
Terms for subject Ecology containing | all forms
下分式给水指在室内down feed system
下分式双管系布置down feed two pipe system
专题性环境信息系environmental information system of special task (STEIS)
中央气动垃圾输送系central pneumatic refuse collection system
主动噪声控制系active noise control
乡村污水系rural sewerage
事故应急预警系accident emergency warning system
二次空气系secondary air system
亚热带生态系subtropical ecosystem
产业生态系industrial ecology
人口计区census tract
人口调查计法census statistic method
人工林生态系man-made forest ecosystem
人类生态系human ecological system
曝气法conventional aeration
洒滴滤池conventional trickling filter
活性污泥法conventional activated sludge process
生物滤池conventional trickling filter
耕作conventional tillage
能源conventional energy resources
传感系sensing system
低强度灌溉系low-intensity system
信号系signal cascade
催化助燃系指催化燃烧装置catalytic combustion system
全球信息系global information systems
全球气候观测系Global Climate Observation System
全球海平面观测系global sea-level observing system
全球观测系global observation system
全球资料处理系global data-processing system
全生态系total ecosystem
公用供水系communal service
农林复合生态系agroforestry ecosystem
农林复合生态系agro-forest ecosystem
农林复合生态经济系agroforestry economic system
农果复合生态系agro-fruit ecosystem
农田生产系cropping system
农田生态系farmland ecosystem
农田资源生态系field resource ecosystem
冰盐水制冷系ice brine system
冷热水管系hot and cold water system
分开供水系separate water supply system
分开集水系segregated collection system
分流制下水系separate sewerage system
分离系separating system
化学品/农药残留物检测系chemical/ pesticide residue testing system
北极生态系Arctic ecosystems
区域排水系regional sewerage system
区域空气污染系zonal air pollution system
区域预报系area forecast system
半人工生态系semi-artificial ecosystem
半干旱生态系semiarid ecosystem
半自动喷灌系semi-automatic sprinkler system
南极生态系antarctic ecosystems
县级林业空间信息共享系spatial forest information sharing system on county level
双层海底管道系pipe-in-pipe system
取样系小型化sample system miniaturization
叠加计分析overlay statistics analysis
合流下水道系combined sewerage system
合流下水道系combined sewage system
合流制下水道系combined sewerage system
合流系雨污水combined system
吸入管道系suction piping
吸收系active system
吸气沟渠系vacuum sewerage system
呼吸系疾病respiratory system disease
喀斯特生态系karst ecosystem
回水分流管系separate flow and return system
因卡式曝气系Inka system
国际性重要的生态系international important ecosystem
国际环境信息系international environment information system
国际环境资料查询系international referral system for sources of environmental information
土地环境land environmental statistics
土地生态系land ecosystem
土地资源land resource statistics
土地资源信息系land resource information system
土壤-植物系soil plant system
地下河系underground river system
地域经济系area economic system
地球观测系遥感监测earth observing system telemetry
ARC/INFO 地理信息系ARC/INFO geographical information system
地理信息系 ARC/INFOgeographical information system ARC/INFO
地理信息系 IDRISIgeographical information system IDRISI
地理信息系geographic information systems
地理信息系geographical information systemGIS
地理信息系平台platform of GIS
地表漫流系overland flow systems
地面径流系Surface runoff coefficient
地面系ground-based system
坡沟系slope-gully system
坡沟系hillslope-gully slope erosion system
垃圾输送系refuse transport system
城市污水管理系municipal wastewater management system
城市生态系function of urban ecological system
城郊农业生态系suburb agroecosystem
基于性能的评价系performance-based measurement system
壁板式供暖系embedded panel system
大气污染监控系air pollution monitoring system
大陆架资源生态系ecosystem of resources on the continental shelf
太阳能储存系active system
太阳能冷却系absorption refrigeration
太阳能空气调节系absorption air conditioning
奇异系singular system
寒带生态系cold zone ecosystems
封闭系sealed system
小岛屿环境系environmental systems on small islands
就地再利用系on-site reuse system
层滑-倾滑-走滑断裂系interlayer glide-dip slip-strike slip fault system
工业生产industrial production statistics
干废物输送系Dry Waste Collection SystemDWCS
干旱地区生态系arid land ecosystems
广域差分全球定位系wide area differential global position system
废气再循环燃烧系这是为减少生氮的氧化物正在开创的新方法gas recirculation burning system
废水分离系effluent segregation system
废水收集系wastewater collection system
庭院生态系ecosystem of courtyard
建成的排水系built drainage systems
开放系指维持生物自身平衡、成长及生存的系统open system
开环系open cycle system
弱电系light current system
弱电系weak current system
循环供暖系recirculation heating system
循环水冷却处理系cooling system for circulating water
循环活性污泥系cyclic activated sludge system
循环系补充水make-up water of circulation system
微机地理信息系microcomputer geographic information system
微生物生态系microbial ecosystem
Biolog 微生物自动鉴定系Biolog microstation system
快速系rapid system
总供热系total energy system
感觉系sensing system
慢速渗滤系slow rate system
成套系integrated system
截流式排水管系intercepted drain system
扇形排水系fan system
扫描系scanning system
抗氧化系antioxidative system
TEMP 报告系CLIMAT TEMP reporting system
抽风系extract system
排出物分离系effluent segregation system
排尘系dust exhaust system
排放权管制系allowance tracking system
排气催化系catalytic exhaust system
排气系exhaust gas system
