
Terms for subject Commerce containing | all forms
产品product defect
你方八月二十日函收到,但少所提及的附件Your letter dated August 20 has come to hand, but the enclosure mentioned is wanting
你方询购货物暂时告The goods you are enquiring for are temporarily out of stock
供应短in short supply
保险商拒绝承担货物内在underwriters decline to insure against inherent vice
关键critical defect
内容shortage of contents
可接受陷标准acceptable defect level
商品的imperfection of commodities
乏燃料许多小工厂关闭了Many small plants closed down for lack of fuel
货而致的高价famine prices
国内短domestic shortage
少技术资料的情况下in the absence of technical data
在审理时absence from hearings
市场imperfection of market
库存短inventory shortage
我方将在下次装运中补足少数量We'll make the deficiency in quantity in the next shipment
所交付单据有The documents tendered are defective
承运人货物损证明书carrier's statement
陷计划zero defect project
陷包装defective package
陷工艺defective workmanship
陷样品defective sample
陷的市场imperfect market
流动资金紧be pressed for liquid funds
现金短run out of cash
由于货,我方暂不能给你方报盘Owing to short supply, we cannot make you an offer for the time being
寸头tight position
乏信息absence of information
乏可靠性的报告a report lacking in credibility
勤人工日数man-days in absence
not in stock
少现金be short of cash
少量deficient account
席判决judgement by default
席方defaulting party
亦缩为 shtgshortage
陷数目number of defects
若买方发现所供货物有陷,则索赔时效从货物交付买方之日起计算When the buyer find a defect in the goods supplied, the limitation period starts from the date when the goods are handed over to him
货源渐趋短Supplies are running short
质量defect in quality
资金口的弥补coverage of resource gaps
资金口程度extent of the resource gap (项目建设)
资金短scarcity of funds