
Terms for subject Earth sciences containing | all forms
一级资料使用系primary data user system
一维水流多种输送系multiple-species transport in one-dimensional flow system
一般代数模拟系general algebraic modeling system
一阶筛选与修正系first-order screening and correction system
紫外-蓝-可见光三色测光系ultraviolet-blue-visual system
三轴参考系three-axis reference system
上渐新Upper Oligocene
下更新世〔Lower Pleistocene
下渗-渗漏系infiltration-percolation systems
下视俯视红外系downward looking infrared system
不回收探测器数据采集系expendable probe data acquisition system
专家支持系expert support system
专用测线private wire system
专用地理信息显示分析与管理系geographic lease information display analysis and management system
专用污水处理系条例individual sewage disposal systems act
专题绘图仪录制系thematic mapper transcription system
世界信息交换系World Information Systems Exchange
世界参考系world reference system
世界天气系World Weather System
世界海洋数据显示系World Oceanographic Data Display System
世界科技信息系universal system for information in science and technology
世界金属计局World Bureau of Metal Statistics
东北区域遥感系northeast area remote sensing system
东南巴西大陆裂隙系Continental Rift System of Southeast Brazil
东西方贸易管制筹委员会Coordinating Committee Controlling East-West Trade
东西方资源系研究所East-West Resource Systems Institute
两向小型惯性导航系dual miniature inertial navigation system
个体派拉塞耳评估系individual parcel evaluation system
中国地质和勘探系Chinese Geology and Exploration System
中国生物多样性信息系Chinese Biodiversity Information System
中国黄金地质信息系China Gold Geological Information System
中央计局central statistical office
中央互连传输系central interconnected transmission system
中央处理机汇编系assembly system for central processor
中央大气监测系central atmosphere monitoring system
中央气象局全球天气预报系Central Weather Bureau Global Forecast System
中央系处理机central system processor unit
中央遥测系central telemetry system
中央预处理系central pretreatment system
中子分光计数字系neutron spectrometer digital system
中子分光计系neutron spectrometer system
中子监测系neutron-monitoring system
中尺度大气模拟系mesoscale atmospheric simulation system
中尺度对流系mesoscale convective systems
中尺度弥散模拟系mesoscale dispersion modeling system
中渐新Middle Oligocene
中程定位系medium range positioning system
中空通信卫星系medium-altitude communications satellite system
中间感应回线系瞬变探测transient soundings for a central induction loop system
伊利诺斯奥扎克Illinois Ozarks
伊利诺斯州自然资源信息系Illinois Resources Information System
会话式程序设计系conventional programming system
国际原点conventional international origin
渗透classical percolation
耕作法conventional tillage
能源部门区域计划regional program for the traditional energy sector
伯努利数学计与概率学会荷兰Bernoulli Society for Mathematical Statistics and Probability
分布式多级系distributed multiplexer system
分布式操作系内核distributed operating system kernel
分布式智能微机计算系distributed intelligence microcomputer system
分布式监测与控制系distributed monitoring and control system
分布系发生器distribution system generator
分时系计算机time sharing system
分析系analysis system
分析、预报和数据处理作业系analysing, forecasting and data processing operational system
分类和测量分系classification and measuration subsystem
分类系大纲broad system of ordering
分配管理系distribution management system
分配系模拟器distribution system simulator
切萨皮克湾地区自动化野外作业系卫星天气广播Chesapeake Region AFOS/Satellite Weather Broadcast
创新区域系regional systems of innovation
初始图像产生系initial image generation system
初始土地first land statistics
