
Terms containing 能耗 | all forms | in specified order only
tech.不等能量耗失unequal energy dissipation
ecol.世界能源消耗world energy consumption
met.二次燃烧对能耗的影响effect of post-combustion on energy consumption
supercond.交流损耗能量密度AC loss energy density
econ.产品能源耗量energy-output ratio
sport., med.代谢性能量消耗metabolic energy cost
chem.传统的耗能技术energy-consuming conventional process
compr.能耗low energy consumption
tech.能耗建筑low energy building
tech.能耗洗涤器low energy scrubber
el.能耗继电器low-energy relay
oil.proc.福特特•惠勒公司能耗脱沥青low-energy deasphalting (process)
tech.能耗预制墙板energy-efficient precast wall panel
el.低电压、低功耗、低噪声与高性能微控制器low voltage, low power, low noise and high performance MCU
tech.低耗能low energy consumption
tech.低耗能建筑low energy consumption building
UN低耗能经济low-energy consumption economy
el.低能源消耗方案【核】low-energy path
UN低能量消耗经济low-energy consumption economy
sport., med.能耗hit the wall
nurs.体力活动能量消耗energy expenditure of physical action
anim.husb.使体躯降温所需热能消耗heat to keep body cool
anim.husb.保持体温所需增加的热能消耗heat to keep body warm
anim.husb.保持身体温暖所需增加的热能消耗动物在低于临界温度环境中为使身体保持体温所增加的热能消耗heat to keep body warm
tech.能耗total energy consumption
oil内能消耗式气藏depletion type gas reservoir
oil内能消耗式驱动depletion drive
tech.内能消耗率rate of internal energy combustion dissipation
oil内能消耗驱动指数depletion drive index
met.内部耗散能internal dissipation energy
met.内部耗散能internal dissipation energy
refrig.冰箱能耗energy consumption of the refrigerator
tech.初级能量消耗primary energy consumption
tech.制动能高损耗braking loss
econ.美国能源部制造业能源消耗调查manufacturing energy consumption survey
econ.制造商对这些机器可能发生的正常损耗不负责任The manufacturers are not responsible for the normal wear and tear that may occur to the machines
el.电极功率耗散能力power-dissipation capability
tech.功能部件耗时functional unit time
met.加工能耗manufacturing energy
expl.能耗散率rate of dissipation kinetic energy
plast.动态拉伸耗能模量dynamic loss tensile modulus
tech.动能消耗kinetic energy expenditures
expl.动能消耗率rate of dissipation kinetic energy
tech.单位量消specific energy consumption
el.单位能耗energy intensity
met.单位能耗unit energy consumption
met.单位能耗specific energy consumption
refrig.单位能耗率的降低reduction of unit energy rate
China, law单位产值能耗energy consumption per unit output value
tech.单位产值能耗energy consumption per unit of output value
busin.单位产值能量消耗consumption of energy per unit of output value
China, law单位产品能耗限额标准norm set for energy consumption per unit product
oil单位产品综合能耗full energy consumption for unit products
earth.sc.单位体积能耗钻取单位体积岩石所消耗的能量specific energy
China, polit.单位国内生产总值能耗energy consumption per unit of GDP
tech.单位工作能耗energy consumption per unit working
therm.energ.单位电能〔能量〕消耗specific energy consumption
earth.sc.单位能源消耗unit energy consumption
tech.单位视在能耗unit apparent energy consumption
tech.单位视在能耗apparent energy consumption unit
ecol.可比能耗comparable energy consumption
avia.可用能量损耗energy availability loss
interntl.trade.可耗竭能源exhaustible energy
el.可能最大损耗probable maximum loss
tech.可能消耗臭氧层物质potentially ozone-depleting substance
expl.吨公里能耗energy consumption per ton kilometer
met.吨钢能耗energy consumption per tonne of steel
met.吨钢能耗consumption of energy per tonne of steel
met.吨钢可比能耗comparable energy consumption per tonne of steel
met.吨钢综合能耗total energy consumption per tonne of steel (【技】企业全部自耗能源与企业同期钢产量之比。)
met.吨钢综合能耗overall energy consumption/tonne of steel (【技】企业全部自耗能源与企业同期钢产量之比。)
expl.在爆破中产生飞石所消耗的能量低于传递给岩石全部能量的1%、因此以这种形式浪费的爆炸能可以说微不足道The energy spent in creating flyrock during blasting is less than 1 % of the total energy transferred to the rock, hence the wastage of explosive energy in this form maybe insignificant
expl.在爆破设计时选择最佳单位炸药消耗量,既能消除经济成本方面的顾虑,又能消除环境方面的顾虑An optimum powder factor can satisfy both economic and environmental considerations in blast design
el.基本负荷耗能[电量]base-load energy
