
Terms for subject Securities containing 综合征 | all forms
上市综合公司listed conglomerate
上海证券交易所股价综合指数Shanghai Stock Exchange composite index
上证新综合指数SSE new composite index
上证综合指数SSE composite index
业绩综合表现composite performance
价值线综合平均值value line composite average
价值线综合指数期货合同value line composite index futures contract
价格综合加权weighted aggregate of prices
固定收益证券综合电子平台comprehensive electronic platform of fixed income securities
基准上海综合指数benchmark Shanghai composite index
基本综合投资fund pool
多伦多交易所300综合指数TSE 300 Composte Index
恒生中国内地综合指数Hang Seng Mainland Composite Index
恒生流通综合指数Hang Seng Freefloat Composite Index
恒生综合指数Hang Seng Composite Index
恒生综合指数系列Hang Seng Composite Index Series
恒生综合行业指数Hang Seng Composite Industry Indices
恒生香港综合指数Hang Seng HK Composite Index
提出的综合收益filing consolidated returns
标准普尔500综合股价指数S&P 500 Composite Stock Price Index
标准普尔500综合股票指数Standard & Poor's 500 composite-stock index
欧洲综合债券European Composite Unit
每日收盘 A 股综合指数daily closing A stock composite index
每日收盘综合指数daily closing composite index
深圳证券交易所中小企业综合指数SZSE SME Composite Index
特别综合账户special omnibus account
纽约综合指数期货New York Composite Index futures
纽约证券交易所综合指数New York Stock Exchange composite index
综合交易composite trade
综合交易情况composite transaction
综合交易报告composite transaction
综合价格consolidate price
综合企业部门指数consolidated enterprise sectorial index
综合信托账户omnibus trust account
综合债券combination bonds
综合公开系统integrated disclosure system
综合分析summary analysis
综合利润表consolidated income statement
综合功能银行体系universal banking system
综合可转债synthetic convertible
综合合同单据consolidated contract note
综合固定利率债券synthetic fixed rate bond
综合审议summary review
综合客户账户omnibus client account
综合市场分析synergistic market analysis
综合平台integrated platform
综合平均指数composite average
综合平均差价率composite average margin rate
综合性定息债券synthetic fixed rate bond
综合性损益表all-inclusive income statement
综合性收益表all-inclusive income statement
综合性浮动利率债券synthetic floating rate note
综合性目标composite target
综合性股票投资组合global equity portfolio
综合性证券synthetic security
综合性金融企业financial conglomerate
综合成本bunched cost
综合报价lump offer
综合报酬remuneration package
综合披露制度integrated disclosure system
综合持有额overall position
综合持股量combined holding
综合指令composite order
综合指令combo order
综合指数停止下滑势头、升16点、达到5000点composite stopped the declining momentum, gaining 16 points to 5000
综合指数飙升至10000点composite index soared to 10000 points
综合损益证券carry income or loss
综合损益表consolidated profit and loss statement
综合损益账目consolidated profit and loss account
综合收人表composite income sheet
综合收益comprehensive income
综合日常管理服务global custody
综合曲线图composite curve chart
综合杠杆composite leverage
综合杠杆系数degree of total leverage
综合杠杆系数degree of combined leverage
综合比率composite ratios
综合治理comprehensive governance
综合激励奖composite incentive
综合留置权blanket lien
综合的有形资产净值consolidated net tangible assets
综合的资产负债表complete balance sheet
综合监管consolidated supervision
综合监管队伍composite supervision forces
综合积极投资组合global aggressive portfolio
综合稳健型投资组合global defensive portfolio
综合稳健投资组合global moderate portfolio
综合稳健投资组合global conservative portfolio
综合管理投资公司general management investment company
综合类证券公司comprehensive securities company
综合纯收益consolidated net earnings
综合组合性融资multiple component facility
综合组合性融资便利multiple component facility
综合经纪行mixed wire house
综合股东资金consolidated shareholders funds
综合行情composite tape
综合行情记录带composite tape
综合衍生产品交易所integrated derivatives exchange
综合表现aggregate performance
综合要约规定豁免的申请application for waiver of general offer requirement
综合订单combination order
综合记录带consolidated tape
综合证券商integrated securities house
综合评级composite rating
综合调整comprehensive adjustment
综合财务报表consolidated account
综合账户universal account
综合账户omnibus account
综合账目支出consolidated account expenditure
综合账项consolidated account
综合贷款consolidation loan
综合资产配售策略global asset allocation
综合远期仓量synthetic forward position
综合远期储备synthetic forward position
综合造市integrated market-making
综合采购lump sum purchase
综合银行universal bank
综合限价委托账册composite limit order book
联储商业票据综合指数Federal Reserve commercial paper composite
股市综合报道stock wrap-up
菲律宾证券交易所综合指数PSE Composite Index, The Philippines
证券商综合财务经营报告Financial and Operational Combined Uniform Single report
证券投资综合效应portfolio effect
账目综合基本算法basis of consolidation
道・琼斯综合平均指数Dow Jones composite average
金融新闻综合指数financial news composite index
雅加达证券交易所综合股价指数印尼JSX Composite Stock Price Index, Indonesia
韩国汉城综合指数Korea stock price index
韩国综合股票价格指数Korea composite stock price index
韩国首尔综合指数Korean Seoul Composite Index
马尼拉综合指数Manila Composite Index
马来西亚吉隆坡证券交易所综合指数Malaysia KLSE Composite Index
马来西亚吉隆坡证券交易所综合指数KLSE Composite Index, Malaysia