初级红外三角测量系preliminary infrared triangulation system
利用计算机处理的计划系computer-aided process planning system
化合物混合和储存分系chemical mixing and storage subsystem
化学信息和数据系chemical information and data system
化学和容积控制系chemical and volume control system
化学工程最佳系chemical engineering optimization system
化学工程模拟系chemical engineering simulator system
化学废物处理系chemical waste treatment system
化学索引登录系index chemicals registry system
北加利福尼亚州综合污水处理系Northern California Treatment System Complex
北卡罗来纳州土地利用信息系North Carolina Land Use Information System
北大西洋中继通信系North Atlantic Relay Communications System
北大西洋综合观测系Composite Observing System for the North Atlantic
北极气候系研究Arctic Climate System Study
北极科学技术信息系Arctic Science and Technology Information System
北极钻探系Arctic Drilling System
北海联合信息系Joint North Sea Information System
北美大地数据系现代化会议North American Conference on the Modernization of Land Data System
北部大平原区域含水层系分析美国地质调查局Northern Great Plains Regional Aquifer-System Analysis USGS
合并市区计面积consolidated metropolitan statistical area
合成双多普勒系Synthetic Dual-Doppler
合成孔径雷达图像判读系synthetic-aperture radar interpretation system
合成孔径雷达处理系synthetic aperture radar processing system
合成孔径雷达数据表列系SAR data catalog system
合成等深剖面测量系synthetic bathymetric profiling system
吉奥麦普一种地质制图中存储和处理数据的系统索引系geomap index system
吊架式测量系towed system of measurements
同位素射线照相系isotope radiography system
γ 同位素绘图系gamma isotope mapping system
向群决策支持系group decision supporting system
土地statistics of land record
土地land statistics
土地计分析 land statistics analysis
土地计台账land account book
土地计簿land statistics book
土地产权系land titling system
土地信息系land information system
土地信息系land information system
土地利用与自然资源信息系land use and natural resource information system
土地利用分析系land use analysis system
土地利用大系major land use system
土地利用大系large-scale land use system
土地利用管理信息系land use management information system
土地利用系land use system
土地利用规划计算机制图系computer mapping for land use planning
土地-城市-生态系模拟geo-urban-eco-system simulation
土地生态系land ecosystem
土地生态经济系land eco-economic system
土地登记系land registration system
土地监测与计处Land Monitoring and Statistic Division
土地相关信息系land-related information system
土地类型分级系land type classification system
土地系land system
土地调查系land survey system
土壤侵蚀分类系classification system of soil erosion
土壤信息检索系soils information retrieval system
土壤信息系soil information system
土壤生态系soil ecosystem
土壤生态系功能function of soil ecosystem
土壤生态系序列soil ecosystem sequence
土壤系分类soil taxonomy
名词信息系geographic names information system
地球计环境评价软件geostatistical environment assessment software
地球信息系geo-based information system
地球动力数据采集系geokinetic data acquisition system
地球化学交互作用系分析geochemical interactive systems analysis
地球参考坐标系terrestrial reference system
地球同步卫星资料存档与检索系geosynchronous satellite archival and retrieval system
地球同步卫星通信系synchronous satellite communication system
地球同步气象卫星系日本geostationary meteorological satellite system Japan
地球同步气象卫星系日本geostationary meteorological satellite system
地球同步气象卫星系地面装置Ground Facility for a Geostationary Meteorological Satellite System
地球定位系Earth Fixed System
地球气候系Earth's Climate System
地球物理场数据系geophysical field data system
地球物理数据处理系geophysical processor system
地球物理测量系公司Geophysical Survey System Inc.
