
Terms containing 缴款 | all forms | in specified order only
textile一次性特别缴款special contribution
tech.下级欠缴运输进款transport revenue receivable from subordinate unit
tech.不能扣除的捐献缴款non-deductible contributions
corp.gov.主要缴款major contributor
fin.从源扣缴税款withholding at source
commer.从源扣缴税款tax deducted at source
econ.代扣代缴税款withhold the taxes
fin.代缴税款情况withholding and tax payment affairs
proj.manag.以缴存的款项代替担保契据deposit in lieu of bond
IMF.估算的社会缴款imputed social contributions
IMF.估算的雇主社会缴款employers' imputed social contributions
interntl.trade.保障赔偿协会第一期缴款initial call
busin.缴款通知notice of a call
busin.缴款项通知单cum call
econ.催缴付款ask for payment
securit.催缴存款deposit at call
busin.催缴延付欠款calls in arrears
busin.催缴延付欠款call in arrears
fin.催缴延付股款欠款calls in arrears
fin.催缴延付股款欠款call in arrears
busin.催缴欠款call for arrears
fin.催缴股款call up share capital
econ.催缴股款call (通知书)
interntl.trade.催缴股款簿call book
securit.催缴股款账册call book
interntl.trade.催缴股款通知notice of call
fin.催缴股款通知书notice of call
busin.全部缴款股份fully paid stock
busin.全部缴款股份fully paid share
busin.全部缴付股款的股票fully paid stock
busin.全部认缴股本付款payment of all subscriptions
econ.全部认缴股本的付款payment of all subscriptions
securit.全额缴纳股款pay in full for share
tech.养老金缴款pension contributions
fin.养老金固定缴款计划defined contribution plan
tech.养老金的固定缴款计划defined pension plan
tech.养老金的固定缴款计划defined contribution plan
commer.凡须对样品缴纳关税时,如该样品在规定的时间——6到12个月内一一再运出口,税款予以退还e.g. six or twelve months
commer.凡须对样品缴纳关税时,如该样品在规定的时间——6到12个月内一一再运出口,税款予以退还Where the duty on samples has to be paid, a refund is allowed when the samples are reexported within a stated time
tech.分期缴款认股登记簿subscription instalment
fin.分期缴款证券installment certificate
busin.分期缴付股款簿subscription instalment book
interntl.trade.分期缴股款簿subscription installment book
econ.分期认缴股款subscription instalment
fin.分期认缴股款簿subscription installment book
fin.分期认缴股款簿指公司债款subscription instalment book
proj.manag.到期应缴税款tax due
Hong.Kong.即日差额缴款报告Intra-day Marks Collection Report (中央结算系统 (CCASS)发布的报告)
busin.参与人缴款contribution by participants
busin.可收回的认缴款callable subscription
econ.合作者缴款collaborator's contribution
interntl.trade.吨税缴款tonnage dues memo
tech.吨税缴款tonnage dues memo
busin.商人缴纳罚款fines collected from merchants
IMF.养老金固定缴款的计划defined contribution plan
IMF.养老金固定缴款的计划money purchase plan
IMF.养老金固定缴款的计划defined contribution retirement scheme
fin.国营企业缴款payments from state-owned enterprises
fin.国营企业缴款payment from state-owned enterprises
IMF.在国际组织认缴的款项subscription to international organizations
tech.地方税款缴纳local tax payment
busin.坚持要求纳税人缴付税款exact payment from a taxpayer
proj.manag.多缴供款overpayment of contribution
proj.manag.多缴的税款excess tax paid
busin.多缴税款tax overpaid
busin.定期缴款payment at regular fixed times
securit.实缴认购款subscription capital
fin.实际扣缴税款金额actual amount of taxes withheld
fin.对周转基金预缴款advance to the working capital fund
econ.对周转基金预缴款advances to the working capital fund
securit.尚未偿还催缴的股款outstanding call
fin.差额缴款marks payment
interntl.trade.缴款股份paid-up stock
securit.缴款股份paid-in share/stock
