
Terms for subject Technology containing | all forms
化油器triple-throat carburetor
式断面triple box section
放大管three-cavity amplifier tube
triple-cavity mould
triple-cavity mold
模成型法triple cavity process
速调管three-cavity klystron
三镜式三角形环形共振triangular three-mirror ring cavity
上空upper plenum
不稳定环形谐振unstable ring resonator
不稳定谐振unstable resonator
不等加速unequal cavity acceleration
临界谐振critical resonator
互作用interaction chamber
well cavity
交叉棱镜望远镜cross-prism telescopic resonator
传输式空频率计transmission type cavity frequency meter
伴音谐振sound resonant cavity
伸缩皮extension bellows
低阻尼空谐振器ringing cavity
cavity dumping
激光器cavity-dumped laser
充填型的阶段cavity filling phase
二极管optical cavity diode
二极管optic cavity diode
镜式传感器optical cavity mirror sensor
镜式传感器optic cavity mirror sensor
光学共振optical resonator
光学共振optic resonator
光学共振mode of optical cavity
光学共振optic cavity mode
光学共振optical cavity mode
光学共振mode of optic cavity
光学共振模式optical cavity mode
光学共振模式optic cavity mode
光学纤维谐振optical fiber resonator
光学纤维谐振optic fiber resonator
光学谐振optic resonator
光栅选频共振grating selected resonator
光纤共振optical fibre resonator
光纤共振optic fibre resonator
光谐振optic cavity
全内反射total internal reflection cavity
全反射共振total reflecting resonator
全殷钢空谐振器all-invar cavity
六角星形内six-pointed star core space
共振resonant cavity
共振resonant air space
共振反射器cavity reflecting element
共振反射镜resonator mirror
共振反射镜调准cavity reflector alignment
共振扩散长度cavity diffusion length
共振模式cavity mode
共振波长计cavity wavemeter
共振频率计cavity frequency meter
共振空resonating cavity
共焦confocal cavity
共焦光学谐振confocal optical resonator
共焦光学谐振confocal optic resonator
共焦式不稳定谐振confocal unstable resonator
共焦条状徼光谐振confocal strip laser resonator
共焦球形激光谐振confocal spherical laser resonator
共焦球形激光谐振confocal spheric laser resonator
Q开关internal Q-switch
式变像管intracavity image converter
式电光调制器intracavity electrooptic modulator
镜摄片投影仪endoscopic film projector
再入式谐振reentrant cavity
分布互作用谐振extended interaction resonator
分裂模不稳定共振split-mode unstable resonator
germinal streak
前级真空fore-vacuum cylinder
加煤炉fuel door
加载谐振loaded cavity
加速器谐振accelerator cavity
半共心谐振hemi-concentric resonator
半圆形激光谐振semi-circular laser resonator
半对称谐振half-symmetrical resonator
半对称谐振half-symmetric resonator
半对称非稳定谐振half-symmetrical unstable resonator
半对称非稳定谐振half-symmetric unstable resonator
半球面谐振hemi-spherical resonator
半球面谐振hemi-spheric resonator
化油器single barrel carburetor
single cell
模具single cavity mould
模具single cavity mold
线性电子加速器single cavity linac
蒸汽锅炉boiler with single steam space
轧花机single breast gin
量子放大器single cavity maser amplifier
单空single cavity joint
单空joint with single cavity
单谐振激光放大器single-resonator laser amplifier
压力pressure chamber
参比池reference cell cavity
化油器twin barrel carburetor
型板duplicate cavity plate
式中棂double boxed mullion
振荡器two-cavity oscillator
放大管two-cavity amplifier tube
滤波器two-chamber filter
twin barrel tube
谐振器duplex cavity
速调管放大器two-resonator klystron amplifier
双向可调谐振two-way stretch resonator
双型压型two-cavity die
双型铸型two-cavity mould
双椭圆double elliptical cavity
双空joint with double cavities
双空double cavity joint
双隙缝谐振double gap cavity
反射式共振reflection-type cavity
反应堆reactor cavity
反馈式空波长计reaction-type cavity wavemeter
反馈谐振reaction cavity
发射机谐振transmission cavity
受激共振excited cavity
医院stomatological hospital
医院stomatologic hospital
department of stomatology
可调谐振variable resonator
可调谐振tunable cavity
同轴空coaxial cavity (谐振器)
同轴空共振器coaxial resonator
同轴谐振coaxial resonant cavity
同轴谐振磁控管coaxial cavity magnetron
吸入suction chamber
喷嘴内nozzle chamber
喷雾器集流injector manifold
器官内检査室使用冑镜、直肠镜等管状医学议器的检査室endoscopy room
化油器four-choke carburettor
four barrel
速调管four cavity klystron
回波共振echo box
回波空谐振器echo cavity resonator
回波空谐振器echo-box actuator
回波谐振echo box
回波谐振装置echo-box actuator
地电离层空共振earth-ionosphere cavity resonance