排水管道系最优化设计optimization design of sewer pipe system
推流系plug flow system
旁系lateral system (systema lateralis)
无噪unnoisy system
时变量系time-varying system
星站差分全球定位系wide area differential global position system
曝气系aerating system
极地生态系polar ecosystems
果-草人工生态系artificial fruit-grass ecosystem
枣园生态系jujube yard ecosystem
树篱-农作系hedgerow crops system
核污染物排放消除系nuclear pollution discharge elimination system
植物生态系plant ecosystem
植物系phylogenetic background
植被生态系vegetation ecological system
楼宇自动化系building automatic system
模拟支持系simulation support system
模拟生态系model ecosystem
残余处置系residue disposal system
残渣淬火系residue-quench system
氮维持系nitrogen support system
水冲污水系water-carriage system
水土流失系soil and water loss system
水污染监测系water pollution monitoring system
水环境系hydrological system
水生态系aquatic ecosystem
水生系aquatic system
水网系water reticulation network
水质自动监测系automatic water quality monitoring system
水资源系分析systems analysis of water resources
污染监测系contamination monitoring system
污水系sewage system
沙漠生态系desert ecosystem
城市沟渠工程sewerage system
河流物质排入海洋系river inputs to ocean system
河流系river system
河道排水系river drainage system
沿海生态系coastal ecosystems
洒水系water sprinkler system
流域系watershed system
海上风力发电系offshore wind power station
海底生态系benthic ecosystem
海洋环境自动监测系automatic seabed-based environmental monitoring system
海洋生态系oceanic ecosystem
海温动力系sea surface temperature dynamic system
消光系extinction coefficient
液液提取系liquid-liquid extraction system
淡水生态系fresh water ecosystem
深井系指污水处理deep shaft system
湿地处理系wetland treatment system
湿地生态系wetland ecosystem
湿式烟道气脱硫系wet FGD system
灌溉系system of irrigation
灰色系模型grey system model
灰色系预测评价模型gray model for prediction
烟气在线监测系online gas monitoring system
烟雾/高热自动感应系automatic smoke/heat detection system
物质再生系regenerative system of matter
环境计学environmental statistics
环境计指标indicator of environment statistics
环境计管理办法Measures on Management of Environmental Statistics
环境保护信息系information system for environmental protection
环境控制系environment control system
环境监测系environmental monitoring system
环境管理信息系information system for environment management
环境经济系决策decision making of environment-economic system
环境经济系指标index of environment-economic system
环境经济系指标体系index series of environment-economic system
瓦斯监控系methane monitoring system
生命vital statistics
生态计分析ecological statistical analysis
生态系价值ecosystem value
生态系养护组Ecosystem Conservation Group
生态系动力学dynamics of ecosystem
生态系发展战略strategy of ecosystem development
生态系服务价值ecosystem service value
生态系经营ecosystem management
生态系适应性管理adaptive ecosystem management
生物多样性和传知识研究会Center for Biodiversity and Indigenous Knowledge
生物群-生物小区系biota-biotope system
电脑控制的各分层网釆样系intelligent operative net sampling system
直接回水系direct-return system
相对稳定的土地生态系relatively stable land ecosystem
砂坝-潟湖系sand-bar and lagoon system
硫化锌检测系zinc sulfide detection system
社会生产系social production system
社区企业操作系community enterprise operating system
空气喷射系air injection system
空蚀曝气系cavitation aeration system
空间计分析spatial statistic analysis
空间计学spatial statistics
竖直双管式系vertical two-pipe system
管理信息系management information systemMIS
IONESS 系intelligent operative net sampling system
三环结构tri cycle structure
工程systematical engineering
构建system construction
生产力system productivity
聚类法system cluster
红壤生态系red soil ecosystem
一的最低环境标准uniform minimum environmental standards
计模拟方法Monte Carlo algorithm
综合性全球海洋服务系管理integrated global ocean services system management
绿色环境系green environment system zone
能流系energy flow system
能源与碳注册系energy and carbon registry
能源分配系energy distribution system
脆弱的土地生态系vulnerable land ecosystem
自动化中央垃圾收集系automatic central refuse collection system
自动化中央真空垃圾收集系automated central vacuum refuse collection system
自动垃圾收集系automated refuse collection system
自然地理系natural geographical system
自然资源natural resource statistics
草地农业生态系agro grassland ecosystem
草地生态系grassland ecosystem
草地资源地理信息系geographic al information system of rangeland resources
螺流式曝气spiral flow system
被动式太阳能采暖系passive solar heating system
装有催化净化废气系的小客车catalyst-equipped passenger car
设备管理系equipment management system
资源生态系功能function of resource ecosystem
资源生态系的分解作用decomposition of resource ecosystem
辐射式排水radial system
进气系gas handing system
连续分析系continuous analyzing system
退化生态系degradation ecosystem
通风排气系exhaust system of ventilation
遥感图像处理系remote sensing
酸净化系acid purification system
采光系daylight factor
采样系sampling network
防洪系flood control system
阿拉斯加天然气输送系Alaska Natural Gas Transportation System
陆基系ground-based system
集中集尘系centralized dust collecting system
雨水污水分流系separate system
雨污水合流下水管道系combined sewer system
青紫泥-水稻作物系purplish clayey soil PCS-rice system
预警系early warning system
高原生态系highland ecosystems
黄土洞穴系loess tunnel system