
Terms for subject Construction containing 脉冲 | all forms | in specified order only
脉冲发生器master timer
事先规定时间内脉冲计数preset count
准确脉冲延迟电路分频器phantastron divider
十元环形脉冲计数器ring-of-ten circuit
十进制环形脉冲计数电路ring-of-ten circuit
半读半选脉冲read half-pulse
荧光屏上的脉冲one-pip area
双尖脉冲split blip
同步脉冲分离电路sync separator circuit
同步脉冲(时)钟脉冲放大器clock amplifier
同步脉冲sync source
基准标志,参考脉冲reference pulse
声纳脉冲发射器sonar pinger
声纳脉冲测距系统sonar pinger system
定时器计时器计数脉冲timer timing pulse
宽选通脉冲闸门电路blade latch
射频脉冲发射机试验器carpet tester
脉冲定相field phasing
帧回描脉冲vertical flyback voltage
延迟选通脉冲发生器delay gate generator
开槽顶部有切口的帧同步脉冲serrated pulse
抑制封闭脉冲suppressor pulse
数字二进位比特脉冲digit bit pulse
时钟同步脉冲系统clock system
时钟同步脉冲clock gate
缺口脉冲serrated pulse
消隐熄灭脉冲混合管blanking mixer tube
产生消隐脉冲产生熄灭脉冲的光电管blanking gate photocell
溢出溢流脉冲overflow pulse
扫描照明脉冲brightness pulse
照明扫描辉度脉冲brightening pulse
电视熄灭消隐脉冲的电平blanking pedestal
电子管脉冲计数器tube scaler
直达探测脉冲direct pulse
确定脉冲延迟时间的列线图pulse delay nomogram
符合脉冲选择器coincidence sorter
非线性线圈式脉冲发生器coil pulser
脉冲unit offset
脉冲修尖高频峰化电路high' peaker
雷达的脉冲含角区pulse packet
脉冲周期repetition interval
脉冲声纳pinging sonar
脉冲宽带pulse bandwidth
脉冲宽度duration of impulse
脉冲幅度高度pulse height
脉冲幅度振幅pulse height
脉冲换算器pulse-count converter
脉冲标志均衡电路pip matching circuit
利用回扫脉冲电源kickback type of supply
脉冲 同步示波器synchronoscope
脉冲链,系列pulse packet
脉冲链,束,系列pulse packet
脉冲群发生振荡grouped pulse generator
脉冲负载impulsive load
脉冲转发机impulse repeater
脉冲重复倍频频率倍增pulse-rate multiplication
脉冲间距peak separation
脉冲限制pulse clipping
行扫描熄灭脉冲时间horizontal blackout period
触发脉冲选择开关trigger-selector switch
触发脉冲锐化电路trigger sharpener
误差信号脉冲error pulse
超声波脉冲试验ultrasonic pulse method test
遴选分类脉冲sorting pulse
重复脉冲倍频pulse-rate multiplication
长矩形脉冲长矩形波发生器long-rectangular-wave generator
阶跃步进脉冲step pulse
非线性线圈脉冲发生器coil pulser