
Terms for subject Environment containing 综合征 | all forms
污染综合控制integrated pollution control
污水综合处理方案integrated waste water treatment concept
海洋大气综合数据集comprehensive ocean-atmosphere data set
病态楼宇综合症sick building syndrome A set of symptoms, including headaches, fatigue, eye irritation, and dizziness, typically affecting workers in modern airtight office buildings and thought to be caused by indoor pollutants, such as formaldehyde fumes, particulate matter, microorganisms, etc. (包括头痛,疲劳,眼睛不适,头晕等的一整套症状,特别发生在现代密闭办公大楼的工作者身上,被认为是由室内污染物,如甲醛气体,造成颗粒物,微生物引起的。)
综合废水combined waste water A mixture of domestic or industrial wastewater and surface runoff (一种家庭或工业废水和地表径流的混合物。)
美国综合性环境响应补偿与责任条例Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act
综合效应combination effect A combined effect of two or more substances or organisms which is greater than the sum of the individual effect of each (两种或两种以上的物质或生物的综合效果,影响超过了单个个体效应的总和。)
综合污染控制integrated pollution control A procedure whereby all major emissions to land, air, and water are considered simultaneously and not in isolation to avoid situations in which one control measure for one medium adversely affects another (一个过程,将所有主要排放到土地、空气和水的主要排放物被认为是同时的非独立的,以避免一项需要特定测量工具的控制会负面的影响另外一项。)
综合环境保护技术integrated environmental protection technology Technologies that meet environmental objectives by incorporating pollution prevention concepts in their design. Integrated environmental control strategies introduced in the early design stages of a process, rather than an end-of-pipe control option introduced in the later stages, improve the technical and economic performance of a process (在设计中纳入污染防治观念以符合环境目标的技术。综合环境控制一项工序在初期设计阶段所使用的战略,而不是一个在后续的阶段推出的工序结束时的控制选项,此用来提高工艺/工艺的技术和经济性能。)
综合环境控制integrated environmental control
综合生产integrated production
综合生态系统管理integrated ecosystem management
综合生态系统评价integrated ecosystem assessment
综合的环境评估integrated environmental assessment
综合石油资源和环境服务中心Integrated Petroleum Resource and Environmental Services
综合管理integrated management Unified, combined and coordinated management of environmental problems which correlates relevant organisations, groups, individuals and disciplines by bringing the parts together for a complete approach (对环境问题的统一、联合和协调的管理,其通过把所依赖的有关组织、团体、个体以及相关行为准则集中考虑以得出一个完整的解决方案。)
综合系统模型comprehensive system model
综合自然保护区integral natural reserve Areas allocated to preserve and protect certain animals and plants, or both. They differ from national parks, which are largely a place for public recreation, because they are provided exclusively to protect species for their own sake. Endangered species are increasingly being kept in nature reserves to prevent them from extinction. Nature reserves also serve as a place for more plentiful species to rest, breed or winter (用以维持和保护某些特定的动物、植物或两者兼而有之的地区。国家公园大部分是公众休闲的地方,与国家公园不同,自然保护区是专门用来保护物种的。濒危物种越来越多地被放在自然保护区,以防止其灭绝,自然保护区也成为更多更丰富物种的休息、繁殖或过冬的地方。)
综合虫害控制integrated pest control A systematic, comprehensive approach to pest control that uses the insect's or rodent's own biology and behaviour to find the least toxic control methods at the lowest cost (一个系统的、全面的害虫控制方法,它使用昆虫或啮齿目动物自身的生理和行为以得到最低成本和最低毒性的控制方法。)
综合评价信息规则Comprehensive Assessment Information Rule