
Terms for subject Business containing 综合征 | all forms
三废综合利用comprehensive utilization of the three wastes
业主综合保险householders comprehensive insurance
中央综合资源centrally integrated resources
中走道综合商场enclosed mall
主要经济指标综合指数composite index of leading indicators
主要综合指标leading indicator composite
企业综合经营comprehensive management of enterprise
住宅建设综合企业housing complex
住宅综合保险dwelling house comprehensive insurance
保险保综合险against all risks
债务偿还综合方案scheme of composition
债务综合报表liability mix report
全国综合开发计划overall national development program
全部基金综合余额all-funds combined balance
全面或综合预算overall or comprehensive budget
全面综合研究comprehensive and integrated study
农、工、贸综合经营comprehensive management of agriculture, industry and trade
加权综合指数weighted aggregative index
合营综合工厂joint factory complex
商品综合方案指联合国第四届贸发会议通过的综合解决工业品和初级产品的方案integrated commodity programme
国内综合能源平衡integrated national energy balance
国民经济综合体national economic complex
国际交易综合平衡overall balance of foreign exchange
国际性综合产品integrated international products
图书产供销综合经营业book trade
地区综合平衡local overall balance
多种产品综合生产multiple producing
多行业综合公司multi-industry company
多部门资源规划综合技术multisector resources-planning technique
大型综合商场mass merchandiser
"大而全" 综合经营big and all-embracing operation
子系统综合检验计划Subsystem Integration Test Plan
工业信息综合体industrial information complex
工业地域综合体industrial territorial complex
工业污染综合防治prevent or control industrial pollution
工业综合分析industrial complex analysis
工作要素综合synthesis of work elements
巨型联营生产综合企业giant interlocking production complex
年度综合报告annual summary report
总体生产经营综合化comprehensive groups in terms of their overall production and business
恩格尔综合条件Engel aggregation condition
房东综合保险单home owner's policy
承包工程综合险一切险contractor's all risks
抵消综合账商誉set off against goodwill on consolidation
按综合物价水平调整General Price-Level Adjustments
按综合物价水平调整的报表General Price Level Adjusted Statement
推销人员意见综合法销售预测法之一sale-force-composite method
搞好综合平衡maintain an overall balance
斯坦达德与普尔公司 500 种股票价格综合指数即对 500 家工业、 铁路、公用事业公司股票价格编制的综合指数Standard and Poor's 500 Stock Index
最高综合边际税率combined maximum marginal tax rate
机械综合试验mechanical comprehensive test
材料综合利用comprehensive utilization of materials
材料综合利用comprehensive use of materials
标准普尔 500 种股票价格综合指数Standard and Poor's 500 Stock Index
模拟—数字综合转换装置analog-digital integrating translator
水平综合horizontal integration
物资综合平衡comprehensive balance of materials
生产技术综合进度计划comprehensive schedule for preparing production technology
目标程序综合synthesis of the object routine
目标程序综合synthesis of the object program
目标综合体系target complex
空间数据综合spacial aggregation
简单综合指数simple aggregative index number
简单综合指数simple aggregate index
管理分析与综合management analysis and synthesis
管理研究与综合management research and synthesis
系统分析与综合模式system analysis and integration model
系统综合检验计划System Integration Test Plan
纵向综合生产vertical integration in production
经济效益综合分析overall analysis of economic benefit
经营研究和综合operation research and synthesis
结果程序的综合synthesis of the object program
综合一揽子服务integrated package of services
综合专家小组interdisciplinary group
综合业务overall business
综合交易所combined exchange
综合产品质量管理系统integrated predicts QC system
综合产地来源证comprehensive certificate of origin
综合仓库general warehouse
综合价上限ceiling composite price
综合价格平均价格composite price
综合价格上限ceiling composite price
综合会计制度integrated accounting system
综合估计comprehensive estimate
综合估计composite estimate
综合体integrated complex
综合作业系数comprehensive work coefficient
综合使用年限composition life
综合使用年限composite useful life
综合使用年限composite life
综合供应composite supply
保险综合保单general policy
综合保单blanket policy
综合保护法comprehensive method of protection
综合保险mixed insurance
综合保险package insurance
综合保险blanket coverage
综合保险all risks insurance
综合保险公司multiple-line insurance company
综合保险单comprehensive coverage
综合保险单对同一对象承保不同种类保险comprehensive policy
综合保险的连续性continuity of coverage
综合信贷covering credit
综合先行指数composite leading indexes
综合公司mixed corporation
综合农业政策overall agricultural policy
综合决策integrated decision
综合决策方案consolidated decision package
综合分工comprehensive division of labour
综合分批进口许可证申请书application for import permit subcovering license
综合分析composite analysis
综合分析overall analysis
综合分析combinatorial analysis
综合分配法comprehensive allocation method
综合利用comprehensive use
综合加权平均拍卖价格composite weighted average auction prices
综合加权指数aggregate weighted index
综合加权法compound weight method
综合化工制品comprehensive chemicals
综合协商案文composite negotiating text
综合单位composition unit
综合印花税composition for stamp duty
