
Terms for subject Technology containing 背 书 | all forms | in specified order only
不受限背书unqualified endorsement
不可转让的背书票据non-negotiable endorsement
不规则背书irregular endorser
不记名背书general endorsement
不记名背书blank indorsement
保险单背书endorsement of policy
保险单上受益人背书beneficiary endorsement
免除偿还的背书endorsement without recourse
免除责任背书endorsement without recourse
单据的背书endorsement of bill
双重背书double endorsement
背书支票endorsable cheque
在票据上背书backing a bill
委托背书power of attorney endorsement
委托取款背书endorsement for collection
完全背书endorsement in full
完整背书full endorsement
完整背书endorsement in full
已装船背书on-board endorsement
已装船背书提单on-board endorsement bill of lading
指定式背书endorsement to order
提前背书antecedent party
提单背书申请书application for bill of lading endorsement
无记名式背书endorsement in blank
无追索权背书endorsement without recourse
未经背书支票unindorsed check
条件背书conditional endorsement
特别背书full endorsement
空白背书汇票bill endorsed in bank
索偿的背书indorsement of claim
联合背书joint endorsement
背书letter of endorsement
背书或有负债contingent liability from endorsement
背书担保guaranteed by indorsement
背书条款endorse clause
背书汇兑条款exchange as per endorsement
背书的应付票据账户endorsed notes payable a-c
背书票据转让他人endorse over a bill to another one
背书证实endorsement confirmed
草签背书initial endorsement
背书the insured
详细背书endorsement in full
请询背书refer to endorser
送达的背书indorsement of service
通融背书accommodation endorsement
通融背书accommodation endorser
通融资金背书endorser for accommodation
银行背书bank stamp
附条件的背书qualified endorsement
附条件的背书conditional indorsement
限制性背书qualified endorsement
限制资格的背书qualified endorsement
限定背书restricted endorsement
限定背书qualified endorsement
非正规背书irregular indorsement
非正规背书irregular endorsement