
Terms for subject Technology containing 耐火 | all forms | in specified order only
一般耐火建筑protected ordinary construction
三元混合耐火材料miscellaneous ternary refractory
三水铝耐火材料gibbsite refractory
耐火隔断partition non-rated
不定型耐火材料bulk refractory
不定型耐火材料amorphous refractory
不定形耐火材料unshaped refractory
不定形耐火材料amorphous refractory
不成型的耐火制品unshaped refractory product
不烧耐火材料unburned refractory
不烧半稳定性白云石耐火材料unfired semi-stable dolomite refractory
不纯硅质耐火黏土post clay
堇青石一莫来石耐火材料cordierite-mullite refractory
复合耐火材料composite refractory
封闭式耐火救生艇closed fire-proof lifeboat
最低耐火花电压minimal sparking voltage resistance
有吊顶的耐火楼板fire-proof floor with suspended ceiling
有机物结合耐火材料organic bonded refractory
标准型耐火standard size brick
标准黏土耐火standard fireclay brick
标准黏土耐火standard chamotte brick
耐火refractory proof
耐火withstand fire
耐火fire-resisting (的)
耐火中间楼面fire-proof intermediate floor
耐火保护层fireproofing protection
耐火保护层refractory protection
耐火保温砖insulating fire brick
耐火分级fire rate
耐火切割系统hot face cutting system
耐火制品refractory composition
耐火制品外观缺陷apparent defect of refractory product
耐火fire-resistant chemical
耐火flameproofing agent
耐火fire-proofing chemical
耐火包装fire-resisting casing
耐火化合物refractory compound
耐火化学材料fire-resistant chemical
耐火卷帘门fire-resisting shutter
耐火卷帘门fire-resistant shutter
耐火原料refractory raw material
耐火原料分级classification of refractory raw material
耐火合金refractory alloy
耐火吊顶fire-resistive suspended ceiling
耐火喷嘴fireclay nozzle
耐火喷射料gunning refractory
耐火喷涂材料refractory gunning material
耐火器材refractory ware
耐火器皿flame ware
耐火refractory clay
耐火stove clay
耐火fire clay
耐火土熟料burned fireclay
耐火土盘fireclay disk
耐火圬工refractory masonry
耐火地板King floor (其中的一种)
耐火地板smith floor
耐火地板fire-resisting floor
耐火地板墙fire-resisting floor wall
耐火地面fire-resistive flooring
耐火地面fire-resisting floor
耐火坩埚fireclay crucible
耐火型电缆refractory cable
耐火refractory block
耐火垫板refractory support
耐火塑料refractory plastics
耐火塑料plastic refractory
耐火塑料flame-resistant plastic
耐火塑料fire-resisting plastics
耐火refractory stopper
耐火填料fire-resistant packing
耐火填料fire-resistant filling
耐火填缝灰泥jointing refractory cement
耐火填缝灰浆jointing refractory cement
耐火fire-resistive wall
耐火fire-resisting wall
耐火fire-proof wall
耐火refractory wall
耐火flame shield
耐火flameproofing wall
耐火fire-cutting partition
耐火墙板fire-resistant wall board
耐火处理fire-retardant treatment
耐火处理incombustible transaction
耐火处理fire-proof treatment
耐火天花板fire-resisting roof
耐火天花板fire-resisting ceiling
耐火夹芯板labelled panel
耐火夹芯板labeled panel
耐火fire-resisting casing
耐火完整性fire integrity
耐火flame-retardant coating
耐火屋顶fire-resisting roof
耐火屋顶fire-resistant roof
耐火屏蔽fire-resistant shield
耐火refractory rock
耐火岩类refractory rocks
耐火工业材料refractory industry
耐火席子fire-proof mat
耐火底环refractory bottom ring
耐火pyrometric cone equivalent
耐火degree of fireproof
耐火度测温锥当量值pyrometric cone equivalent
耐火度锥Seger cone
耐火度锥ger cone
耐火度阻燃性flame resistance
耐火强度fired strength (混凝土燃烧后的抗压、挠曲强度)
耐火心板fire core
耐火flame resistance
耐火resistance to fire
耐火fire durability
耐火性分级fire-resistance grading
耐火性分级fire-resistance classification
