
Terms for subject Surgery containing | all forms
上斜肌tendinous sheath of superior obliquus
会阴中心perineal central tendon
冈上肌综合征supraspinatus tendon syndrome
冈上肌钙化calcification of supraspinatus tendon
冈下肌下囊subtendinous bursa of infraspinatus
化脓性鞘炎suppurative tenosynovitis
外直肌lacertus of lateral rectus
大圆肌下囊subtendinous bursa of teres major
小指伸肌tendinous sheath of extensor digiti minimi
尺侧腕伸肌tendinous sheath of extensor carpi ulnaris
屈肌总common flexor sheath
帽状膜下血肿subgaleal hematoma
托达罗Todaro tendon
拇指狭窄性鞘炎stenosing tendovaginity of thumb
拇长伸肌tendinous sheath of extensor pollicis longus
拇长屈肌tendinous sheath of flexor pollicis longus
拇长展肌和拇短伸肌tendinous sheath of abductor longus and extensor brevis pollicis
指伸腱帽hood of extensor tendon
指伸肌侧束lateral slip of extensor tendon
指伸肌和示指伸肌tendinous sheath of extensor digitorum and extensor indices
膜切开术palmar aponeurotomy
膜切除术palmar aponeurotomy
膜挛缩palmar aponeurosis contracture
膜挛缩palmar fascia contracture
膜挛缩Dupuytren contracture
膜挛缩素质palmar fascia contracture diathesis
收肌裂孔adductor tendinous opening
斜方肌下囊subtendinous bursa of trapezius
旋后肌弓综合征archus Fronse syndrome
桡侧腕伸肌tendinous sheath of extensor carpi radialis
桡侧腕屈肌tendinous sheath of flexor carpi radialis
桡骨茎突狭性鞘炎tenosynovitis stenosans
桡骨茎突狭窄性鞘炎tenosynovitis stenosans of styloid process of radius
桡骨茎突狭窄性鞘炎stenosing tendovaginitis of radial styloid
桡骨茎突狭窄性鞘炎de Quervain disease
比目鱼肌tendinous arch of soleus
狭窄性鞘炎stenosing tendovaginitis
皮下膜切断术subcutaneous fasciotomy
盆筋膜tendinous arch of pelvic fascia
结节间intertubercular tendinous sheath
缝匠肌下囊subtendinous bursae of sartorius
联合inguinal falx
-关节-皮瓣tendon-joint flap
延长术tendon lengthening
显微缝合术microsurgical suture of tendon
烧伤burn of tendon
皮瓣teno-cutaneous flap
移位transfer of tendon
移位tendon transfer
移植tendon transplantation
移植术tendon grafting
移植物tendon graft
粘连adhesion of tendon
转位术tendon transposition
肛提肌tendinous arch of levator ani
股二头肌下下囊inferior subtendinous bursa of biceps femoris
袖断裂rupture of shoulder-rotator cuff
袖病shoulder-rotator cuff disease
肩胛下肌下囊subtendinous bursa of subscapularis
肱三头肌下囊subtendinous bursa of triceps brachii
肱二头肌bicipital aponeurosis
背侧膜下间隙感染subaponeurotic space infection
背阔肌下囊subtendinous bursa of latissimus dorsi
胫骨前肌下囊subtendinous bursa of tibialis anterior
胫骨前肌tendinous sheath of tibialis anterior
胫骨后肌tendinous sheath of tibialis posterior
腓肠肌内侧头下囊subtendinous bursa of medial head of gastrocnemius
腓肠肌外侧头下囊subtendinous bursa of lateral head of gastrocnemius
腓骨肌总common sheath of peronei
腓骨长肌sulcus for tendon of peroneus longus
腓骨长肌足底plantar tendinous sheath of peroneus longus
下囊subtendinous bursa
交叉tendinous chiasma
tendinous intersection
皮瓣tendon flap
索延长术lengthening of chordae tendineae
索断裂rupture of chordae tendon
索移位术transposition of chordae tendineae
索缩短术shortening of chordae tendineae
vincula tendinum
间结合intertendinous connections
鞘囊肿ganglion of tendon sheath
臀肌gluteal aponeurosis
aponeurosis of tongue
足底plantar aponeurosis
趾长伸肌tendinous sheath of extensor digitorum longus
趾长屈肌tendinous sheath of flexor digitorum longus
挛缩contracture of Achilles tendon
𧿹长伸肌tendinous sheath of extensor hallucis longus
𧿹长屈肌sulcus for tendon of flexor hallucis longus
𧿹长屈肌tendinous sheath of flexor hallucis longus
闭孔内肌下囊subtendinous bursa of obturator internus
颅顶galea aponeurotica
髂肌下囊subtendinous bursa of iliacus
负荷假肢patellar-tendon-bearing prosthesis
髌前下囊subtendinous prepatellar bursa
鹰嘴内囊intratendinous bursa of olecranon