
Terms for subject Name of organization containing 综合 | all forms | in specified order only
上海证券交易每日收市综合指数Daily Closing Composite Index of Shanghai Stock Exchange
上证综合指数中国SSE Composite Index
专属经济区渔业开发和管理综合援助计划Comprehensive Programme of Assistance in the Development and Management of Fisheries in Exclusive Economic Zones
东非内陆小型渔业综合发展分区域项目Subregional Project for the Integrated Development of Small-scale Fisheries in Inland Waters in East Africa
亚太区域乡村综合发展中心Centre on Integrated Rural Development for Asia and Pacific
以星综合航运有限公司Israel Integrated Shipping Services Ltd
信用合作社在线综合计算机系统Credit Union's on-line integrated computer system
全球海洋站综合系统Integrated Global Ocean Services System
全球病虫害综合防治基金Global IPM Facility
全球病虫害综合防治基金Global Integrated Pest Management Facility
农村综合发展区域中心Regional Centre for Integrated Rural Development
加强生态系统综合管理的能力Strengthening Capacity for Integrated Ecosystem Management
吉隆坡综合指数马来西亚Kuala Lumpur Composite Index
商品问题综合计划Integrated Programme for Commodities
国际山区综合发展中心International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development
土地和流域综合信息系统Integrated Land and Watershed Information System
土地资源综合规划与管理以及农业特设工作组Ad Hoc Working Group on Integrated Planning and Management of Land Resources, and on Agriculture
土壤健康及植物营养综合管理高级官员Senior Officer for Soil Health and Integrated Plant Nutrition Management
地中海综合计划Integrated Mediterranean Programme
多伦多股票交易所300综合指数Toronto Stock Exchange 300 Composite Index
政府间沿海地区综合管理会议Intergovernmental Conference on Integrated Coastal Zone Management
更新的综合行动框架Updated Comprehensive Framework for Action
有害生物综合治理组Integrated Pest Management Group
植物养分及土壤肥力综合管理组Integrated Plant Nutrient and Soil Fertility Management Group
沿海地区综合管理分小组Subgroup on Integrated Coastal Area Management
沿海渔业综合管理计划Integrated Coastal Fisheries Management Programme
深圳证券交易每日收市综合指数Daily Closing Composite Index of Shenzhen Stock Exchange
深证综合指数中国SZSE Composite Index
深证综合类指数中国SZSE Conglomerates Index
渔业综合监测国际会议International Conference on Integrated Fisheries Monitoring
病虫害综合治理官员Integrated Pest Management Officer
病虫害综合防治农民田间学校Integrated Pest Management Farmer Field School
稻谷作物综合管理系统RICM system
稻谷作物综合管理系统Rice Integrated Crop Management System
粮农组织/联合国环境规划署东非沿海综合管理联合项目FAO/UNEP Joint Project on Integrated Coastal Management in East Africa
粮食和农业生物多样性的综合管理Integrated Management of Biological Diversity for Food and Agriculture
粮食安全综合支持处Integrated Food Security Service
粮食安全综合支持处Integrated Food Security Support Service
粮食安全和人道主义阶段综合分类Integrated Food Security and Humanitarian Phase Classification
粮食安全和人道主义阶段综合分类Integrated Food Security Phase Classification
粮食安全阶段综合分类Integrated Food Security and Humanitarian Phase Classification
粮食安全阶段综合分类Integrated Food Security Phase Classification
综合农业发展计划Comprehensive Agricultural Development Programme
综合发展框架Comprehensive Development Framework
综合声频和数据网络Integrated Voice and Data Network
综合性植物营养系统Integrated Plant Nutrition Systems
综合数据管理员Corporate Data Manager
综合服务、人力资源及财务部Corporate Services, Human Resources, and Finance Department
综合服务、人力资源及财务部助理总干事办公室Office of Assistant Director-General, CS
综合植物营养系统Integrated Plant Nutrition Systems
综合植物营养系统组Integrated Plant Nutrition Systems Group
综合生产制度可持续农业和乡村发展/粮食安全特别计划Integrated Production Systems SARD/SPFS
综合科学信息系统Integrated Scientific Information System
综合系统改良项目Integrated Systems Improvement Project
综合能力框架FAO Competency Framework
综合能力框架Integrated Competency Framework
综合自然资源官员Integrated Natural Resources Officer
综合评价政策comprehensive evaluation policy
编制全球渔船、冷藏运输船和补给船综合记录专家磋商会议Expert Consultation on the Development of a Comprehensive Global Record of Fishing Vessels, Refrigerated Transport Vessels and Supply Vessels
编制渔船全面综合记录专家磋商会议Expert Consultation on the Development of a Comprehensive Global Record of Fishing Vessels
美国证券交易所综合指数American Stock Exchange Composite Index
自然资源综合管理官员Integrated Natural Resources Management Officer
菲律宾 PSE 综合指数PSE Composite
菲律宾综合指数Philippines Composite Index
西非个体渔业综合发展计划Programme for Integrated Development of Artisanal Fisheries in West Africa
西非手工渔业综合开发计划Programme for Integrated Development of Artisanal Fisheries in West Africa
语音和数据综合网络Integrated Voice and Data Network
资源综合管理官员Integrated Resource Management Officer
雅加达综合股价指数印尼Jakarta Composite Index
非洲乡村综合发展中心Centre on Integrated Rural Development for Africa
非洲农业综合发展计划Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme
非洲农业综合发展计划协议CAADP Compact
非洲农业综合发展计划协议Country CAADP Compact
非洲农业综合发展计划协议Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme Compact
非洲农村综合发展中心Centre on Integrated Rural Development for Africa
韩国综合指数Korea Composite Stock Index
韩国首尔综合指数Korea Seoul Composite Index
马尼拉综合股价指数菲律宾Manila Composite Index