
Terms for subject Securities containing | all forms
上市证券收付计表statistics of deposit/withdrawal listed securities
专用交易系proprietary trading system
专用屏幕交易系proprietary screen-based trading system
世达国际结算系欧洲货币市场结算系统Centrale de Livraison de Valeurs Mobilieres
个人信用登记系personal credit registry system
中国人民银行信用报告系credit reporting system of the People's Bank of China
中国自动支付系China National Automated Payment System
中央注册系central registration depository
中央结算及交收系Central Clearing and Settlement System
中央股份借贷系centralised borrowing and lending system
中央股份借贷系centralized borrowing and lending system
中央证券交收系Centrale de Livraison de Valeurs Mobilieres
中央证券结算系Centrale de Livraison de Valeurs Mobilieres
中文信息系香港联交所Chinese News System
中西部证券交易所自动执行系Midwest Stock Exchange Automated Execution System
互联网通讯系internet messaging systems
交割系settlement system
交叉盘系crossing system
交易及结算一体化系integrated trading and clearing system
交易处理系transaction processing system
交易对盘系trade matching system
交易对盘系trade crossing system
交易所国际询价自动报价系Stock Exchange Automated Quotations System for International Equities>
交易所场内交易系floor trading system
交易撮合系trade matching system
交易支持系trade support system
交易期权系traded options system (TOPS)
交易注册系trade registration system
交易系使用费trading tariff
交易系统计Trade System View
交易路径选择系transactions routing system
代办股票转让系agency share transfer system
一协议方式进行净额结算netting by master agreement
会员资料提取系member access services
三角兼并forward triangular merger
上限conversional cap
产业股票old economy stock (如钢铁业,汽车制造业股票)
型投资traditional investing
型证券化traditional securitization
式损益报表traditional format of income statement
或常规项目conventional project
技术面分析traditional technical analysis
投资回收法traditional payback method
投资的问题failure of traditional investment
抵押conventional mortgage
期权plain vanilla
期权traditional option
期权conventional option
期权互换plain vanilla swap
权证plain vanilla warrant
的国际金融市场经营货币借贷、外汇买卖、证券交易、黄金买卖等传统的国际金融业务的场所traditional international financial market
观点traditional view
规则traditional rule
贷款方式conventional lending
转换抵押证券conventional pass through
集合conventional pool
伦敦清算机构的自动支付系clearing house automated payment system
供应商电子存档系vendor electronic filing system
供应商电子存档系vendor electronic filing system
俄罗斯交易系指数Russian Trading System
债券自动结算系automated bond system
债券自动结算系纽约证券交易所的计算机网络系统automated bond system ABS
Z值评分系Z scoring
偏爱传股的基金经理traditional value-investing fund manager
全国报价服务系又称"粉单市场"national quotation service
全国证券交易商协会自动报价系National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations System (NASDAQ)
全国证券交易商协会自动报价系指数National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation Indexes
全国证券交易商协会自动报价系期权自动系统National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation Options Quotation Execution System
全国转账支付系National Giro
全国银行系national banking system
全球期货电子交易系global electronic trading system (芝加哥)
公司法人信用登记系corporate credit registry system
公告系public address system
公开金融交易系opening financial exchange (OFX)
公开金融交易系提供网上金融信息传输的工具open financial exchange
共用系shared system
共用金融系shared financial system
内部交叉交易系internal trade crossing system
净额结算系netting system
减少在证券和期货行业中的系风险reduce systemic risk in the securities and futures industry
分形fractal statistics
分批成本计算系job costing system
分拆子系de-coupled subsystem
分组交换系packet switch system
分销系distribution system
匹配系matching system
协同系服务collaboration system service
即时支付结算系real time gross settlement RTGS system
参与者资料提取系participant access services
发行者电子存档系issuer electronic filing system
后执行报告系post execution reporting
后端系为买方和卖方进行订单处理、库存控制和应收账款管理的系统back-end system
国家计局中国State Statistics Bureau
国家计局State Statistics Bureau
国家债券注册系National Saving Stock Register
国家自动支付系中国National Automated Payment System
国家自动支付系National Automated Payment System
国库券自动竞价处理系Treasury Automated Auction Processing System
英国证券交易所国际自动报价系SEAQ International (UK)
国际证券号码编制系International Securities Numbering System
国际证券识别号码系ISIN system
国际银行与投资服务系 宾夕法尼亚州的一个计算机系统international banking and investment services
场外后备系offsite backup system
场外电子交易系纳斯达克管理的电子股票交易系统over the counter bulletin board OTCBB
