
Terms for subject Environment containing 群体 | all forms | in specified order only
弱势群体underprivileged people A segment of the population that does not have access to the rights or benefits granted to the rest of society, often because of low economic or social status (往往是因为经济或社会地位低而无法获得社会其它人所拥有的权利或利益的一部分人群。)
植物群体plant population The number of plants in an area (植物的数量。)
目标群体target group A collection of people selected and approached by some entity for a variety of purposes, including assistance, recruitment, information dissemination, marketing and research (为一些各种目的实体而挑选和接触的一些人,包括援助、招聘、信息传播、营销和研究实体接触。)
群体行为group behaviour An observable pattern of activity displayed by persons in and as an aggregate (一个群体内的多人或一整个群体所展现出来的行为模式。)