
Terms for subject Commerce containing 综合 | all forms | in specified order only
企业综合组织系统图表combination chart (包括:(投资项目)组织系统图 (structural chart), 职掌图(functional chart), 人员编制图 (position chart))
综合insurance against all risks
保持综合平衡maintain an overall balance
加权综合指数weighted aggregate index number
原材料综合利用率rate of comprehensive use of raw materials
地方综合平衡local overall balance
如所约定,我方已将这一批货物按发票金额加成10%投保综合As agreed, we have covered insurance on these goods for 10% over the invoice value against all risks
实际综合税收effective aggregate tax
工业综合结构agro-industrial complex
市场综合战略market mix
承保综合against all risks
浦项综合台制铁公司Pohang Iron & Steel Co., Ltd. (1968)
短期贷款综合担保comprehensive ST guarantee (系英国岀口信贷担保署(缩为 E.C.G.D.= Export Credits Guarantee Department) 对半年以内短期信贷的担保)
短期贷款综合担保comprehensive short term guarantee (系英国岀口信贷担保署(缩为 E.C.G.D.= Export Credits Guarantee Department) 对半年以内短期信贷的担保)
粮农组织茶叶综合价格tea composite price
粮农组织茶叶综合价格FAO tea composite price
组成综合生产网络form a complete production network
综合价格composite price (各种价格的平均数值)
综合使用年限composition useful life
综合供货composite supply
综合信用证omnibus credit
综合信用评估composite credit appraisal
综合公司integrated complex
综合制造过程synthetic manufacturing process
综合博览会horizontal fair
综合变量synthetic variable
综合商品方案integrated commodity program
综合国力overall capacity of the country
综合审计complete audit
综合平衡complete balance
综合库存控制integrated stock control
综合性博览会general fair
综合性组织integrative organization
综合性经济效益指标general indicator of economic performance
综合成本integrated cost
综合成本complete cost
综合成绩total performance
综合技术转让integrated technology transfer
综合折旧率general depreciation rate
综合抽样synthetic sampling
综合担保comprehensive guarantee (岀口信贷)
外汇银行综合持有额overall position
综合指数complex index
综合损益表consolidated profit and loss account
综合标准synthetic standards
综合测试制integrated test system
综合生产能力production capacity
综合生产能力overall productivity
综合程序combination process
综合程序combined process
综合管制comprehensive control
综合经济指标composite economic indicator
综合结算compound settlement
综合规划combination program
综合解决compound settlement
综合许可证covering licence
综合调整aggregate adjustment
综合负荷率overall load rate
综合财政synthetic finance
综合资产负债表amalgamated balance sheet
综合运费freight all kinds
综合运费率freight all kinds rate
综合进度comprehensive schedule
保险综合with all risks
综合亦缩为A/Rall risks
综合险保单all-risk policy
综合险保单all-risk cover
美国综合集装箱服务公司Integrated Container Service, Inc.
综合预测aggregate prediction
综合预算integrated budget
设备综合效率overall equipment efficiency
货物受保综合险与兵险The goods are covered against all risks and war risk
货物须投保综合险与战争险The goods are to be insured against all risks and war risk
销售员销售估计综合salesman sales composite method