
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing | all forms
一级复single-stage replica
不连续discontinuous film
二维薄two-dimensional film
伸缩flexible bellows
保护protective film
保护safety film
保护protective skin
保护frangible disc
保护渣flux film
保护渣厚度depth of flux film (结晶器与铸坯间的)
光学镜面真空optics filming
冷凝film of condensate
冷凝condensed film
冷凝液condensate film
冷却液cooling film
分子molecular film
剥下的乳胶stripped emulsion
化学吸收chemisorbed film
化学活性生成元素chemically active film former
单分子unimolecular film
单分子monomolecular film
压力水结晶器pressurized water film cooled mold
压力水结晶器mold cooled with pressurized water film
heavy film
涂层thick-film coating
润滑thick-film lubrication
润滑full film lubrication
电路thick-film circuit
覆层thick-film coating
厚油静液挤压法thick-film hydrostatic extrusion process
原生氧化naturally occurring oxide film
反渗透reverse osmosis membrane
取向oriented film
合成纤维隔synthetic-fibre diaphragm
吸附adsorption film
吸附气adsorbed gas film
吸附表面adsorbed surface film
唐南薄学说Donnan membrane theory
喷覆塑料cocoon process
喷镀薄sputtered film
固态保护渣solid flux film
固态渣solid slag film
圆形橡皮隔circular rubber diaphragm
坡莫合金薄thin permalloy film
基体matrix film
塑料薄表面复型tape replica
备用隔supplementary diaphragm pump
外延生长epitaxial film
多孔porous membrane
多孔烧结氧化铝隔porous sintered alumina diaphragm
多孔薄porous membrane
多孔薄porous diaphragm
多孔隔porous diaphragm
多孔隔电解槽porous-diaphragm cell
多层薄离子交换槽multiple ion-exchange membrane cell
多相电极heterogeneous membrane electrode
天然氧化naturally occurring oxide film
奥利弗隔Oliver diaphragm pump
完整油润滑full film lubrication
容量型隔volumetric type diaphragm pump
导电conductive film
射流薄隔离器fluid diaphragm isolator
屏蔽screen plate
帆布隔diaphragm of canvas cloth
帆布隔canvas diaphragm
带色薄金属氧化电沉积法electro-colour process
润滑剂dry film lubricant
开始的电镀striking film
感光sensitive layer
能力film forming capacity
抑制inhibitive film
挠性金属flexible metal bellows
旋转薄接触器rotafilm contactor
无取向non-oriented film
无孔隙continuous film
无隔电池diaphragmless cell
易剥flaking film
易燃钠pyrophoric sodium film
显影剂破裂cracking of developer coating
晶体渣crystalline slag film
晶体质保护渣crystalline slag film
晶体质保护渣crystalline flux film
晶界boundary film
晶间氧化intergranular oxide film
有孔隙discontinuous film
有机organic film
板框式反渗透plate and frame type membrane
树脂复resin coated sand
楔形油oil wedge
橡皮rubber membrane
橡皮压压实造型机diaphragm squeeze machine
橡皮隔rubber diaphragm pump
gas film
气体分散隔gas dispersing diaphragm
气-固相分界gas-solid film
氢氧化铁薄sull (钢丝表面上的)
氧化oxide film
氧化tarnish film
氧化oxide skin
氧化oxidation film
氧化保护protection by oxide films
氧化保护protection by oxide film
氧化复型检验法oxide replica technique
氧化形成oxide film formation
氧化生成能力film forming capacity
氧化hot tinting
氧化heat tint
氧化物oxide film
氧化物薄film of oxide
氧化物薄thin oxide coating
氧化物覆盖thin oxide coating
氧化薄film of oxide
氧化薄复型oxide film replica
氧化锌zinc-oxide film
氧化锌薄-zinc-oxide film
收尘器water-membrane scrubber
水平隔电解槽horizontal-diaphragm cell
沉积薄deposited film
沥青防水bituminous membrane
oil film
润滑fluid film lubrication
润滑轴承film lubrication bearing
轴承oil flooded bearing
轴承oil film bearing
轴承flood lubricated bearing