场外电子柜台交易系专门为未能在美国全国性市场上市的公司股票提供的一个交易场所over the counter bulletin board
场外自动交易系non-exchange automated trading system
基准调查benchmark survey
外国证券对比与清算系foreign securities comparison and netting
外汇电子交易系exchange electronic trading
多系跨国交易multi-systems and cross-country trading
多重结算系multiple clearing system
大厅交易系floor trading system
大宗股票自动交易系block automation system
大宗股票自动交易系block automation system
实施一规定impose a uniform threshold
实时real-time statistics
对冲基金与传的资产管理方式hedge funds vs. traditional asset management
对证券市场实行集中一监督管理implement centralized and unified regulation of securities market
小额订单执行系small order execution system
小额订单执行系small order execution system SOES
小额订单登记系small order entry system
小额订单自动执行系small order automatic system
小额订单记账系small order entry system SOES
屏幕式交易系screen-based trading system
市价交易委托系market order system of trading
市场market integration
市场数据系纽约证券交易所关键的国际通讯网Market Data System
市场间监督信息系intermarket surveillance information system
应用分形用于分析债券市场随机性和确定性applying fractal statistics
德励信息系德励系统提供全球24小时金融市场信息服务Telerate Dow Jones Global Information
德国传二级按揭市场产品Pf and brief
选举周期理论股市涨跌与总统选举周期有关联presidential election cycle theory
所有权ownership integration
批量交易系block trading system
投资于传股票的基金经理traditional value-investing fund manager
报价管理系order management systems
报价系提供证券交易价格的电子系统quote machine
持股系stock holding system
指令传达系router system
指令传递系order routing system
指定委托传送系designated order turnaround system
授权债券系authorized bond system
支付系网关设施payment gateway
支持系backup system
支票清算系check clearing system
改进加速成本回收系modified accelerated cost recovery system
改进加速成本收回系modified accelerated cost recovery system
数字通用编号系data universal numbering system
数据大全编号系资料刊登企业注册号、地址、邮编、雇员人数、经营风格等信息Data Universal Numbering System
网 ±数据搜集、分析与检索系Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis and Retrieval
斯考勒克斯系证券通讯、指令规则的交易执行系统Scorex system
新加坡股票交易所交易自动报价系Stock Exchange of Singapore Dealing and Automated Quotation System
无负债再结算系no-debt resettlement system
日本全银数据通讯系Zengin system
替代交易系alternative trading system (ATS)
有限委托系limit order system
有限指令系limit order system
机构交割系institutional delivery system
机构交易员组合系Portfolio System for Institutional Traders
机构经纪人评估系institutional broker's estimate system
板上交易系board trading system
次日净额结算系next day net settlement system
欧洲证券交易商协会自动报价交易系伊斯达克European Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation System
经济orthodox economy
比较系comparison system
泛欧交易所债券系Eurex Bonds (泛欧交易所的电子交易平台)
注册代表快速反映系纽约证券交易所的计算机通讯系统registered representative rapid response program
清算处理系clearing processing system
清算机构电子登记分系澳大利亚clearing house electronic subregister system
清算机构电子登记分系clearing house electronic subregister system
清算机构的自动转账系clearing house automated transfer system
清算机构自动转账系clearing house automated transfer system
独立电子交易系independent electronic trading systems
环球银行同业金融通讯系society for worldwide interbank financial telecom
现金一价的股权收购uniform any-or-all cash tender offer
理论参考定价系期货theoretical indicative pricing system
理论性指标性价格系Theoretical Indicative Pricing System (期货)
电子交易系exchange Electronic Trading
电子公告板报价交易系bulletin board share trading system
电子公告板报价系bulletin board quotation system
电子化资金划拨系electronic funds transfer system
电子支付系electronic payment system (EPS)
电子数据处理系electronic data processing
电子数据搜集分析和检索系Electronic Data Gathering Analysis and Retrieval System 的缩写EDGAR
电子汇款系electronic funds transfer
电子股票信息邮递系Electronic Mailing Stock Information System
电子自动对盘及执行/结算系electronic order matching and execution/clearing system
电子资料递交系electronic submission system
电子资金传递系electronic funds transmit
电子递交系e-submission system
电子递交系electronic submission system
电脑化投资系computerized investing
电脑化记账结算系computerized book-entry settlement system
电脑结账系giro system
电脑辅助交易系computer-assisted execution system
电脑辅助执行系computer-assisted execution system
电话委托系telephone order system
监察系surveillance system
目标瞄准系targeting system
目标确定系targeting system
目标锁定系targeting system
相互对冲系mutual offset system
确认查询系firm access query system
社会信用登记系social credit registry system
税务估算系imputation tax system
稳健的银行系a sound banking system