busin.缴款股本paid-up stock
securit.缴款股票paid-up share
IMF.缴款股票paid-up shares
IMF.缴款股票full-paid stock
IMF.缴款股票paid-up stock
securit.缴款股票paid-in share/stock
securit.已全部缴款的记名股票fully paid registered shares
tech.已全部缴款股份fully paid stock
interntl.trade.已全部缴款股票fully paid shares (stocks)
tech.已全部缴款股票fully paid share
securit.已全部缴款股票fully paid stock
busin.已全部缴付股款的股票fully paid share
tech.已扣缴预提税款tax withheld
proj.manag.已缴足股款的股份fully paid-up share
proj.manag.已缴足股款的股本fully paid-up capital
tech.已缴运输进款paid-up transport revenue
proj.manag.已缴部分股款的股份partly paid share
fin.已缴部分股款的股本partly paid share capital
commer.已部分缴款股份partly-paid share
tech.平均每日应缴运输进款average transport revenue payable per day
fin.应付即日差额缴款intra-day marks payment obligations
busin.应收认缴股款due from subscriber
textile应收认缴股款subscription receivable
interntl.trade.应收认缴股款capital stock subscriptions receivable
tech.应收认缴股款due from subscribers
fin.应收追加认缴款amount due on additional subscription
China, law应缴应退税款tax payable and refundable
busin.应缴派股款allotment money
proj.manag.应缴税款tax payable
busin.应缴税款tax accrued
busin.应缴税款余额balance of the tax payable
econ.应缴税款信托账户tax accrual trust account
busin.应缴税款信托账户tax-accrual trust account
proj.manag.应缴税款总额total tax payable
fin.应缴股款的未催缴部分uncalled portion of payable shares
tech.应缴运输进款transport income payable
interntl.trade.延付催缴股款calls in arrears
busin.延付催缴股款call in arrears
proj.manag.延缓缴纳的税款deferred tax payment
proj.manag.延缓缴纳的税款tax held over
China, law当场收缴的罚款collect a fine on the spot
securit.待交割差额缴款账户pending position marks account
busin.待缴股金账户项下付款payment on account of pending subscription
China, law所扣缴的税款amount of tax withheld
textile扣缴税款withholding of tax
fin.扣缴税款凭单withholding tax statement
commer.扣缴税款凭单withholding statement (清单)
tech.扣缴税款凭证tax withheld certificates
fin.扣缴税款清单withholding tax statement
fin.扣缴税款清单withholding statement
fin.扣除和缴款deductions and contributions
tech.批准延期缴纳的税款authorized deferred payment
IMF.承诺缴款period of consent IMF quota increase
interntl.trade.投票权、认缴款项与补充资金报告书statement of voting power and subscriptions and supplementary resources
China, law抵缴税款offset the amount of tax payable
China, law拒不缴纳税款refuse to pay taxes
busin.拖欠缴款contribution in arrears
proj.manag.支付催缴股款pay call
fin.收取即日差额缴款机制intra-day marks collection mechanism
fin.收市差额缴款day-end marks
busin.收货人预缴款advances from consignees
textile日常缴款ordinary contribution
textile普通缴款ordinary contribution
tech.最低限额缴款least payment
fin.最后催缴股款final call
proj.manag.有关缴存款项的通知notice of deposit
interntl.trade.有投票权的认缴款subscription carrying voting rights
interntl.trade.有投票权的认缴款subscriptions carrying voting rights
securit.缴款股份nil-paid share
securit.缴款股权nil-paid share
securit.缴款证券nil-paid security
interntl.trade.未催缴股款uncalled subscriptions
tech.未催缴股款uncalled subscription
UN, account.未缴摊款特别账户Special Account for Unpaid Assessed Contributions
busin.未缴税款back duty
busin.未缴税款non-payment of taxes
securit.未缴纳的股款unpaid share capital
securit.未缴股款uncalled subscription
