
Terms for subject Corporate governance containing | all forms
与会代表注册系Participant Registration System
与会代表注册系Registration System
业绩评估系performance evaluation system
主要属关系primary reporting line
代理理论在信息系中的应用agency theory applied to information systems
任务一系适应度task-system fit
Oracle企业资源规划财务系Enterprise Resource Planning Financials
Oracle企业资源规划财务系ERP Financials
休假管理系Leave Management System
保险计计算基础actuarial base
保险计计算表actuarial table
信息系专业人员协会和社团associations and societies for information systems professionals
信息系中的蜂窝技术cellular technology in information systems
信息系中的错误errors in information systems
信息系功能组织organization of the information system function
信息系协会Association of Information Systems
信息系审计auditing of information systems
信息系应用软件的失灵failure of information system applications
信息系方法论information system methodologies
信息系的处理方法processing methods for information systems
信息系的安全性security of information systems
信息系的收费服务chargeback in information systems
信息系的用户评价user evaluation of information systems
信息系职业careers in information systems
信息系评价指标metrics for assessment of information
信息系阶段假设information system stage hypothesis
信息系隐私privacy in information systems
信息系需求决定requirements determination for information systems
假期管理系缩写为LMSLeave Management System
全球一服务中心single global hub
全球银行间资金转帐系代码bank identifier code
全球银行间资金转帐系代码BIC code
全球银行间资金转帐系代码SWIFT code
全组织一运作functioning as one Organization
全组织规划系corporate planning system
公司机构管理系corporate administrative system
共同发薪系common payroll system
共同发薪系common payroll
共同系common system
Oracle关联性共享数据库管理系行政支持shared Oracle RDBMS
决策支持系decision support system
决策系decision systems
决策讯息系decision information system
分离产品的制造系计算机化computerized manufacturing system for discrete products
制定信息系计划planning for information systems
单线排队系single-channel queue system
单通道排队系single-channel queue system
双箱系two-bin system
可变订货量系variable order-quantity system
周期性库存系periodic inventory system
固定订货量系fixed-order-quantity system
国家计系统national statistical system
基于结果的全组织规划系results-based corporate planning system
多方评分反馈系multirater feedback system
多语种方向指示系multilingual directional sign system
实地报告系field reporting system
工作地点差价调整数的consolidation of post adjustment
平行服务系parallel-service system
库存管理系和程序inventory control systems and procedures
德宾-沃森计值Durbin-Watson statistic
战略信息系strategic information systems
房间预定系Room Booking System
执行经理信息系executive information systems
指挥系line of command
文件处理电子申请系缩写为E-DPR系统E-DPR System
文件处理电子申请系缩写为E-DPR系统Electronic Document Processing Request System
旅行系替换项目travel system replacement project
机率计学probability statistics
桌面出版系desktop publishing
桌面部署系Desktop Deployment System
档案系filing system
模型管理系model management systems
每日考勤系缩写为DTS系统DTS system
每日考勤系缩写为DTS系统daily time sheet system
注册系Participant Registration System
注册系Registration System
特别支付系special pay systems
独立系self-contained system
环境管理系environmental management system
现金转移一办法harmonized approach to cash transfers
生产系manufacturing system
电子会议系electronic meeting systems
电子邮件自动通知系automatic email notification system
监测和评价系M&E system
监测和评价系monitoring and evaluation system
程序系program package
管理信息系administrative information system
管理信息系management information systems
管理信息系评价assessment of management information system
中期望顾客人数期望排队顾客人数expected number of customers in the system queue
中顾客期望滞留时间期望顾客排队时间expected customer time in the system queue
内期望人数expected number in the system
分析和设计systems analysis and design
化的方法systematic approach
工程S E system engineering
开发小组teams in system development
PIRES系流程PIRES workstream
PIRES系流程Programme Planning, Implementation Reporting and Evaluation Support System workstream
组织之间的系inteF-organizational systems
组织人口计学organizational demography
一价格flat rate
一工作计划unified work programme
一比率养恤金flat-rate benefit
一计算表common schedule UNDP
一费率偿还办法standard flat-rate system of reimbursement
一费率偿还办法standard rate system of reimbursement
一费率偿还办法flat-rate system of reimbursement
一领导分级管理unified leadership and management by different levels
计互依事件statistically dependent events
计独立事件statistically independent events
计误差statistical erro
Oracle绩效管理系Oracle Performance Management System
绩效管理系performance management system
绩效评价及管理系Performance Evaluation and Management System
绩效评价及管理系奖励及表彰计划Rewards and Recognition Programme
绩效评价及管理系奖励及表彰计划PEMS Rewards and Recognition Programme
绩效评价及管理系委员会PEMS Board
绩效评价及管理系委员会Performance Evaluation and Management System Board
综合安全管理系缩写为ISM系统ISM System
综合安全管理系缩写为ISM系统Integrated Security Management System
编号系coding system
编程系programming system
职位升降系career path
职工薪给税的一比例common staff assessment scale
联合国全系一致性United Nations System-wide coherence
联合国全系评价United Nations system-wide evaluation
联合国全系评价UN system-wide evaluation
联合国系中业务实践协调与改革harmonization and reform of United Nations system business practices
联合国系中业务实践协调与改革harmonization and reform of business practices in the UN system
联机系online systems
规划系programming system
解释系explanation systems
计划制定、执行情况报告及评估系PIRES流程PIRES workstream
计划制定、执行情况报告及评估系PIRES流程Programme Planning, Implementation Reporting and Evaluation Support System workstream
计划管理信息系programme management information system
计算机会计系computerized accounting system
计算机处理的编目系computerized inventory system
计算机操作系computer operation system
计算机财务系computer-based financial system
计算机辅助行政和财务信息系computer-assisted AFI system
计算机辅助软件及系工程学computer aided software and system engineering
认知科学和信息系cognitive science and information systems
记帐和核算系recording and accounting system
评分系rating system
评级系rating system
财务会计系financial accounting system
软系方法缩写为SSMsoft systems methodology
软系方法论soft systems methodologies
面向对象的数据库管理系object oriented database management systems
面向对象的程序和系object oriented programs and systems
预算监测和预测系budget monitoring and forecasting system
高级移动电话服务系Advanced Mobile Phone Service