管理信息系Management Information Systems (MIS)
簿记账目计表statistics of book-entry accounts
之间的配合system interfaces
停顿system outage
关闭system closure
参与者system participant
回报systematic return
回购system repo
失灵systemic failure
失灵system failure
市场波动systemic movement
延误与中断system delays and outages
性偏差systematic bias
性干扰systemic disruption
性的市场稳定systemic market stability
性金融危机systematic financial crisis
性错误systematic error
投资计划systematic investment plan
提息计划基金投资人定期可领回固定收益的权利systematic withdrawal plan
整体性system integrity
毁坏systemic failure
稳定systemic stability
运作时间system available time
连通权system access right
风险原则systematic risk principle
纳斯达克交易数据传递服务系NASDAQ Trade Dissemination Service
纳斯达克小额订单执行系NASDAQ Small Order Execution System
纳斯达克精选网络系NASDAQ Select Net
纳斯达克订单传送与执行系NASDAQ Order Delivery and Execution System
纳斯达克高级计算机交易系NASDAQ Advanced Computerized Execution System (ACES)
经纪会计系broker's accounting system
结算及交收系香港期货交易所clearing and settlement system
结算银行同业支付系clearing house interbank payment system
一习惯和做法uniform customs and practices
一交割价格uniform delivered price
一交易平台unified trading platform
一价格global price
一价格consolidate price
一信用系统unified credit system
一债券consolidation bonds
一债券consolidated bonds
一免税额度unified credit
一兑换率standard conversion rate
一公债由英国政府于 1751年发行的长期债券consols
一公债consolidated annuity
一减免unified credit
一反欺诈转让法Uniform Fraudulent Conveyance Act
一发行通告uniform offering circular
一可转让票据法Uniform Negotiable Instrument Act
一合伙法令Uniform Partnership Act
一商业法典Uniform Commercial Code
一商业票据托收规则Uniform Rules for the Collection of Commercial Paper
一商务股份有限公司consolidated merchandising corporation
美国一商法Uniform Commercial Code
一商法Uniform Commercial Code
一商誉consolidated goodwill
一基金信息披露语言unify the language of fund information disclosure
一契约保证规则Uniform Rules for Contract Guarantees
一定价flat pricing
信用证一惯例uniform customs (for credits)
证券一惯例法典Uniform Practice Code
一托收规则Uniform Rules for Collection
一报价系统consolidated quotation system
一报酬率flat scale
一收益率flat yield
一收益率flat scale
一收费flat fee
一方式unified maimer
一汇票及本票法Uniform Law on Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes
一理论模型unified theory model
一电子交易界面uniform electronic transaction interface (ETI)
一的债券市场uniform bond market
一的债权证uniform debenture
一的公司债券uniform debenture
一的技术平台unified technology platform
一税收减让unified tax credit
一股价指数integrated stock price indices
一行动in concert
一行情显示系统consolidated tape
一证券代理人州级法律考试Uniform Securities Agent State Law Examination
一调拨unified transfer
一费率linear rate
一资金结算unified money settlement
一银行体制mono-bank system (all-in-one)
包方式turnkey basis
括储备global reserves
筹兼顾overall planning and proper arrangement
筹兼顾overall planning and all round consideration
筹兼顾take into consideration in the interests of all concerned
筹兼顾make overall plans and take all factors into consideration
计成本控制statistical cost control
计数字statistical data
计程序控制statistical process control
综合公开系integrated disclosure system
网上交易系online trading system
网上交易订单输人系computerized order entry system
网上付款系electronic payment system (EPS)
网上委托系online commissioning system
网上市场行情同步系computerized market timing system
网上结算系electronic clearing system
网上股票信息传输系Electronic Mailing Stock Information System
网上行情系online quotation system
网上表决系online voting system
网上资金转账系electronic funds transfer system
网上资金转账系electronic funds transfer
网交易系J-Net trading network J
网络监控系network control system
美元结算系US dollar clearing system
美国一证券识别委员会Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures
美国一证券识别委员会Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures
美国股票交易所期权转换系AMEX Options Switching System
联合报价系consolidated quotation system
联通中央结算及交收系log-on CCASS
联邦住宅贷款银行系Federal Home Loan Bank System
联邦储备系管理委员会美国联邦储备系统五大组成部分之一,联邦储备系统核心机构Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
联邦储备通信系Federal Reserve Communication System
12 家联邦储备银行及其分支的 联邦储备通讯系Federal Reserve Wire Network
联邦储备银行系Federal Reserve Bank system
联邦电汇系交易Fedwire transfer
美国12家联邦储备银行及其分支的联邦联线系Fed Wire
股市每周weekly stock market statistics
股票交易所交易系Stock Exchange Trading Service (SETS)
