
Terms for subject Technology containing 自动 闸 | all forms | in specified order only
三相一次自动重合闸装置three-phase one shot reclosing device
三相三次自动重合闸装置three-phase three-shot reclosing device
三相二次自动重合闸装置three-phase two shot reclosing device
自动闸fully automatic gate
自动闸semi-automatic gate
电路自动重合闸circuit recloser
瞬间自动跳闸instantaneous trip
简易自动制动闸ease automatic power brake
简易自动制动闸easamatic power brake
自动倾侧闸automatic tilting gate (门)
自动制动闸self-energizing brake
自动变向闸automatic change-over damper
自动启闭闸门automatic flash board
自动回流闸门automatic return trap
自动挡火闸automatic fire damper
自动控制气闸automatic control damper
自动放水闸automatic sluice
自动放水闸automatic dam
自动放水闸门flop gate
自动断火闸automatic fire shutter
自动气闸automatic air brake
自动沉箱式闸门automatic pontoon lock gate
自动浮船式闸门automatic pontoon
自动翻板闸门flashboard check gate
自动调整闸瓦托self-adjusting brake head
自动跳闸automatic tripping
自动跳闸断路器automatic trip circuit breaker
自动车闸motorcar brake
自动退水闸automatic escape
自动重合闸autoreclose circuit breaker
自动重合闸automatic reclosing
自动重合闸断路器autoreclose breaker
自动重合闸起动继电器autorecloser starting relay
自动闸automatic brake rod
自动闸balanced gate
自动闸automatic gate
自动风闸automatic air brake
自由浮动沉箱式闸门freely floating pontoon
自闭式电动闸门self-closing electrical gate
自闭式电动闸门self-closing electric gate
船闸及开合桥自动化遥控系统automation remote control of locks and bridges
船闸的自动化及遥控automation and remote control of lock
船闸自动化lock automatization
船闸自动控制设备automatic control equipment for lock
闸流管自动电压调整器thyratron automatic voltage regulator
闸瓦间隙自动调节器automatic slack adjuster
非自动跳闸non-automatic tripping