轴承Morgoil bearing
轴承film lubrication bearing
轴承式轧辊oil film roll
轴承轧辊roll with oil film bearing
轴承轧辊oil film roll
油脂grease film
流体动力hydrodynamic film
流量控制器隔diaphragm for flow controller
海奈克铬酸处理覆钢板Hinac steel plate
涂薄电极thin-covered electrode
润滑lubricating film
润滑油lubricant film
润滑渣lubricating slag film
liquid film
润滑fluid film lubrication
萃取liquid film extraction
液体渣liquid slag film
液力hydrodynamic film
液态保护渣liquid flux film
液态保护渣润滑lubricating film of liquid flux
混合润滑mixed-film lubrication
渗人的保护渣infiltrating flux film
渗人的保护渣infiltrated flux film
传热模型heat transfer model across flux film
溅射sputtered film
热处理氧化heat treating film
熔剂薄 镀锌时带材表面上的flux film
熔剂薄flux film
玻璃体渣glassy slag film
玻璃质保护渣glassy flux film
玻璃质渣glassy slag film
玻璃质渣转变温度glassy slag film transition temperature
理想液渣厚度ideal liquid slag film thickness
生成氧化的能力film forming capacity
电解cell diaphragm
电解隔electrolytic film
电阻resistive film
界面interfacial film
界面油润滑boundary film lubrication
疏水性氢氧化铁hydrophobic ferric hydroxide film
white rust
chalky rust
wet storage stain
流量计soap-film flowmeter
真空aneroid chamber
硝酸纤维素载cellulose nitrate support film
hard filmed aluminium
硬质氧化铝处理法alumilite method
碱性薄alkaline film
旋转可变电阻器carbon film rotary variable resistor
carbon film technique
电阻deposited-carbon resistor
电阻carbon-film resistor
magnetic thin film
magnetic film
磷酸盐薄防锈法bonderizing (用于钢铁表面防锈处理)
磷酸盐薄防锈法bonderising (用于钢铁表面防锈处理)
离子技术ionic-membrane technique
离子交换ion-exchange membrane
离子交换电极ion-exchange membrane electrode
离子选择ion-selective membrane
稳定氧化stable oxide film
空心纤维隔hollow fibre membrane
筛网隔sieve diaphragm
粘结水coherent water layer
累积built-up film
纤维玻璃fibreglass veil
纳米颗粒nano particle film
测温film test
试验film test
试验film test
结晶器mould film
结晶器mold film
结晶器保护渣mould flux film
结晶器保护渣mold slag film (在英文原版连铸专业文献中,"结晶器保护渣"通常用 mold flux 或 mold powder 来表达。但有的学者认为,"保护渣"熔化并与钢水发生一定反应后,外表形态和结构上均发生了变化,因而不再是原来的 flux 和 powder, 故改用了 slag: Grades of steel other than medium carbon do not require as much crystallinity in the mold slag film used during casting. 除了中碳钢以外的钢种在连铸时并不需要结晶器保护渣膜中有如此高的结晶比)
结晶器保护渣mold flux film
结晶器保护渣液molten mold flux film
结晶器保护渣液liquid mold flux film
结晶器保护渣液厚度liquid mold flux film thickness
绝缘insulation film
绝缘insulating film
绝缘氧化物insulating oxide film
读出器retina character reader
聚乙烯隔polythene diaphragm
聚四氟乙烯teflon bellows
聚四氟乙烯盒脉冲发生器teflon bellows pulse generator
backing film
下腐蚀underfilm corrosion
压式薄壳制型机diaphragm shell moulding machine
压造型diaphragm moulding
压造型机diaphragm moulding machine
压造型机diaphragm moulding machine
壁烟罩membrane-walled hood
处置技术film disposal technique
层强度film strength
平衡membrane equilibrium
式压力计membrane manometer
式压力计diaphragm gauge
式流量计diaphragm flow meter
式流量计diaphragm flow meter
水解membrane hydrolysis
状冷凝film condensation
状凝缩film condensation
反渗透的透过性membrane flux
盒元件bellows element
盒压力计bellows gauge
盒式流量计bellows flowmeter
自愈self-healing film
自防护self-healing film
致密dense film
致密金属氧化溅射处理metal shadowing
落料拉延复合compound blanking and drawing die