proj.manag.未缴股款的股份nil-paid share
fin.未缴认股款uncalled subscription
securit.未缴足全款的证券partly-paid securities
busin.未缴足股款partly-paid of share
interntl.trade.未认缴款项账户项下付款payment on account of pending subscription
interntl.trade.核定认服数和应缴股款通知书letter of allotment
interntl.trade.欠付催缴股款calls in arrears
tech.欠缴上级运输进款transport income dued to senior administrative agency
tech.欠缴或滞纳税款利息interest on tax underpaid or postponed
fin.欠缴税款利息interest on tax underpaid
fin.款项预缴服务cash prepayment service
tech.汇缴途中款pay cash in transit summarily
busin.没有投票权的缴款contribution not carrying voting right
econ., int. law.法定缴款mandatory contribution
proj.manag.物业税及薪俸税合计应缴税款总额为10 240美元。Total tax payable under property tax and salaries tax is $ 10240
IMF.社会缴款social contributions
IMF.社会保险缴款social insurance contributions
consult.社会保险缴款social security contributions
IMF.社会保障缴款social security contributions
textile税款从源扣缴stoppage at the source
textile税款延期缴纳postponement of tax
econ.税款扣缴义务人withholding agents
econ.税款扣缴义务人withholding agent
busin.税款扣缴制withholding system
busin.税款缴纳不足underpayment of a tax obligation
econ.税款缴纳证duty memo
logist.税款缴纳证明the duty memo
logist.税款缴纳证明the duty memorandum
econ.税款超额扣缴调整the adjustment for over-withholding
busin.税款超额扣缴调整adjustment for over-withholding
econ.第一期缴付款first installments
textile第一次股款认缴通知first call
textile给银行缴款pay in
gen.pay in
interntl.trade.缴付保费借款premium loan
busin.保险公司贷给投保人的缴付保险费借款premium loan
busin.缴付罚款pay forfeit money
econ.缴款pay in
securit.缴款给银行pay in
busin.美国财政部、审计署共同签发的缴款covering warrant
econ.缴款covering warrant
textile缴款pay in warrant
tech.缴款pay-in warrant
busin.缴款凭单paying in slip
fin.缴款情况status of contribution
fin.缴款date of payment
busin.缴款簿paying-in book
proj.manag.缴款通知memorandum of payment
interntl.trade.缴款通知payment notice
proj.manag.缴款通知书demand note
commer.缴款通知书paying in slip
textile缴款通知单paying in slip
fin.缴款通知单paying-in slip
fin.缴款通知单demand note
tech.缴款通知单pay-in slip
textile缴款通知单pay in slip
econ.缴清税款pay the scot and lot
securit.缴清税款pay off taxes
proj.manag.缴纳地税直接付款授权书direct debit authorization for payment of government rent
fin.缴纳税款payment of tax
textile缴纳税款submit payment for tax
China, law缴纳税款pay taxes
China, law缴纳罚款payment of fine
securit.缴纳股款subscription to capital stock
econ.缴纳贡款pay tribute (to)
busin.缴纳贡款pay tribute
interntl.trade.缴罚款pay forfeit money
tech.缴罚款to pay the penalty
econ.缴罚款pay forfeit (money)
tech.缴罚款pay fine
proj.manag.缴足款股本paid-up share capital
China, law罚款决定与罚款收缴分离制度system of separating the decision on fines from the collection of fines
China, law罚款收缴collection of fine
fin.股款缴付payment of shares
fin.自动抵缴保费贷款automatic premium loan
tech.自动提缴保费贷款automatic premium loan
busin.自动缴纳税款voluntary payment of tax
textile自愿缴纳税款voluntary payment of tax
tech.缴款conscience money
proj.manag.补缴税款back tax
proj.manag.补缴税款back duty
busin.向认股人要求缴付股款call on shareholder
securit.要求股东缴付股款call on shareholder
China, law解缴税款remit tax
gen.警官,我不是本地人。我要怎么缴罚款呢?Officer, I'm not from around here. How do I pay the fine?
