
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing | all forms
bulging wall
坯壳鼓shell bulging
最大鼓量判据maximum bulging criterion
板坯宽面鼓broad face bulging of slab (【技】连铸中的板坯宽面因坯壳过薄、温度过高、中心钢水静压力过大,或连铸机未装备密排多节辊等原因所造成的板坯宽面向上凸起。降低铸机高度、采用密排多节辊、加大二冷强度、改善辊子对中精度均是防止板坯宽面鼓肚的有效措施。)
板坯窄面鼓slab narrow face bulging (【技】由于结晶器窄面锥度过小、板坯窄面与结晶器壁接触不良、钢水静压力过大所造成的板坯窄面凸起。根据板坯收缩量合理确定结晶器锥度、增加冷却强度、及时更换磨损严重的结晶器,是预防板坯窄面鼓肚的有效措施。)
板坯鼓slab bulging
板坯鼓bulging of slab
窄面严重鼓excessive narrow face bulging
窄面偏离角位置鼓narrow face bulging in off-corner position
窄面鼓bulging on narrow face (连铸坯的)
窄面鼓narrow face bulging (连铸坯的)
蠕变引起的鼓creep-induced bulging
辊间鼓interroll bulging
连铸坯鼓strand bulging
连铸板坯窄面鼓narrow face bulging of continuously cast slab
铸坯壳鼓strand shell bulging
铸坯鼓bulging of strand (Centre-line segregation can be reduced by decreasing the casting temperature, avoiding the bulging of the strand in the final solidification area, electromagnetic stirring, the thermal or mechanical soft reduction. 通过降低浇注温度、避免铸坯终凝区鼓肚、电磁搅拌以及热或机械轻压下,可以减轻铸坯中心线偏析。)
位移量bulging displacement
位置bulging position
判据bulging criterion
bulging force
变形率bulging deformation rate
尺寸bulging size
尺寸bulging value
尺寸bulging dimension
成形bulge forming
敏感钢种bulging sensitive steel grade
bulging energy
计算值calculated bulging value
计算值calculated bulging amount
amount of bulging (The amount of bulging depends on the temperature and strength of the shell at mold exit. 鼓肚量取决于结晶器出口处铸坯壳的温度和强度。)