el.基本负荷耗能[电量]base energy
sport., med.基础代谢的热能消耗basic energy expenditure
nurs.基础代谢能量消耗energy expenditure of basal metabolism
earth.sc.外延电子能量损耗精细结构extended electron energy loss fine structure
geol.外延电子能量耗损精细结构谱extended electron loss fine structure spectra
geol.外延能量损耗精细结构extended energy loss fine structure
tech.多耗能源型工业energy-type industry
tech.大量消耗能源的工程项目energy intensive project
sport., med.安静能量消耗resting energy expenditure
expl.岩石破碎比能耗破碎单位体积岩石所消耗的能量。用规定的方法来破碎不同岩石,所测得的破碎比能耗可用来衡量岩石的坚固性,其中凿碎比能可作为岩石可钻性指标,爆破 Im³矿岩所消耗的炸药量可作为岩石可爆性指标specific energy consumption for rock breakage
met.工序能耗manufacturing energy
tech.工艺耗能process energy consumption
el.已消耗能量expended energy
China, polit.2006 年单位国内生产总值能耗降低4%reduce energy consumption per unit of GDP in 2006 by 4 percent
tech.年热能消耗量annual heat consumption
met.废钢耗用能力scrap steel consumption ability
refrig.建筑能耗building energy consumption
ecol.径流能耗runoff energy consumption
ecol.径流能耗consumption of runoff energy
el.能耗total energy loss
met.能耗overall energy consumption
anim.husb.能耗gross energy consumption
el.总净耗能[电]量total net energy consumption
el.总毛耗能[电]量total gross energy consumption
earth.sc.总能量损耗total energy loss
sport., med.总能量消耗total energy expenditure
auto.发动机指示能耗indicated specific energy consumption
auto.指示功率能耗indicated specific energy consumption
plast.介电损耗能loss energy
tech.换能器耗散损失transducer dissipation loss
oil换能器耗散损耗transducer dissipation loss
space最大耗能轨道maximum energy orbit
ecol.最小耗能minimum energy dissipation
earth.sc.最小耗能率minimum energy dissipation rate
econ.最终能源消耗final energy consumption
sport., med.机械能消耗mechanical energy expenditure
railw.机车能耗locomotive energy consumption
railw.机车万吨公里能耗energy consumption per 10,000t-km of locomotive
railw.机车万吨公里能耗energy consumption per 10,000 t-km of locomotive
met.每吨钢能耗energy consumption per tonne of steel
sport., med.每日能量总消耗total daily energy expenditure
auto.能耗specific energy consumption
busin.比能量消耗specific energy consumption
tech.毛电能消耗量raw energy consumption
hydroel.st.水跃能量消耗energy dissipation in hydraulic jump
tech.水跃能量消耗energy loss in hydraulic jump
tech.能耗wave energy dissipation
tech.活性污泥法耗能量power consumption of activated sludge
auto.消耗于制动的能量stopping power
auto.消耗于制动的能量braking power
tech.消耗能energy loss
avia.消耗能源energy sink
archit.消耗能量dissipated energy
tech.消耗能量consumed energy
ecol.消耗臭氧潜能值ozone deplete potentials
met.混合能消耗mixing power input
el.潜在能耗potential energy consumption
met.点火能耗consumption of ignition energy
met.烧结工序能耗sintering process energy consumption
avia.热能损耗exergy loss
avia.热能损耗exergy destruction
nurs.热能消耗heat energy expenditure
eng.geol.热能消耗heat consumption
met.热能消耗consumption of heat energy (量)
tech.热能消耗thermal energy consumption
sport., med.热能消耗测定measure of energy
auto.热能消耗率specific heat consumption
expl.然而、这样的测量需要涵盖多种条件和炸药、且可能因耗费大、耗时多而受限制It might be argued that measurements of gas concentrations arising from real field conditions could provide an improved approach,however such programs would need to cover a wide range of conditions and explosives and could be prohibitively expensive and time-consuming
expl.牙轮钻机钻孔比能耗specific energy consumption by bore holes of the geared drill
econ.由于最近数周关量销售而使存货耗尽,他们目前不能供应你们所需的货As heavy sales in recent weeks have depleted their stocks, they cannot supply what you require at present
el.mach.能耗dissipation of electric energy
avia.电子能耗electron energy loss
earth.sc.电子损耗能谱学electron loss spectroscopy
earth.sc.电子能量损耗能谱学electron-energy loss spectroscopy
geophys.电子能量损耗能谱法electron-energy loss spectroscopy
earth.sc.电子能量损耗谱分析法electron energy loss spectroscopy
el.电子能量耗散electron energy dissipation
therm.energ.电能〔能量〕比耗specific energy consumption
tech.电能损耗electrical energy loss
el.电能损耗energy losses