垂直空表面发射激光器vertical cavity surface emitting laser
die space
dies cavity
cavity number
cavity die
的充填cavity fill
木板条cavity batten
板条cavity batten
墩空pier cavity
壁炉chimney pocket
壁炉chimney breast
复合技术complexed cavity technique
复合共振combinative resonator
外空调速管external cavity klystron
容器multicavity container
multiimpression die
multiple cavity mould
multiple cavity mold
composite mould
composite mold
multiple cavity
多瓣阳极磁控管multisegment magnetron
磁控管multisegment magnetron
系统multibarrel system
螺旋泵progressing-cavity pump
速调管multiple cavity klystron
速调管multicavity klystron
铸型family mould
铸型family mold
多光束谐振multibeam resonator
多型压型multiple cavity casting die
多型铸型multiple cavity mould
多型铸型multiple cavity mold
多级聚束cascade buncher
大光学共振large optical cavity
大光学共振large optic cavity
mantle cavity
密封压力上升seal cavity pressure rise
密封空谐振器sealed cavity
射频共振radio-frequency liner
射频共振radio-frequency resonator
射频共振radio-frequency cavity
射频空radio-frequency cavity
工作operating chamber
zonal cavity interflection method
zonal cavity method
室内照明计算的带式空zonal cavity method
带空活动模板loose cavity plate
平行平板激光器parallel plate laser
开关柜内switchgear bay
开式谐振open resonator
开端式谐振open resonator
异型流体压力计shaped-chamber manometer
弱各向异性共振weakly anisotropical resonator
弱各向异性共振weakly anisotropic resonator
弹簧spring pocket
弹簧spring cavity
径向波共振radial wave resonator
供热系统mini-bore heating system
微波空谐振器micro wave resonant cavity
扇形谐振vane-type resonator
扫气scavenge space
折叠folded cavity
折叠式共振folded cavity
折叠空folded cavity
抽运谐振pump cavity
挠性空波导管flexible hollow waveguide
排水空drained cavity
排液exhaust chamber
舞台防火幕滑槽中的排烟smoke pocket
提灯lantern coelom
收发开关空谐振器transmit-receive cavity
放映projection chamber
晶体混频crystal mixing chamber
最大内压力maximum cavity pressure
板极谐振调谐轴plate-cavity tuning shaft
栅板空grid-plate cavity
栅极空调谐器grid-cavity tuner
栅阴空grid-cathode cavity
标准口速度standard muzzle velocity
标准空谐振器reference cavity
标准空谐振电路standard cavity circuit
标准谐振standard cavity
标准谐振reference cavity
树脂resin cavity
椭圆形旋转式空谐振器ellipsoidal cavity resonator
die space
mould cavity
mold cavity
die opening
衬圈container liner
衬环container ring
模具型的加工die sinking
模型内mold impression
模型内mould impression
模型内mould form
模型内mold form
模型型mold impression
模型型mould impression
模型型mould form
模型型mold form
横向模transverse mode control
正模orthomode cavity
residual cavity
母模仁,型cavity insert
felt chamber
毛细管空capillary cavity
air cavity
气体密封与压力比enclosure and pressure proportion
气密干燥空hermetically sealed dehydrated captive air space
气泡air chamber
气门弹簧valve spring chamber
水冷用空water cavity
水套water jacket space
水封water seal chamber of dredge pump
水平空horizontal cell
水平空horizontal cavity
汽缸内cylinder chamber
oil sump
oil reservoir
油泵集流fuel pressure manifold
法布里一珀罗Fabry-Perot type cavity
法布里一珀罗激光Fabry-Perot laser cavity
法布里一珀罗谐振Fabry-Perot cavity
泛共焦共振general confocal resonator
波导空waveguide cavity
活塞杆rod end chamber
流出exhaust chamber
消声器silencer chamber
润滑脂grease pocket
液压油fluid chamber
游离型空cavity detachment
滑阀valve chest
滚挤模edger impression
漫反射diffuse-reflective cavity
漫射壁diffused wall cavity
激光共振laser resonator
激光谐振laser cavity
激光管谐振laser tube cavity
激光谐振端面反射体laser end reflector
激励谐振actuating cavity
激活active cavity
灭弧spark chamber
灭弧arcing chamber
灯塔式空lighthouse cavity
furnace chamber
保护空气层protective furnace atmosphere
炉灰back hearth
照射exposure cavity
照相机皮camera bellows
熔凝氧化硅共振fused silica cavity
燃料空fuel to cavity
球形spherical cavity
球形spheric cavity
球形共振spherical resonator
球形共振spheric resonator
球形空谐振器spherical cavity resonator
球形空谐振器spheric cavity resonator
球瓣共振spherical sector resonator
球瓣共振spheric sector resonator
球面参考共振spherical reference cavity
球面参考共振spheric reference cavity
球面反射镜curved-mirror cavity
球面镜共振spherical mirror cavity
球面镜共振spheric mirror cavity
球面镜揩振spherical mirror resonator