综合变数synthetic variable
综合变量aggregative variable
综合变量aggregate variable
综合可靠性检验方案integrated reliability test program
综合可靠性检验程序integrated reliability test program
综合员额表consolidated manning table
综合周转额composite turnover
综合售货成本表consolidated statement of cost of goods sold
综合商品定理composite commodity theorem
综合商品标准composite commodity standard
布疋、五金等综合商店variety store
综合团体计划comprehensive corporate planning
综合型工厂combine plant
综合型经理integrated manager
综合奖comprehensive bonus
综合奖composite incentive
综合存款账户deposit combined account
综合安排combined arrangement
综合定额comprehensive quota
综合审计comprehensive audits
综合对策integrated counter-measures
综合展览combined exhibition
综合展销combined exhibition and sale
综合属性combined attributes
综合工业体系comprehensive industrial system
综合工作小组composite work group
综合工作底稿consolidated working papers
综合工作站integrated workstations
综合工厂integrated works
综合工厂integrated plant
综合工时定额comprehensive workhours quota
综合工程学comprehensive engineering
综合工程项目mixed project
综合平均差价率法composite average margin rate method
综合平衡consolidated balance
综合平衡composite balance
综合年限折旧depreciation-composite life (法)
综合开发水利资源integrated water resources development
综合性信息multipurpose information
综合性商业银行multipurpose commercial bank
综合性国别方案comprehensive country programme
综合性垄断公司multiple business monopoly corporation
综合性多边规则comprehensive multilateral rule
综合性工商银行multipurpose business bank
综合性指数multipurpose index
综合性纵向扩大出口办法integrated vertical approach to export expansion
综合性纵向扩大岀口办法integrated vertical approach to export expansion
综合性经济指标composite economic indicator
综合性计划umbrella program
综合意见预测法brick-by-brick forecasting
综合成本composite cost
综合成本指数comprehensive cost index number
综合成本指数comprehensive cost index
综合成本计算法composite costing
综合成本降低计划integrate cost reduction program
综合战略composite strategy
综合所得税taxation on aggregate income
综合所得税tax on aggregated income
综合所得税报表consolidated tax return
综合所得税报表consolidated income tax return
综合投入产出矩阵comprehensive input-output matrix
综合投资账户commingled investment account
综合折旧comprehensive depreciation
综合折旧年限composite depreciation life
综合折旧法comprehensive depreciation method
综合折旧法composite depreciation met hod
综合报价系统consolidated quotation system
综合报告general report
综合报表compound statement
综合抽样比不完全抽样multiple fraction defective sampling
综合指数combined index number
综合指数comprehensive index number
综合指数comprehensive indices
综合指数overall index
综合指数summary index
综合指数overall index number
综合指数composite indexes
综合指数combined index
综合指数aggregate index number
统计综合指数aggregative index number
综合指数体系comprehensive index system
综合指数变量combined index variable
综合指标summary indicator
综合指示性数据aggregate indicators
综合损益表composite income and loss sheet
综合损益表收益表composite income sheet
综合控制设备complex control equipment
综合提单指把零星货物合为一整批货物的提单omnibus bill of lading
综合提议composite motion
综合援助能力integrated help capacity
综合援助项目integrated assistance project
综合支票composite check
综合收益income blanket
综合收益留存表consolidated retained earnings statement
综合收益表composite income sheet
综合效率comprehensive efficiency
综合效用aggregate utility
综合数据comprehensive data
综合数据complex data
综合数据composite data
综合数据combined data
综合数据储存integrated data store
综合数据处理multipurpose data processing
综合数据处理中心complex data handing center
综合数据处理系统integrated data professing system
综合数据库管理integrated data base management
综合方程consolidated equation
综合服务mixed service
综合服务comprehensive service
综合服务mixed mass-service
综合服务integrated package of services
综合服务中心comprehensive service center
综合服务公司multiple service firm
综合服务设施multiple service facilities
综合机制integrating mechanism
综合机械化overall mechanization
综合材料消耗定额comprehensive materials consumption quota
综合条件aggregation condition
综合标准overall standard
综合案例研究integrated case study
综合检验synthetic test
综合检验comprehensive test
综合检验程序integrated test program
综合检验设备integrated test facility
统计综合模型aggregative model
综合模式integrated model
综合水平level of aggregation
综合法eclectic method
综合法mixed method
综合法composite method
综合海损补偿费allowances charged to general average
综合海损计算表statement of general average
综合海洋货运aggregation of marine cargoes
综合消费乘数compound consumption multiplier
综合焦比comprehensive coke ratio
综合物资平衡图表comprehensive materials balance graph
综合物资消耗率composite material consumption rate
折旧综合率composite rate
综合率折旧composite rate depreciation
综合率折旧法composite rate depreciation method
综合生产率aggregate production rate
综合生产能力overall production capacity
综合生产能力comprehensive productive capacity
综合生命表aggregate life table
综合电子邮件系统comprehensive electronic mail system
