为基础的电信公司与aggregator 等类型租用其他公司电路,转售电信业务的公司相区别facilities-based carrier
刊名仪器、系统与动控制Instrumentation, Systems & Automatic Control
仪表动读数automatic meter reading
低速动编程装置automatic program unit, lowspeed
信息动化定题提供automatic selective dissemination of information
信息动检索系统automatic information retrieval system
先进的模块适应网络advanced modular adaptive netw ork
光纤调整夹具optical fiber self-aligning jig
欧洲共同体动情报检索系统Fully Automatic Information Retrieval System
动操作fully automatic operation
动编译程序技术fully automatic compiler translator
动编译系统fully automatic compiler system
动计算机程序fully automated computer program
美国全国动控制会议National Automatic Controls Conference
由度six degree of freedom (6DOF)
由度six DOF (6DOF)
由度6 degree of freedom
其商业名称取"See facts" 的谐音Ceefax
具有适应比特分配的自适应预测编码APC with adaptive bit allocation
内装测试built-in self-test
内部动化操作internal automation operation
计算机内部动诊断automatic internal diagnosis
cold boot
动业务quasi-automatic service
选电视near VOD
刀具动程序设计automatic programming for tools
分布式适应路由选择distributed adaptive routing
制造动化协议美国 GM 公司发起的 MHS 标准manufacturing automation protocol
制造动化协议/技术与办公室协议两者兼容, 基于 ISO 第四层manufacturing automation protocol/technical and office protocol
办公动化模型office automation model
加电Power-On Self-Test
用户交换机动中继方式外线直接拨人 PBX 的话务台,话务员应答后接人分机board inward dialing
用户交换机动中继方式外线拨人 PBX 后,经话务员接人机board inward dialing
动交换系统semi-automatic switching system
动即时操作semi-automatic demand operation
动发报键bug key
单独式适应路由选择isolated adaptive routing
印字电报机动换接teleprinter automatic switching
发信号码的动识别装置automatic number identification
呼出动识别automatic identification on outward dialing
呼叫动分配automatic call distribution
呼叫动分配器automatic call distributor
售票动处理automatic ticket handling
因特网动程序Internet robot
场间适应预测编码器interfield adaptive prediction coder
多用途动数据变换机versatile automatic data exchange
多路径选路由multiple path self routing (ATM 交换方式)
多项目动控制系统multiproject automated control system
天线动调谐antenna automatic tuning
子带适应差分脉冲编码调制subband adaptive differential pulse code modulation
子带适应差分脉冲编码调制sub-band adaptive differential pulse code modulation
实验室动化软件laboratory automation software
家庭动化house automation
IBM 公司家用型定时动开启多媒体电脑Aptiva
密文身密钥密码cipher text key autokey cipher
工业动化industrial automation
市话通话动计费系统local automatic message account
市话通话动计费系统local automatic message accounting system
带计算机接口的动绘图仪machine for automatic graphics interface to a computer
平直度动控制automatic flatness control
并行动呼叫parallel automatic calling
广义回归条件异方差性generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity
美国得克萨斯然资源信息系统Texas Natural Resources Information System
控制动化技术公司Control Automation Technology Co.