fin.缴款项与补充资金报吿书statement of voting power and subscription and supplementary resource
fin.缴款项及补充资金帐户应收款项receivable on account of subscriptions and supplementary resources
interntl.trade.缴款项及补充资金账户应收款项receivable on account of subscriptions and supplementary resources
fin.认缴优先股款subscription to preferred capital stock
fin.认缴优先股股款subscription to preferred capital stock
tech.认缴分期支付股款subscription instalment book
fin.认缴普通股款subscription to common capital stock
fin.认缴普通股股款subscription to common capital stock
busin.认缴股款subscription for share
fin.认缴股款subscription to capital stock
busin.认缴股款subscription money
econ.认缴股款capital stock subscriptions
securit.认缴股款stock subscription
busin.认缴股款单subscription list
fin.认缴股款收人revenue from subscriptions
fin.认缴股款收入revenue from subscriptions
interntl.trade.认缴资本业已贷出尚未到期款项之保值金maintenance of value of capital subscriptions outstanding on loans, not yet due
econ.认缴资本已贷出,但尚未到期款项的保值maintenance of value of capital subscription outstanding on loan, not yet due (金)
fin.认缴资本帐户项下应收款项receivable on account of subscribed capital
interntl.trade.认缴资本账户项下应收款项receivable on account of subscribed capital
busin.认缴额外股款additional subscriptions
securit.认购缴款日期subscription period
tech.财政缴款funds handed over-to the state treasury
securit.财政缴款funds handed over to the state treasury
tech.路局回缴途中款railway bureau paid cash in transit
busin.过期未缴纳的税款delinquent tax
econ.这些税款将按周分期缴付The taxes will be amortized on a weekly basis
fin.违约未缴款认股人defaulting subscriber
econ., int. law.追缴税款pursue the tax payment
commer.追缴税款pursue tax payment
China, law追缴税款recover the taxes evaded
tech.退还已缴税款drawback (for duties paid)
textile退还溢缴税款refund of overpayment of tax
proj.manag.逃缴税款evade payment of tax
econ.逾期未付的催缴股款calls in arrears
fin.部分缴款partly paid
fin.部分缴款债券partly paid bond
fin.部分缴款权益股partly paid equity
fin.部分缴款证券partly paid securities
tech.部分已缴款股份partly paid share
busin.部分缴付的股款partly-paid of share
securit.配股应缴款allotment money
econ.附催缴款通知单cum call
commer.附催缴款项通知cum call
busin.附催缴款项通知单cum call
tech.附催缴款项通知单cum call W
tech.附带催缴股款cum call W
econ.附有催缴款项通知单cum call
IMF.雇主缴款employer contribution
IMF.雇主缴款employer's social contributions
busin.雇主缴款准备reserve for employer contributions
IMF.雇主实际的社会缴款actual social contributions
IMF.雇主实际的社会缴款employer's actual social contributions
IMF.雇主的社会缴款employer contribution
IMF.雇主的社会缴款employer's social contributions
IMF.雇员缴款employee contribution
IMF.雇员缴款employee's social contribution insurance, pensions
IMF.雇员的社会缴款employee contribution
IMF.雇员的社会缴款employee's social contribution insurance, pensions
econ.缴款服务the non-contributory service (期间)
interntl.trade.缴款服务期间联合国秘书处non-contributory service
interntl.trade.缴款服务期间non-contributory service
econ.预先催缴股款calls in advance
securit.预先缴纳优先股股款subscription to preferred capital stock in advance
securit.预先认缴普通股股款subscription to common capital in advance
securit.预先认缴股款subscription to common capital in advance
interntl.trade.预收催缴股款calls in advance
fin.预收催缴股款call in advance
busin.预算缴款budgeted funds handed over to the state coffers
China, law预缴税款prepayment of tax
China, law预缴税款prepay the tax
interntl.trade.预缴股款advances on subscription
busin.预缴认股款advances on subscription
interntl.trade.首期认缴款initial subscriptions
IMF.黄金缴款gold subscription