综合留存收益表consolidated statement of retained earnings
综合百分率报表composite percentage statement
综合监控台integrated monitor panel
综合相对指数composite relative index number
综合相对指数composite relative index
综合研究overall study
综合研究combined study
综合研究omnibus research
综合研究battery of studies
综合移动平均数过程integrated moving average process
综合程序synthetic routine
综合程序synthetic procedure
综合等级分值aggregate score value
综合管理主管人general management executive
综合管理信息integrated management information
综合管理信托general management trust
综合管理功能integrated management function
综合管理系统total system of management
综合管理计划integrated management plan
综合管理计划与控制技术integrated management planning and control technique
综合管理部门general administration
综合系统改进项目integrated systems improvement project
综合系统检验integrated systems test
综合红利计划combination dividend plan
综合经济变数aggregate economic variables
综合经济指数integrated economic index
综合经济效率overall economic efficiency
综合经济效益composite economic result
综合经济计量模式aggregative econometric model
综合经营mixed business
综合经营mixed management
综合经营mixed operation
综合经营multipurpose economic undertakings
综合经营overall operation
综合经营integrated operation
综合经营公司diversified company
综合经营情报系统integrated operation intelligence system
综合经营计划overall management plan
综合绝对误差integrated absolute error
综合统计omnibus statistics
综合统计信息系统integrated statistical information system
综合统计假设composite statistical hypothesis
综合统计数字comprehensive statistics
综合统计表comprehensive statistical table
综合统计量overall statistic
综合群comprehensive group
综合能源利用效果composite energy utilization results
综合自动控制装置complex automatic control unit
综合自回归与移动平均数模型integrated autoregressive-moving average model
综合自回归移动平均模型autoregressive integrated moving-average model
综合营业额composite turnover
综合补偿贸易comprehensive compensation trade
综合装配检查Integration assembly and check-out
综合计划combination plan
综合计划aggregative planning
综合计算机中心all-round computer center
综合训练synthetical training
综合训练器材synthetical training device
综合评价法comprehensive evaluation method
综合评分牌combined scoreboard
综合试验与检查程序integrated test and checkout procedures
综合调整方案aggregate adjustment
综合调查omnibus survey
综合调查synthetic survey
综合调查comprehensive inquiries
综合调查系统multisubject survey system
综合调查组comprehensive survey group
综合财务报表overall financial statement
综合财务报表comprehensive finance sheet
综合财务报表comprehensive finance statement
综合财务报表comprehensive statement of finance
综合财务报表group financial statement
综合财务报表脚注note to consolidated financial statements
综合财政状况变动表consolidation statement of change in financial position
综合账产生的溢价reserve arising on consolidation
综合账商誉goodwill on consolidation
综合账户comprehensive account
综合账目omnibus account
vessel综合货船composite ship
综合购买力General Purchasing Power
综合贸易general trade
综合贸易公司general trading company
综合贸易加权指标价格composite trade weighted indicator price
综合资产商誉composite asset goodwill
综合资产负债表consolidated statement of resources and obligations
综合资本成本composite cost of capital
综合资金来源与运用表consolidated statement of source and use of fund
综合进度计划comprehensive schedule
综合连续加工过程continuous synthetic process
综合银行业务multiple banking
综合银行制mixed banking system
综合限制composite restriction
综合险against all risks
综合险aggregate risk
综合险comprehensive cover
综合险comprehensive risks
综合险all-loss insurance
综合险保单all-risks policy
综合集装箱服务公司integrated container service
综合项目umbrella project
综合项目提案integrated project proposal
综合预算combination budget
综合领先指标composite leading indicators
综合风险aggregate risk
编制综合管理计划integrated management planning
网络综合法network synthesis
联合飞行验收综合测试验Joint Flight Acceptance Composite Test
自回归综合移动平均数预测ARIMA forecasts
船体综合保险full form hull insurance
获得性免疫缺损综合症acquired immune deficiency syndrome
设备综合工程学comprehensive engineering of equipment
设备综合效率comprehensive efficiency of equipment
设备综合管理comprehensive management of equipment
财政金融综合政策fiscal-monetary mix
货运量综合容纳吞吐能力指港口、泊位、货场、仓容等综合承受能力combined capacity of freight traffic
费用与效能综合准则cost and effectiveness trade off criteria
资源综合自动安排automatic scheduling with time integrated resources allocation
进出口综合贸易combination deal trade
道琼斯股票价格平均综合指数Dow Jones composite average
《金融时报》 保险统计学会综合股票指数Financial Time-Actuaries Share Indexes
销售员估计综合法salesmen's sates composite method
集体综合解决问题模式integrated group problem-solving model
集装箱综合服务公司integrated container service
零星综合贸易odd order
需求与供给综合曲线combined demand and supply curve
需求与供给综合曲线combined curve of demand and supply
顾客综合资料composite inventory
风险综合效应hazard integration effect
飞机综合险aircraft all risks