人工交换机插塞式动振铃keyless ringing
故障动检测automatic fault detection
数据动化分类和解释automated classification and interpretation of data
文献动摘录法automatic document abstracting method
旋转制动电话交换机rotary switch
无人驾驶动搬运小车automatic guided vehicle
智能办公室动化intelligent office automation
最佳动控制optimal automatic control
服务质量动观察automatic observation of service quality
本机发自收连接back-to-back connection
标尺动换行wrap to ruler
桌面动演示接口automatic display interface
欠压动跳闸undervoltage trip
步进制动交换系统step-by-step automatic system
水平动频率控制horizontal AFC
流体控制式数字动计算机fluid operated digital automatic computer
化合物impregnating compound
现场动模拟计算机automatic field analog computer
生产动化协议manufacturing automation protocol
用户动交换机private automatic branch exchange
用户定义功能键user-defined function key
用户定义按钮user-defined button
用户定义数据类型user-defined data type
用户定义的数据custom data
用户定义类型user-defined type
电子动装置electronic-automatic machine
电子复式动电话交换机electronic multiple automatic exchange
电子式动交换机electronic automatic exchange
电子离散变量动计算机electronic discrete variable automatic computer
电源中断并动再启动power fail and automatic restart
电路动关闭装置slumber switch
硬件hardware check
社区动交换局community automatic exchange
程控动通信设备programmed automatic communication equipment
字段说明符blank field descriptor
窗口内动换行wrap to window
管好你己的事mind your own business
繁忙排队/动回叫busy queuing/call back
统一动数据处理系统uniform automatic data processing system
继电器式动电话交换制中国式的英文名词,不宜采用relay automatic telephone system
联合动控制joint automation control
美国高等院校协会联合动控制会议Joint Association Control Conference
英国联合动数据处理Joint Automatic Data Processing
下至上from bottom to top
主主体autonomous agent
主分散控制autonomous decentralized control
主安装custom installation
主局域网autonomous local network
主操作autonomous manipulation
主时序机autonomous sequential machine
主本地网autonomous local network
主模块autonomous module
主终端模块autonomous terminal module
主节点autonomous node
主辅导self-contained tutorial
举放大器bootstrap amplifier
举电路bootstrap circuit
交换业务own exchange traffic
刷新self refresh
动中继automatic relay
动中继站automatic relay station
动中继系统automatic relay system
动优先中断automatic priority interrupt
动传输试验与控制设备automatic transmission test and control equipment
动分类、测试和记录分析automatic sorting, testing and recording analysis
动分级auto outline
动分解力控制automatic resolution control
动切换autonomous switchover
动切换automatic switch-over
动化可读索引automated readability index
动化图书馆automation of library
动化实时局部评价automated local evaluation in real time
动化技术控制automated technical control
动化操作控制automated operations control
动化数据分析与描述技术automated data analysis and presentation techniques
动化数据测试系统automated data test system
动化数据管理automated data management
动化数据管理信息系统automated data management information system
动化数据系统automated data system
动化程序检验程序automated program verifier
动化系统automation system
动化结构设计automated structural design
动化绘图automated diagram drafting
动化绘图技术automated graphic technology
动化话务员台automated attendant
动化软件包automation package
动化软件评价系统automated software evaluation system
动合成程序automatic synthesis program
动同步系统autosyn system
动同步调整automatic regulation of synchronism
动售票automatic ticketing
动售票机ticket vendor
动复原automatic clearing
动外线识别拨号小交换机用automatic outward identified dialing
动多极优先automatic multilevel precedence
动多极诊断软件automatic multilevel diagnostic software
动小交换机automatic branch exchange
动布局automatic layout
动布局automated layout
动布线self routing
动式小交换机private automatic branch exchange
动截听automatic intercept
动截听系统automatic intercept system
传真动截接系统automatic intercept system
动搜索automatic search
动本振频率控制automatic local frequency control
动标识automatic identification
动校准设备autoalign unit
动校正automated checking
动模糊函数auto-ambiguity function
动气象预报机automatic weather announcer
动清除automatic clearing
动猝灭校正automatic quench correction
动程序控制系统automatic program control system