el.mach.电能损耗dissipation of electric energy
hydroel.st.电能损耗energy loss
tech.电能损耗electric energy loss
tech.电能比耗specific energy consumption
met.电能消耗power supply consumption
phys.电能消耗power consumption
met.电能消耗electric power consumption
el.电能过度消耗excess demand energy
plast.磨耗性能wearing behaviour
nucl.phys.离子对形成平均消耗能mean energy expended per ion pair formed
oil.proc.离子损耗能谱法ionization loss spectroscopy
tech.空载能耗no-load power consumption
earth.sc.累积可能耗水量accumulated potential water loss
sport., med.细胞能量消耗cell energy consumption
tech.经常能耗regular energy consumption
avia.结冰防护系统能量消耗the power extraction associated with ice protection system operation
tech.综合能耗comprehensive energy consumption
ecol.综合能耗integrated energy consumption
space耐磨耗性能abrasion performance
tech.耗氧能力oxygen consuming capacity
sport., physiol.耗氧能量当量energy equivalent of oxygen consumption
met.耗用能量wasted energy
eng.geol.耗能dissipation of energy
refrig.耗能consumed energy
avia.耗能energy loss
tech.耗能energy intensive
met.耗能元件absorption cell
telecom.耗能元件dissipative element
tech.耗能元件dissipative cell
avia.耗能因子energy loss factor
tech.耗能型工业energy-type industry
expl.耗能大户energy consuming giant
el.耗能工作consumed work
expl.耗能开支energy expenditure
el.耗能流dissipative flow
earth.sc.耗能率rate of loss of energy
ecol.耗能的energy consuming
tech.耗能系统energy absorbing system
tech.耗能系统dissipative system
China, law耗能行业energy-consuming industry
wind.耗能装置energy dissipation device
ecol.耗能设备energy-dissipating device
ecol.耗能设备energy dissipater
telecom.耗能费energy charge
econ.耗能较少less energy-intensive
expl.耗能过程energy consuming process
life.sc.耗能运输energy-requiring transport
commer.耗能量energy consumption
earth.sc.耗能量rate of loss of energy
wind.电缆线耗能隔离子energy dissipation spacer
tech.耗能隧道效应dissipative tunnelling
tech.耗能隧道效应dissipative tunneling
met.量消consumed power
agric.能损耗loss of energy
life.sc.能效耗散energy dissipation
eng.geol.能源损耗waste of energy
econ.能源消耗energy consumption
environ.能源消耗energy consumption Amount of energy consumed by a person or an apparatus shown as a unit (人或者设备所消耗的单位能源。)
textile能源消耗expenditure of energy
ecol.能源消耗dissipation of energy
tech.能源消耗energy consumption (量)
refrig.能源消耗energy use
tech.能源消耗增长系数energy consumption growth coefficient
manag.能源消耗奖惩制reward and penalty system of energy consumption
busin.能源消耗定额quota control of energy consumption
manag.能源消耗定额管理quota control of energy consumption
commer.能源消耗总量total energy consumed
expl.能源消耗模式energy consumption pattern
tech.能源消耗管理management of energy consumption
econ.产品能源消耗量energy-output ratio
auto.能源消耗量标识energy consumption label
China, polit.能源消耗高、环境污染重excessive energy consumption and serious environmental pollution
tech.能源生产与消耗量energy production and consumption
environ.能源耗损energy dissipation Any loss of energy, generally by conversion into heat (能源的损耗,通常被转换成热能。)
agric.能的损耗loss in power
tech.能的消耗waste of energy
tech.能级耗尽energy level depletion
wind.能耗energy loss
oil能耗energy dissipation
wind.能耗energy consumption
auto.能耗consumption of energy
expl.能耗产品energy--using product
expl.能耗产品energy-consuming product
avia.能耗分析energy analysis
avia.能耗分析方法energy analysis technique
hydroel.st.能耗制动dynamic braking
tech.能耗制动dynamical braking
nautic., tech.能耗强度指标energy consumption intensity indication
met.能耗总量gross energy consumption
railw.能耗指标energy consumption index
space能耗散系数coefficient of energy dissipation
gen.能耗最小原则least energy principle
auto.能耗specific energy consumption
railw.能耗energy to consumption ratio
refrig.能耗特性energy performance
expl.能耗装置energy-consuming appliances
expl.能耗装置energy--using appliances
refrig.能耗费用energy cost
tech.能耗降低率decreasing rate of energy source consumption
el.能达到的燃耗【核】obtainable burn up
archit.能量电能消耗energy consumption
avia.能量功耗power consumption