球面镜揩振spheric mirror resonator
甲苄xylyl amine
leather bellows
bellows attachment
延伸bellows extension
式密封bellows seal
式膨胀接合件bellows expansion piece
盘形disc-shaped cavity
矩形共振空rectangular cavity
破碎crushing space
破碎crushing cavity
磁控管谐振器magnetron cavity
离轴激光共振off-axis laser resonator
稳定空谐振器stabilizer cavity
cavity pocket
侵蚀cavitation erosion
共振resonance of air space
共振cavity resonance
共振器waveguide resonator
共振器tuned cavity
共振器resonant chamber
共振器resonant element
共振器resonant cavity
共振器microwave resonance cavity
共振器方法cavity resonator method
共鸣器cavity resonator
分离cavity detachment
cavity zone
反射式天线cavity-backed radiator antenna
发射cavity emissivity (能力)
吸声sound absorption in cavity
吸声absorption in cavity
圆顶hollow dome
填充料cavity fill
天线cavity antenna
嵌板构造drum panelling
挡水板cavity tray
挡水板cavity flashing
振荡器hollow space oscillator
损坏cavitation damage
排水缝open joint
evacuated mould
evacuated mold
水流cavity flow
水流cavitating flow
泛水cavity tray
波导管hollow waveguide
波导管hollow pipe waveguide
波长计cavity wavemeter
消声器expansion-chamber type absorber
滤波器cavity filter
灌浆cavity grouting
火障cavity barrier
振荡电路cavity circuit
谐振磁控管cavity magnetron
稳频振荡器cavity-stabilized oscillator
耦合cavity coupling
腐蚀cavity corrosion
腐蚀cavitation corrosion
试验cavitation test
调谐cavity tuning
谐振resonance of air space
谐振电路cavity circuit
谐振器resonant cavity
谐振模cavity mode
辐射cavity radiation
辐射体cavity radiator
辐射器cavity radiator
镶板构造drum panelling
镶板结构drum panelling
镶板结构drum paneling
防水cavity waterproofing
隔板cavity barrier
频率计cavity frequency meter
窄轴式多焙烧炉Herreshoff furnace
窗玻璃window pan
立方形空谐振器cubical cavity
立方形空谐振器cubic cavity
等温isothermal cavity
管内空共振器谐振器built-in cavity
管内空谐振器built-in cavity
粉碎轮crushing ring
粗粒度破碎coarse chamber
累积integrating cavity
纤维光optical fiber cavity
纤维光optic fiber cavity
纵向空longitudinal cavity
纹孔pit cavity
细粒度破碎fine chamber
终端谐振end cavity
均压环式磁控管strapped magnetron
式磁控管strip-type magnetron
式磁控管strapped magnetron
耦合couple resonator
耦合光谐振coupled optical resonators
耦合光谐振coupled optic resonators
耦合谐振coupled resonator
聚束bunching cavity
聚束buncher cavity
聚束空谐振器buncher resonator
聚束谐振buncher resonator
聚束谐振bunching cavity
聚束谐振buncher cavity
式天线cavity-backed radiator antenna
脉冲多速调管pulsed multi-cavity klystron
中倍频intracavity frequency doubling
中熔化压力in-cavity melt pressure
体式量子放大器cavity maser
倒空器cavity dumper
内破碎breaking chamber
内饱和吸收intracavity saturated absorption
旁压仪的cell pressure
式反应堆cavity reactor
结构cavity configuration
进式污泥泵progressing-cavity pump
自身密封式内self-sealing inner chamber
色散共振dispersing resonator
powder space
蒸汽空steam void
蚀刻etched cavity
螺线spiral-cavity mould
螺线spiral-cavity mold
行波共振travelling-wave cavity
行波共振traveling-wave cavity
补偿空共振器compensated cavity
补偿空谐振器compensated cavity resonator
试验test cavity
谐振resonant chamber
谐振resonant cavity
谐振反射镜准直cavity reflector alignment
谐振天线cavity antenna
谐振式磁控管cavity magnetron
谐振波长计cavity resonator wavemeter
谐振频率计cavity frequency meter
谐振空resonant air space
谐振空resonant cavity
谐振空resonance chamber
超短可调谐染料激光器tunable dye laser with an ultra-short cavity
超短激光器ultra-short cavity laser
转子工作面空rotor face cavity
轴承bearing bore
输人共振"buncher" gap
输入inlet chamber
输入空input cavity
输入空谐振器input cavity
输出outlet chamber
输出共振catcher gap
输出空谐振器output cavity
通风空vent cavity
通风空air-handling cavity
部分闭合谐振partially closed resonator
重入reentrant cavity
锁紧条空lock-strip cavity
锥形串接tapered cavities
chamber kiln
闭合谐振closed resonator
阀芯spool chamber
阴极空谐振器cathode cavity
separate chamber
隔片同轴空septate coaxial cavity
非共焦共振non-confocal resonator
非混响non-reverberant chamber
非稳定光学共振unstable optical resonator
非稳定光学共振unstable optic resonator
非稳定共振unstable resonator
高分子微滤膜空polymeric microfiltration membrane plasma
高压high-pressure cell
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