
Terms for subject Business containing 群体 | all forms | in specified order only
人群总体human population
伯努利群体Bernoulli population
伯努利群体方差variance of Bernoulli population
协商性群体counteracting group
友好群体friendship group
可同时独立活动的群体co-acting group
同质社会群体homogeneous social group
群体small group
市场目标群体market target group
建立稳定的群体行为establish stable group behavior
整体机群overall group
新事业开发群体new venture group
旅游群体tourism group
无领导群体leaderless group
有限群体finite universe
有限群体finite mass
正多面体群group of regular polyhedrons
正规群体formal groups
生产群体production group
相互依存的群体interacting group
群体作业测时技术group timing techniques
群体关系group relation
群体力量group effort
群体动力学group dynamics
群体包装family resemblance
群体危险group risk
群体历程group process
群体压力group pressure
群体参与管理group participation
群体参数population parameter
群体参数parameter of population
群体发展group development
群体奖励制group incentive system
群体奖励法group incentive plan
群体平均值mean of population
群体平衡group equilibrium
群体影响group influence
群体心理状态herd complex
群体忠诚group loyalty
群体意识group consciousness
群体效应分析group effect analysis
群体效应分解group effect decomposition
群体效率group efficiency
群体文化mass culture
群体方差variance of population
群体智能结构intellectual group structure
群体核算accounting by the mass
群体气氛group atmosphere
群体激励group incentive
群体激励基础group incentive basis
群体激励法group incentive method
群体牌子family brands
群体牌子指一企业所产各种产品均用同一牌子,如雀巢咖啡、雀巢奶粉等family brand
群体特性group properties
群体理论group theory
群体目标group goal
群体相互作用group interaction
群体管理mass management
群体管理group management
群体精神group morale
群体组织mass organization
群体行为分析group behaviour analysis
群体行为分析group behavior analysis
群体行为研究group behavior study
群体行为研究group behaviour study
群体行为研究group behaviour approach
群体行为研究group behavior approach
群体访问group interview
群体评价group evaluation
群体领袖group leader
贝奴里群体平均数mean of Bernoulli population