耐火性能fire resistance efficiency
耐火性能fire-resisting property
耐火性能fire-protecting performance
耐火性能试验fire resistance test
耐火性试验fire-resistance test
耐火性试验fire resistance test
耐火性试验fire-proof resistance test
耐火悬件fire-proofing hanging (指帘帷等)
耐火房屋fire-proof building
耐火搪衬料refractory lining mixture
耐火支架incombustible lining
耐火效果fire action
耐火救生带fire-proof life-belt
耐火救生绳fire-proof life-line
耐火救生艇fire-proof lifeboat
耐火refractory matter
耐火fire-resistance period
耐火木材fire-resisting timber
耐火木材fire-resisting wood
耐火木材fire-proof wood
耐火木材fire-proof timber
耐火木框架建筑protected wood frame construction
耐火木结构mill construction
耐火木结构heavy timber
耐火机壳fire-resistant housing
耐火fire-proofing wood
耐火fire-proofed wood
耐火材料silicon liner
耐火材料fireproofing materials
耐火材料fire resisting materials.refractory materials
耐火材料refractory materials
耐火材料incombustible material
耐火材料fire-proofing material
耐火材料fire-resistant material
耐火材料fire-resistive material
耐火材料flameproof material
耐火材料fire safe material
耐火材料fire-resisting material
耐火材料上加衬lining over refractory
耐火材料伸缩缝refractory expansion joint
耐火材料侵蚀refractory corrosion
耐火材料制件refractory product
耐火材料制品间clay room
耐火材料剥落spalling of refractory materials
耐火材料剥落shelling of refractory
耐火材料喷管refractory nozzle
耐火材料坩埚refractory crucible
耐火材料壳型refractory shell mould
耐火材料壳型refractory shell mold
耐火材料工艺refractory technology
耐火材料底板thimble bat (窑具)
耐火材料散裂spalling of refractory
耐火材料焙烧firing of refractories
耐火材料熔渣slagging of refractory
耐火材料的侵蚀现象erosion of refractory
耐火材料的内衬导管flare bed
耐火材料矿产refractory raw material commodities
耐火材料结石refractory stone
耐火材料衬里refractory liner
耐火材料衬里的refractory lined
耐火材料衬里的铜炉体refractory-lined copper bowl
耐火材料车间refractory shop
耐火材料锚固件refractory anchor
耐火材料锻膨胀burning expansion
耐火材料黏结剂fire bond
耐火refractory slab
耐火极限fire-resistance duration
耐火极限时间标准曲线standard fire radiation-time curve
耐火极限计算fire endurance calculation
耐火构件fire-retardant unit
耐火构件fire-retarding unit
耐火构件fire-retarding component
耐火构件fire-retardant member
耐火构件fire-resistant member
耐火构造incombustible construction
耐火构造mill construction
耐火构造fire-resistive construction
耐火构造fire-resisting construction
耐火构造fire resisting construction
耐火构造fire protection construction
耐火构造fire-proof construction
耐火fire protecting trees
耐火fire-resisting beam
耐火楼板fire-proof slab floor
耐火楼板fire-resisting floor
耐火楼板fire-resistive floor
耐火楼板fire-proof floor
耐火楼梯fire-resisting stair
耐火楼梯fire-resisting staircase
耐火楼梯fire-resistant stair (case)
耐火楼梯fire-proof staircase
耐火楼梯fire-proof stair
耐火楼面fire-resistant floor
耐火模板fire-rated form (work)
耐火模板fire-rated form board
耐火氧化物坩埚refractory oxide crucible
耐火氧化皮fire scale
耐火水泥fire-proofing cement
耐火水泥fire-resisting cement
耐火水泥fire-proof cement
耐火水泥fire-coat cement
耐火水泥熔融水泥料refractory fused cement
耐火汽油桶fire-proof petrol tank
耐火油漆fire-resisting paint
耐火油漆fire-resistant paint
耐火油漆fire resisting paint
耐火油漆fire-proofing paint
耐火油漆涂料fire-resisting finish
耐火refractory mix
耐火refractory clay
耐火fire clay
耐火castable refractory
耐火浆料plastic refractory
耐火浇注料refractory casting
耐火浇注料refractory castable