蒸发掩evaporation mask method
蒸气vapour film
蒸汽film of vapour
shallow layer
分级作用film sizing
制备工艺film preparation process
制备技术thin film technique
半导体film semiconductor
压力表membrane pressure gauge
压力计diaphragm pressure gauge
基体film matrix
存储器thin film memory
导热系数film heat transfer coefficient
式泵surge pump
式精馏塔film type rectifying column
式调节器diaphragm regulator
强度film strength
形成器film former
技术film technique
收缩校正值correction for film shrinkage
晶体film crystal
沸腾film boiling
沸腾法film boiling process
法分离membrane separation
membrane pump
润滑film lubrication
滤片membrane filter
照明镜pellicle mirror
状急冷splat quenching
状急冷liquisol quenching
状析出filmy precipitate
生长film growth
电子显微术thin-foil microscopy
电极thin-covered electrode
电极film electrode
电阻thin film resistor
电阻sheet resistance
电阻film type resistor
离子交换membrane ion exchange
离子交换设备membrane ion-exchange plant
蒸发器film evaporator
质量传递系数film mass transfer coefficient
闪蒸器flash film concentrator
薄标本thin specimen film
薄试样thin specimen film
螺旋卷管型隔spiral-wound membrane
表面surface film
表面玷污surface-contaminant film
precoated sand
laminated steel (【技】完全不镀锡,直接将塑料薄膜经过特殊的工艺紧紧贴合在薄钢板表面上制成。它具备镀锡铁所不能比拟的优异抗腐蚀性能,可用于生产金属罐、箱等包装容器。)
试验test film
超导薄superconducting film
support film
辅助隔supplementary diaphragm pump
边界boundary film
连续continuous film
金属metallic film
金属metal film
金属电阻metal film resistor
金属metal bellows
金属丝网隔wire gauze diaphragm
金属隔metallic diaphragm pump
钙质calcareous film
钝化passivating film
钝化passive film
钝化passivated film
钝态薄理论film theory of passivity
钼箔薄压力计molybdenum foil diaphragm gauge
铁电ferroelectric film
铁磁性薄ferromagnetic film
铍箔载beryllium foil support film
copper film
铬酸盐保护chromate protective film (【技】将钢、铁、铜、锌、铝等金属制品浸人用铬酸盐配制的溶液中,其表面所形成的耐腐蚀薄膜。)
silver deposit
铸坯壳与液渣间的传热heat transfer between shell and liquid slag film
氧化tarnish film
tarnish film
锈蚀薄rust film
film plating machine
membrane for valve
防锈氧化rust-resisting oxide film
阳极anode film
阳极anode aperture
阳极氧化anodic oxide films
阳极液隔anolyte membrane
阳离子交换cation exchange membrane
阳离子隔cation membrane
阴影复shadowed replica
阴极cathode film
阴极液隔catholyte membrane
阴极隔cathode diaphragm
阴极隔cathode bag
阴离子交换anion-exchange membrane
阴离子半透anion-semipermeable membrane
阴离子渗透anion-permeable membrane
阴离子隔anion membrane
阿鲁邦德铝化学防蚀处理法Alubond method
separating diaphragm
diaphragm body
保持油箱diaphragm conservator
diaphragm cloth
式压力计diaphragm-type pressure gauge
式压力计diaphragm type pressure gauge
式启动器diaphragm type actuator
式泵surge pump
恒量泵diaphragm constant pump
扩散系数测定法diaphragm cell method of diffusion measurement
材料diaphragm material
框架diaphragm frame
电解diaphragm process
泥浆泵diaphragm slurry pump
membrane pump
泵房diaphragm pump room
活门diaphragm valve
烟罩membrane hood
电池diaphragm type cell
电解diaphragm electrolysis
电解槽diaphragm type cell
电解槽diaphragm electrolytic cell
diaphragm cylinder
调节阀diaphragm regulating valve
diaphragm valve
包裹式阳极diaphragm enclosed type of anode
面积membrane area
非晶质薄amorphous film
马齐克防蚀锌黑浸镀法Mazie zinc black method
高压隔high pressure diaphragm pump
黏土隔clay membrane