
Terms for subject Fishery fishing industry containing | all forms
上升流系upwelling system
以生态系为基础的渔业管理简写为EBFMecosystem-based management of fisheries
以生态系为基础的渔业管理简写为EBFMecosystem-based fisheries management
权利customary rights
权利traditional rights
鱼类种群conventional stock of fish
保护伞系umbrella system
准持久的大气系quasi-permanent atmospheric system
原始海洋生态系pristine marine ecosystem
可快速放置声纳浮标系RDSSrapidly deployable sonobuoy system
可持续发展参考系sustainable development reference system
固定监测系moored surveillance system
声音监测系sound surveillance system
封闭波腹滚动控制系拖曳部分closed loop roll control system for towed body
模数系modular system
气置数组系air-deployable array system
水生生态系aquatic ecosystem
活动控制系拖曳部分active control system for towed body
浮式网箱系floating cage system
海上搜救系maritime search and rescue system
海洋社会生态系marine social-ecological system
深海生态系deep-sea ecosystem
渔业和水产养殖生态系方法ecosystem approach to fisheries and aquaculture
生态系人为影响anthropogenic impact on the ecosystem
生态系人为影响anthropogenic ecosystem impact
生态系生产力ecosystem productivity
ASFIS系用于渔业统计的物种清单ASFIS List of Species for Statistics Purposes
ASFIS系用于渔业统计的物种清单ASFIS Aquatic Species Classification
ASFIS系用于渔业统计的物种清单ASFIS List of Species for Fishery Statistics Purposes
脆弱海洋生态系vulnerable marine ecosystem
自动识别系Automatic Identification System
船舶监测系vessel monitoring system
船舶识别系Vessel Detection System
船舶远程识别和跟踪系LRIT System
船舶远程识别和跟踪系Long-range Identification and Tracking System
船队计数据fleet statistics
转发器系transponder system
防护系umbrella system
非传种类unconventional species
鱼类追踪系fish traceability system