耐火浇注料castable refractory
耐火浇灌料refractory castable
耐火浇灌料refractory casting
耐火浇灌料castable refractory
耐火涂层fire-proofing plaster
耐火涂层fire-retardant coating
耐火涂层refractory coating
耐火涂抹refractory wash (材料)
耐火涂料fire resisting paint
耐火涂料fire-proofing paint
耐火涂料refractory paint
耐火涂料fire-retardant paint
耐火涂料fire-resisting dope
耐火涂料refractory coating
耐火涂料refractory dress
耐火涂料refractory dressing
耐火涂料fire-proof paint
耐火涂料涂层fire-proof paint coating
耐火涂料涂层fire-proof paint coat
耐火润滑油fire-resistant grease
耐火润滑油fire-proof grease
耐火润滑脂fire-resistant grease
耐火液体涂层材料fire-retarding liquid coating material
耐火液压油fire-resistant hydraulic liquid
耐火fire-resisting paint
耐火fire-proof paint
耐火fire-resistant paint
耐火fire-retardant paint
耐火fire-retarding paint
耐火flameproof paint
耐火non-flammable paint
耐火fire-coat paint
耐火灰浆fire-proofing plaster
耐火灰浆fi re-retardant mixed plaster
耐火灰浆refractory mortar
耐火粘上灰浆refractory clay mortar
耐火灰浆fire-retarding mixed plaster
耐火灰浆fireclay mortar
耐火refractory-lined oven
耐火refractory furnace
耐火炉衬混合料refractory lining mixture
耐火焊条annealing welds
耐火焰侵蚀性resistance to flame erosion
耐火熟料grog refractory
耐火refractory body
耐火特性fire-resistant property
耐火refractory value
耐火fire rating
耐火refractory quotient
耐火fire endurance rating
耐火玻璃hard borosilicate glass
耐火玻璃flame-resistant glass
耐火玻璃fire-resisting glazing (窗)
耐火玻璃fire-retarding glazing
耐火玻璃fire-resisting glass
耐火玻璃纤维refractory glass fiber
耐火用橄榄岩refractory peridotite
耐火电缆flame-resistant cable
耐火电缆fire-resisting cable
耐火电缆fire-resistant cable
耐火电缆电线fire-proof cable and wire
耐火百叶窗fire-resisting shutter
耐火百叶窗fire shutter
耐火百叶窗fire-resistant shutter
耐火的档案室fire-resistive file room
耐火的浸渍化合物methylol urea
耐火的补炉料refractory patching mixture
耐火的铁矿石refractory iron ore
耐火fire-resisting casing
耐火盖层fire-proof lining
耐火盖布flame-resistant tarpaulin
耐火fireproof sand
耐火refractory sand
耐火砂浆fire mortar
耐火砂浆fire-proofing mortar
耐火砂浆fire-coat mortar
耐火砂浆fire-resistance mortar
耐火砂浆fire-proof mortar
耐火砂浆fireclay mortar
耐火砌块refractory block
耐火砌块fire block
耐火fire-proof brick
耐火fire-proofing tile (瓦)
耐火熟料grog brick
耐火grog refractory
耐火hard stock brick
耐火neutral brick
耐火firing brick
耐火黏土fireclay brick
耐火fireclay refractory material
耐火chamot brick
耐火brick fireproofing
耐火砖内衬烟囱firebrick lined chimney
耐火砖和炉衬fire bricks and furnace linings
耐火砖坯fire batt
耐火砖坯fire bat
耐火砖拱flue bridge
耐火砖拱firebrick arch
耐火砖挡圈refractory dam ring
耐火砖散裂试验spalling test of fireclay brick
耐火砖结构firebrick structure
耐火砖绝缘clay brick insulation
耐火砖衬firebrick lining
耐火砖衬砌firebrick lined
耐火砖衬里lining of fire brick
耐火砖衬里firebrick lining
耐火砖载体firebrick support
耐火砖集料firebrick aggregate
耐火砖骨料firebrick aggregate
耐火硅质岩fire stone
耐火硬金属refractory hard metal
耐火空心球制品refractory bubble product
耐火空心砖refractory hollow brick
耐火空心砖refractory "bubble"
耐火窑衬refractory lining of kiln
耐火lock light
耐火竖井fire-resisting shaft
耐火等级fire-resistance class
结构件的耐火等级fire-resistance grading
耐火等级fire-resistant rating
耐火等级fire-resistive rating (测定)
耐火等级fire-retardant rating (测定)
耐火等级degree of fireproof
耐火等级fire grading
耐火等级fire-protection rating
