
Terms for subject Business containing 职 业 | all forms | in specified order only
专门职业learned profession
专门人员以上职业类别professional category and above
业务职能基础base of business function
主要职业chief groups of occupation
产业关系职能industrial relation function
企业职工代表大会congress of workers and staff in enterprise
企业职工代表大会congress of workers and staff in business
企业职能部门business functional department
会计职业道德accounting ethics
会计工作职业准则professional standards in accounting
加速职业培训accelerated vocational training
及早灌输职业知识earlier introduction to vocational information
合法职业legal occupation
合法职业权利legal professional privilege
商业职业培训business education
商业企业基本职能basic functions of business enterprises
坐着工作的职业sedentary occupation
季节性职业seasonal occupation
审计工作职业准则professional standards in auditing
就业文职人员civilian employment
工业职业industrial disease
工业企业基本职能basic functions of industrial enterprises
工业职工人寿保险industrial life insurance
常换职业job hopper
开始新职业enter upon a new career
律师职业责任保险lawyer's professional liability insurance
找到职业hire on
职业job hopping
无固定职业rolling stone
职业人口occupied population
职业occupied person
职业job holder
有报酬职业人口gainful occupied population
有报酬的职业人口gainfully occupied population
有薪职业wage-related occupation
有薪职业salaried employment
服务性职业service occupation
未参加职业活动的人non-active person
某一行职业的报酬emission of a profession
监督性职业supervisory responsibility
社会中有职业的那部分人active and employed sector of society
第二职业secondary occupation
管理人员职业介绍所body shop
职业walk of life
职业不稳定instability of employment
职业与就业处所的选择choice of occupation and place of employment
职业与行业分类classification of professions and trades
职业中毒防护protection against occupational poisoning
职业介绍所personnel agency
职业介绍所employment service
职业介绍所job office
职业介绍所job centre
职业介绍所经营者employment agent
职业会计师协会professional accountant association
职业保险employment insurance
职业保障employment security
职业信息occupational information
职业信用联合occupational credit union
职业偏好occupation preference
APU 职业兴趣指导APU occupational interest guide
职业再训练job retraining
职业分类job classification
职业划分division of occupation
职业发展规划career development program
职业发展计划career development plan
职业变更occupational change
职业培训technical training
职业培训career training
职业培训团job corps
职业培训班vocational training course
职业女工career woman
职业女工career girl
职业妇女office lady
职业妇女Business Girl
职业学校training school
职业学校trade school
职业安全办公室employment security office
职业审计亦professional auditor
职业工业开发者professional industrial developer
职业工会occupational union
职业工伤立法employment injury legislation
职业工资差别occupational wage difference
职业市场的员工"供给"job market personnel "supply"
职业应有注意due professional care
职业开发训练career development training
职业心理学家occupational psychologist
职业性代表functional representation
职业性分析occupational analysis
职业性危害occupational hazard
职业意识job consciousness
职业技术学校vocational-technical school
职业技能教育vocational technical education
职业抚恤金occupational pension
职业指数occupational index
职业教育on-the-job training
职业本领vocational stock-in-trade
职业水平开发employee development
职业流动性career mobility
职业申请job application
职业申请application of job
职业trade disease
职业知识job knowledge
职业社团影响influence of professional societies
职业租赁occupational lease
职业稳定性occupational immobility
职业竞争论job competition theory
职业管理者professional management
职业类别professional category
职业经历employment experience
职业结构employment structure
职业结构structure of occupation
职业结构career structure
职业统计employment statistics
职业job cluster
职业计划career plan
职业训练professional training
职业训练industrial training
职业训练预备学校prevocational school
职业调查occupation census
职业调查employment survey
职业责任professional liability
职业费分项收费标准itemized scale of professional charges
职业资历occupational seniority
职业选择途径job search channels
职业道德守则code of professional ethics
职业道德标准professional ethical standard
职业金字塔occupational pyramid
职业阶段career stage
职业雇员professional employee
职员参股型企业内部股份制internal shareholding system within enterprises with employee participation
职能专业化functional specialization
自由职业liberal profession
自由职业free lance
自营职业self-employed person
自谋职业seek self-employment
课堂教育与职业训练相结合的教育方法distribution education
课堂讲授与职业培训相结合的教育方法distribution education
职业apply for employment
谋求职业或工作apply for a position or job
连续职业活动continuous vocational experience
速成职业训练accelerated vocational training
职业会计师non-professional accountant
职业审计师non-professional auditor
职业管理人员non-professional management