动程序控制automatic programing control
动程序控制automatic program control
动程序校验设备automated program testing facility
动程序编写器automatic program writers
动程序装入automatic program loading
动程序装入automatic program load
动程序装入设备automatic program loading unit
动程序设计automatic programing
动程序设计信息中心Automatic Programming Information Center
动程序设计情报中心Automatic Programming Information Center
动编号设备automatic numbering equipment
动编标引automatic indexing
动编目automated cataloging
动编码automatic code
动编码程序automatic code
动编程automatic programming
动编程与测试系统automatic programming and test system
动编程和记录automatic programming and recording
动编程工具automatic programmed tool
动编程项automatic programmed term
动调度方案automatic schedule procedures
动调整大小auto scaling
动调试automatic debugging
动负载调节器automatic load regulator
动选择路由automatic routing
动选线时间hunting time
动选路automatic routing
动递减寻址autodecrement addressing
动递增寻址autoincrement addressing
动递增标志autoincrement flag
动通告automatic announcement
动通话次数计算automatic message accounting
动阈值控制automatic threshold control
协方差函数auto-covariance function
同步correction from signal
含电池self-contained battery
备测试autonomous test
复式电键non-locking key
定义块self-delineating block
定义大小custom size
定义尺寸custom size
定义数据custom data
定义标号接口self-delineating labelled interface
定义比例缩放图片MSzooms the picture
定界信息块self-delineating block
定界有标号接口self-delineating labelled interface
own exchange
计算机程序boot load
self embedding
底向上推理bottom-up reasoning
愈网self-healing network
成体系的网络universe network
我查寻在网上或媒体中查找自己的姓名ego surfing
我照管系统self-care system
承式电缆self-support cable
承式电缆光缆integral messenger cable
控栅极self-aligned gate
控空间飞行器autonomous spacecraft
客户有交换机own exchange
有模块own module
测试调制解调器self testing modem
然二进制编码的十六进制natural binary-coded hexadecimal
然二进制编码的十进制natural binary coded decimal
然信息单位1 natnatural information unit
然图像对象natural video
然声音natural sound
然对数以 e 为底的对数Napierian logarithm
然对数以 e 为底的对数natural logarithm
以 e 为底的然对数natural logarithm
然对流冷却natural convection cooling
然推理natural inference
然空气冷却natural air cooling
然纹理natural texture
然联结natural joint
然视像natural video
然语言描述natural language description
然语言支持natural language support
然语言査询natural language query
然谐振频率natural resonance frequency
然资源信息系统natural resource information system
日本然资源和能源局Natural Resources and Energy Agency
理恢复动作autonomous recovery action
理系统self-care system
用电台private station
由升降送话器boom microphone
由场一free field
由格式语言free form language
由空间传输如射频传输open-air transmission
由空间传输free space transmission
由能带unoccupied band
由视界unobstructed view
由词free word
由词free term
由词检索free-word retrieval
由词表free term list
由选择网free choice net
由量词公式quantifier-free formula
确认码self-validating code
编代码self-documenting code
编密码private code
耦变压器起动器compensator starter
聚焦光纤self-focusing fiber
聚焦光纤self-focusing fiber
补码self-complementary code
调度self scheduling
调节方式的教学self-paced instruction
适应 △ 调制adaptive delta modulation
适应交叉极化抵消系统adaptive crosspolar cancellation system
适应估值adaptive estimation
适应伽马量化器adaptive Gamma quantizer
适应保边滤波器adaptive edge-preserving filter
适应信号检测adaptive signal detection
适应信道分配adaptive channel allocation
适应分区adaptive partition
适应划分adaptive partition
适应剩余编码adaptive residual coding
适应匹配滤波器adaptive matched filter
适应卡尔曼滤波器adaptive Kalman filter
适应卷积码adaptive convolutional code
适应发射机功率控制adaptive transmitter power control
适应变换adaptive transform
适应同信道干扰抵消adaptive cochannel interference cancellation
适应噪声平滑滤波器adaptive noise smoothing filter
适应噪声抵消adaptive noise cancellation
适应回波抵消adaptive echo cancellation
适应图像估计adaptive image estimation
适应均衡器adaptive automatic equalizer
适应增益控制adaptive gain control
适应增量调制adaptive DM
适应处理adaptive processing
适应差分脉冲调制adaptive differential pulse-code modulation
适应差分脉码调制adaptive DPCM