耐火等级fire endurance rating
耐火等级墙rated wall
耐火等级期限fire-resistance grading period
耐火等级试验flame spread classification test (建筑材料)
耐火等级试验fire rating test
耐火等级隔墙rated partition
耐火refractory tube
耐火管材flue lining
耐火管道fire-resisting trunking
耐火管道fire-resisting duct
耐火fire-resisting casing
耐火类型fire-resistive type
耐火粉料refractory powder
耐火粉料powdered refractory
耐火粘合剂fire-proofing adhesives
耐火粘土fire clay
耐火粘土chamotte refractory
耐火粘土砖chamotte brick
耐火纤维制品refractory fiber product
耐火纤维增强塑料refractory fibre reinforced plastic
耐火纤维湿毡moist felt
耐火incombustible paper
耐火纸面石膏板fire-resistance gypsum plaster board
耐火线fire wire
耐火织物flame-resistant fabric
耐火结构fire-resistant structure
耐火结构fire-resisting structure
耐火结构fire-proof structure
耐火结构fire-resistant construction
耐火结构fire-retardant construction
耐火结构incombustible construction
耐火结构fireproof construction
耐火结构fire resisting construction
耐火结构fire-proof construction
耐火结构材料refractory structural material
耐火结构材料fire-proof constructional material
耐火结构材料fire-proof construction material
耐火绝热混凝土refractory insulating concrete
耐火绝缘体refractory thermal insulator
耐火绝缘体refractory insulator
耐火绝缘导线fire-resistant wire
耐火绝缘线slow-burning wire
耐火fire-resisting casing
耐火罩面fire-retardant coating
耐火罩面fire-resistive coating
耐火聚酯树脂flame-resistant polyester resin
耐火舱壁fire-resisting bulkhead
耐火舱壁fire-proof bulkhead
耐火花电压sparking voltage resistance
耐火薄膜结构non-combustible membrane structure
耐火衬垫silicon liner
耐火衬套refractory lining
耐火衬套fire-proof casing
耐火衬砌refractory lining
耐火覆盖层fireproofing protection
耐火试验fire test
耐火试验fire-resistance test
耐火试验fire experiment
耐火运输带fire-resistant belt
耐火运输带fire-resistant belting
耐火运输带fire-resistance belting
耐火运输带fire-resistance belt
耐火通道口protected opening
耐火fire-resisting glazing
耐火铝水泥refractory alumina cement
耐火隔块printer's bit
耐火隔塩fire-proof wall
耐火隔墙fire-resisting partition
耐火隔墙fire partition
耐火隔壁fire-proof bulkhead
耐火隔板fire-resistant shield
耐火隔板fire-rated partition
耐火隔热混凝土refractory insulating concrete
耐火隔热砖insulating firebrick
耐火隔离片printer's bit (彩烧装窑用)
耐火集料refractory aggregate
耐火集料fire-proof aggregate
耐火露天楼面fire-proof uncovered floor
耐火面层refractory coat
耐火面层fire-proofing coat
耐火顶层楼面fire-proof roof floor
耐火顶板fire-resistive ceiling
耐火顶板fire-resisting ceiling
耐火顶棚fire-resistive ceiling
耐火顶棚fire-resisting ceiling
耐火风门fire-resisting damper
耐火风门fire damper
耐火饰面fire-retardant finish
耐火饰面fire-resisting finish
耐火骨料refractory aggregate
耐火骨料fire-proof aggregate
耐火高铝水泥refractory alumina cement
耐火黏合剂fire-proofing adhesive
耐火黏土seggar clay
耐火黏土chamotte (熟料)
耐火黏土chamot (熟料)
耐火黏土卫生器fireclay sanitary ware
耐火黏土模fireclay mould
耐火黏土模fireclay mold
耐火黏土熟料fireclay smog
耐火黏土熟料fireclay chamotte
耐火黏土矿床fireclay deposit
耐火黏土矿材fireclay mineral
耐火黏土矿物fireclay mineral
耐火黏土矿石refractory clay ore
耐火黏土砂浆grog fireclay mortar
耐火黏土衬里fireclay lining
耐火黏土陶瓷chamotte ceramics
耐火黏土陶瓷chamot ceramics
耐火黏士砌块refractory fireclay block
锆刚玉耐火材料zircon-corundum refractory
锆石耐火水泥zircon cement
锆英石耐火材料zircon refractory
锆镁耐火水泥zircon cement
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