股票代办转让系transfer system of stock agency
股票增值排名系stock appreciation ranking system
股票增值排名系stock appreciation ranking system 的缩写STARS
股票报价系stock ticker
股票期权交易系traded options system
纽约股票交易所股票监视系stock watcher (of NYSE)
股票经纪商电脑系stock broker computer system
自动交易系automated trade system
自动价格配对系automatic price matching system
自动化报价系automated quotation (system)
自动化汇率累计系automatic exchange rates accumulation system
自动化股票借贷系automated mechanism for lending and borrowing of shares
自动委托系automated order system
自动定价与报告系authorized pricing and reporting system
自动定价和报价系automated pricing and reporting system
自动对盘及执行系Automatic Order Matching and Execution System
自动屏幕交易系automated screen trading system
自动执行系automatic execution system
自动报价系automatic quotation system
自动撮合系automatching system
自动确认交易服务系automated confirmation transaction services
自动确认交易服务系automated confirmation transaction service
自动票据结算操作系ACH operator
自动稳定系automatic stabilizer
自动订单接人系automated order entry system
自动订单撮合与执行系Automatic Order Matching and Execution System
自动订单系automated order system
自动证券及交易系automated securities and trading system
自动转账系automatic transfer system (ATS)
自动过户系automatic transfer system (ATS)
自动配对系automatching system
芝加哥商交所全球交易系芝加哥商品交易所的电子交易平台CME Globex
萨克评估系美国芝加哥萨克投资研究机构 (Zacks Investment Reseach)把华尔街超过200家的研究公司所推荐的超过4 500种股票研究结果的汇总服务Zacks Estimate System
董事会观点不split board
行情报价系composite tape
行情电讯系quote wire
衍生产品结算及交收系Derivative Clearing and Settlement System
衍生产品结算和交收系Derivative Clearing and Settlement System
警报信号系amber light system
计算机辅助指令路径及执行系computer assisted order routing and execution system
订单传递系order routing system
订单支持系order support system
订单管理系order management systems
记账证券结算系book-entry stock settlement system
设定一门坎impose a uniform threshold
证券交易所另项交易系Security Exchange Alternative Trade System
证券交易所另项交易系stock exchange alternative trading system
证券交易所电子交易服务系Stock Exchange Electronic Trading Service
证券交易自动报价系Stock Exchange Automated Quotation
证券交易自动报价系securities trading automated quotation system
证券和期货计年鉴Securities and Futures Statistical Yearbook
证券市场研究、培训和监督自动化系中国香港Securities Market Automated Research, Training & Surveillance System
证券市场资料研究、培训及监察自动化系Securities Market Automated Research, Training & Surveillance System
证券注册系securities register system
证券经营机构营业部系技术管理规范Administrative Regulations Governing the Information System Technology of the Sales Department of Securities Operating Institutions
调查计研究部央行上海总部Survey, Statistics and Research Department PBOC
财务和经营合并一报表Financial and Operational Combined Uniform Single report
标准普尔附属机构投资者管理服务公司 (IMS) 所提供的各公司的财务资料及相关计资料的电脑档案Compustat
账面结算系book-entry settlement system
账面转账系book-entry transfer system
资金划拨系money transfer system
超级组合报价系纳斯达克SuperMontage NASDAQ
超级订单传递系Super DOT
跟单信用证一习惯和做法uniform customs and practices for documentary credits
跨市场监督信息系intermarket surveillance information system
造市商信息和交易系market-maker information and trading system
遵守法规的传compliance culture
金融时报计师股票指数Financial Times-Actuaries Share Index
金融机构监控系financial institution monitor system
金融网络系institutional network
银行信息计算机联网系bank wire
银行同业票据清算支付系clearing house interbank payment system
银行同业资金转账系interbank funds transfer system
银行系内调度fund allocation within a bank
银行系分崩离析unravelling of the banking system
限价报单系limit order system
限制系limit system
集中化股份借贷系centralised borrowing and lending system
零售自动执行系retail automated execution system
非交易所自动交易系non-exchange automated trading system
非传型投资non-traditional investment
非系性风险企业特殊风险,对股票投资者而言,公司产品、罢工、财务状况、营运管理等独特的风险以及可用分散投资的方式来分散的风险,为非系统性风险。 而天灾战争、经济景气环境等为系统风险,即 systematic riskfirm specific risk
非系性风险企业特殊风险,对股票投资者而言,公司产品、罢工、财务状况、营运管理等独特的风险以及可用分散投资的方式来分散的风险,为非系统性风险。 而天灾战争、经济景气环境等为系统风险,即 systematic riskunsystematic risk
预付计算执行系advance computerized execution system
预警系early warning system (市场可能出现风险时,提前发出警告提示)
预警系amber light system
风险与收益risk and return statistics
风险度量系risk metrics system (摩根大通开发的统计模型,此模型进一步使 VaR 方法成为了度量风险的主流工具)
风险目标监测系risk targeting system
风险系risk system
香港交易所组合风险押金系portfolio risk margining system of HKEX
香港电子交易系Hong Kong Automated Trading System