适应差动变压器adaptive hybrid transformer
适应技术adaptive technique
适应抽样adaptive sampling
适应接口adaptive interface
适应插人式回声抑制器adaptive break-in echo suppressor
适应数字滤波adaptive digital filtering
适应数字滤波器adaptive digital filter
适应数字脉码调制adaptive digital pulse code modulation
适应数据压缩adaptive data compression
适应数据库系统adaptable datebase system
适应方法adaptive approach
适应无限冲击响应滤波器adaptive infinite impulse response filter
适应最佳控制adaptive optimal control
适应格形滤波器adaptive lattice filter
适应横向滤波器adaptive transversal filter
适应法adaptive method
适应混合变压器adaptive hybrid transformer
适应程序adaptive procedure
适应线增强adaptive line enhancement
适应线增强器adaptive line enhancer
适应线性均衡滤波器adaptive linear equalization filter
适应线性预测编码adaptive linear predicative coding
数据库系统适应结构adaptive organization
适应编码器adaptive coder
适应网格adaptive mesh
适应网格.adaptive grid
适应群时延均衡adaptive group delay equalization
适应脉码调制adaptive PCM
适应衰减adaptive attenuation
适应解卷积adaptive deconvolution
适应解码译码adaptive decoding
适应语音分析adaptive speech analysis
适应语音增强adaptive speech enhancement
适应跟踪adaptive tracking
适应路由算法adaptive routing algorithm
适应近似法adaptive approximation
适应速率不对称数字用户线rate-adaptive asymmetric digital subscriber line
适应速率数字用户rate-adaptive digital subscriber
适应逻辑电路adaptive logic circuit
适应遗传算法adaptive genetic algorithm
适应链接adaptive link
适应链路adaptive link
适应阈值控制图像技术adaptive thresholding
适应阈值控制磁记录adaptive threshold control
适应陷波滤波器adaptive notch filter
适应零值天线adaptive null antenna
适应霍夫曼编码adaptive Huffman coding
适应非参量型检测adaptive nonparametric detection
适应预测器adaptive predictor
适应预测编码器adaptive prediction coder
适应频谱分adaptive spectrum analysis
适应频谱分析adaptive spectral analysis
适应高斯量化器adaptive Gaussian quantizer
适血滤波器adaptive filter
适血解释程序adaptive interpreter
选业务service on demand
选电视video on demand
选路径路由self routing
选连字符软连字符discretionary hyphen
锁继电器latch relay
锁继电器latch-in relay
顶向下分析法top-down approach
顶向下推理top-down reasoning
顶向下语法分析top-down parsing
动频率控制horizontal AFC
计算机动化公司Computer Automation, Inc.
计算机动系统测试仪computer automatic system tester
计算机动诊断方法computer method for automatic diagnosis
刊名计算机与动化Computers and Automation
计算机与动化computer and automation
计算机与动化computers and automation
美国计算机与动化系统协会Computer and Automated System Association
计算机能源分配和动化控制computer energy distribution and automated control
论点产生动机score producer automation
论点消除动机score consumer automation
话单动处理automatic ticket handling
资源动规划和分析系统automated resource planning and analysis system
转寄forward from
迂回路由动选择automatic alternative routing
迂回路由动选择automatic alternate routing
近似的选电视点播影视near VOD
近似的选电视点播影视near video on demand
远程动化计划long-range automation plan
选通动增益控制gated AGC
通用动测试系统general-purpose automatic test system
通用动测试设备universal automatic test equipment
通用生产管理动控制系统general manufacturing management automated control system
通话动计费方式automatic message accounting
通话动计费系统automatic message accounting
通话动记录和计费automatic message recording and accounting
通话单动记录automatic ticketing
逼真度动控制automatic fidelity control
销售动化market automation
锁住 2 动跟踪lock-on
镇]动交换局community automatic exchange
随机适应优化stochastic adaptive optimization
随机环境适应random environment adaptation
集中动计费方式centralized automatic message accounting system
集中式动化通话记帐制centralized automatic message accounting system
集中式动通话计费centralized automatic message accounting
集中式适应路由选择centralized adaptive routing
集成式动化系统integrated automation system
非线性动控制系统nonlinear automatic control system
顺序控制动发送器sequentially controlled automatic transmitter
频段自觉双频段通信系统自动选择合适的频段,如900MHz/ 1800MHzband-aware
频率动控制automatic frequency control
动控制automatic high voltage control
动调节器automatic high voltage regulator
高级动编译系统advanced automatic compilation system
高速动编程装置automatic program unit, highspeed
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