met.能量单位消耗unit energy consumption
tech.能量损耗energy waste
tech.能量损耗expenditure of energy
med.能量损耗energy depletion
met.能量损耗power waste
met.能量损耗waste of energy
space能量损耗energy loss
tech.能量损耗energy dissipation
multimed.能量损耗energy consumption
earth.sc.能量损耗光谱学energy loss spectroscopy
earth.sc.能量损耗分光镜energy loss spectroscope
space能量损耗比rate of energy loss
tech.能量损耗率specific energy loss
tech.能量损耗率rate of energy loss
wind.能量损耗系数figure of loss
geophys.能量损耗能谱学energy loss spectroscopy
avia.能量损耗谱energy loss spectroscopy
tech.能量比耗specific energy consumption
tech.能量消耗consumption of energy power
tech.能量消耗energy expenditures
sport.能量消耗energy cost
auto.能量消耗耗散dissipation of energy
auto.能量消耗energy consumption
auto.能量消耗energy use
sport., med.能量消耗expenditure of energy
chem.能量消耗waster of energy
ecol.能量消耗energy dissipation
met.能量消耗consumption of energy
met.能量消耗consumption of power
heavy.eq.能量消耗wastage of energy
hydroel.st.能量消耗energy consumption
space能量消耗energy expenditure
met.能量消耗dissipation of energy
tech.能量消耗waste of energy
avia.能量消耗power consumption
tech.能量消耗率rate of energy expenditures
sport., med.能量消耗率energy expenditure rate
auto.能量消耗率specific energy consumption
tech.能量消耗率rate of energy consumption
avia.能量消耗率specific energy consumption
tech.能量消耗监控energy management
auto.能量消耗税energy consumption tax
el.能量消耗约束energy consumption constraint
tech.能量消耗能力character of energy damping
el.能量耗损energy dissipation
space能量耗散energy dissipation
bridg.constr.能量耗散dissipation of energy
avia.能量耗散energy sink
el.能量耗散函数energy dissipation function
space能量耗散定额power dissipation rating
tech.能量耗散部件energy-dissipating element
med.能量耗竭energy exhaustion
busin.能量耗费expenditure of energy
el.臭氧层微耗潜能值ozone-depletion potential
tech.臭氧层消耗潜能量ozone layer depleting potential
tech.臭氧消耗潜能值ozone-destroying potential
tech.臭氧消耗潜能值ozone-depleting potential
tech.臭氧消耗潜能值ozone-depletion potential
ecol.臭氧消耗潜能值ozone depleting potential
UN, clim.臭氧消耗潜能指数ozone depleting potential index
China, polit.节能降耗save energy and materials
China, polit.节能降耗save energy and decrease consumption of materials
met.节能降耗energy conservation and decrease in material consumption
met.节能降耗energy saving and consumption reducing
China, polit.节能降耗decrease energy consumption
China, polit.节能降耗conserve energy
earth.sc.表面外延能量损耗精细结构surface extended energy loss fine structure
geophys.表面扩散能量损耗精细结构surface extended energy loss fine structure
railw.视在单位能耗specific apparent energy consumption
refrig.设计能耗费用design energy cost
auto.车辆可能达到的油耗率潜在的比油耗potential vehicle specific fuel consumption
auto.车辆能源消耗vehicle energy consumption
auto.车辆能量消耗耗油energy consumption of the vehicle
tech.进口能量消耗inlet energy dissipation
tech.道岔阻力能高损耗switch resistance loss
expl.量化已降低的所需能耗quantification of the decrease of energy requirements
gen.阳极 〔板极〕耗散热能radiant heat of anode
econ.零能源消耗zero energy waste
sport., med.静态能量消耗resting energy expenditure
surg.静息能量消耗rest energy expenditure
sport., med.静息能量消耗量resting energy expenditure
med.静止能量消耗resting energy expenditure
oil频率相关能量损耗frequency-dependent energy loss
tech.额定能耗scheduled energy
refrig.额定能耗rated energy consumption
ecol.能耗high energy consumption
geol.高分辨电子能耗能谱法high-resolution electron energy loss spectroscopy
geol.高分辨率能耗频谱学high-resolution energy loss spectroscopy
earth.sc.高分辨率电子能量损耗谱学high-resolution electron energy loss spectroscopy
auto.高耗能high consumption
China, law高耗能consume excessive quantities of energy
tech.高耗能企业high energy-consuming enterprises
China, polit.高耗能、高污染产品products whose manufacture is highly energy consuming or highly polluting
China, polit.高耗能、高污染企业enterprises that consume large quantities of energy or cause serious pollution
ecol.高臭氧消耗潜能值high ozone-depletion potential
avia.黏滞的能量耗散viscous energy dissipation