地球物理监测系geophysical monitoring system
地球物理调查系geophysical survey system
航天器地球着陆系Earth landing system
地球科学与应用数据系Earth Science and Application Data System
地球科学与应用数据系Earth Science and Applications Data System
地球科学信息系Geoscientific Information System
地球科学信息系Information System of Earth Science
地球科学信息系Earth Science Information System
地球系科学委员会Earth System Science Committee
地球编码资源信息数据管理系geo-encoded-resources information data management system
地球观察系Earth Observation System
地球观测图形分析系terra observation pattern analysis system
地球观测数据管理系Earth Observation Data Management System
地球观测系Earth observing system
地球观测系数据和信息系统Earth observing system data and information system
地球资源卫星系委员会Committee on Earth Resources Satellite System
地球资源图像处理系Earth Resources Image Processing System
地球资源数字应用系Earth Resources Digital Applications System
地球资源编目系Earth Resources Inventory System
地球资源观测系Earth Resources Observation Systems
地球资源观测系数据中心美国地质调查局EROS Data CenterUSGS
地球资源观测系数据中心数字图像增强系统EDC digital image enhancement system
地球资源观测系数据中心的数字图像处理系统EDC digital image processing system
地球资源观测系计划Earth Resources Observation System Program
地球资源运行系Operational Earth Resources System
地球辐射收支传感系Earth radiation budget sensing system
地球辐射收支卫星系Earth Radiation Budget Satellite System
地理专家系geographic expert system
地理信息与地貌系geographic intelligence and topographic system
地理信息与绘图系geographic information and mapping system
地理信息和地形系geographic intelligence and topographic system
地理信息操作与绘图系爱丁堡大学地理系geographical information manipulation and mapping system
地理信息检索与分析系geographic information retrieval and analysis system
地理信息管理系geographic-based information management system
地理信息系geographic al information system
地理信息系与土地信息系统geographic and land information systems
地理信息系增强判别辅助景观地球化学法GIS enhanced decision support landscape geochemical approach
地理信息系工作组国际测绘联合会working group on geographic information systems IUSM
地理信息系成套设备geographical information system toolkit
地理基础文件/双独立地图编码系geographic base file/dual independent map encoding system
地理增量绘图系geographic incremental plotting system
地理数据分析与显示系geo-data analysis and display system
地理数据分析系geographic data analysis system
地理数据库系geo-data base system
地理数据管理系geographic data management system
地理检索与査询系geographic search and inquiry system
地理索引系geographical indexing system
地理记录系geographic entry system
地理设备信息系geographic facilities information system
地理资源分析支持系geographical resources analysis support system
地理资源分析辅助系geographical resources analysis support system
地质计软件库及使用者指南geostatistical software library and user's guide
地质交互系分析geological interactive system analysis
地质作用水底环境系geological processes bottom environmental system
地质信息处理系geological information processing system
地质信息模拟系geological information modelling system
地质信息系专题研究组workshop of geology information system
地质同步运行环境卫星数据分布系GOES data distribution system
地质模拟系geologic modeling system
地质灾害图和图像分析系geological hazards map and image analytical system
地质灾害数据库系data base system of geological hazards
地质灾害数据管理系data management system of geologic hazards
地质灾害模型库系geological hazard model base system
地质灾害经济评价系geo-hazard economic evaluation system
地质灾害计算机智能辅助系geological hazards computer intelligence support system
地质空间信息系geological spatial information system
地质调查所分析数据存储与检索系加拿大geological survey analytical data storage and retrieval system
地质调查数字成像报告系digital imaging of geological survey report system
地震数据分析系seismic data analysis system
堪萨斯大学数字图像数据处理Kansas Digital Image Data System
处理与再成幅分系processing and reformating subsystem
复合体-温度-压力系complex-temperature-pressure system
复合和复杂土地系compound and complex land system
复合绘图系composite mapping system
复式多普勒雷达分析系Multiple Doppler Radar Analysis System
复式开闭通信网与环境传感系multiple opening closing net and environmental sensing system
复杂度系complexity factor
夏威夷大学地理信息与显示系University of Hawaii Geographic Information and Display System
夏威夷州环境分析和预报系Hawaiian Environmental Analysis and Prediction System
外加系损失applied system loss
多个智能体构成的系multi-agent system
多伦多大学电磁勘探系加拿大university of Toronto EM system
多元计数值分类系统numerical taxonomy system of multivariate statistical
多元交互数字分析系multivariate interactive digital analysis system
多元形态计分析方法multivariate statistical analysis method
多元辐射仪系multi-element radiometer system
多光谱图像处理系multispectral image processing system
多光谱摄影系multispectral photographic system
多光谱数据分析系multispectral data analysis system
多兰系Doppler ranging system
多功能数据库系multimedium database system
多功能灌溉系multifunction irrigation system
多图像处理系multi-image processing system
多属性折衷系multi attribute trade-off system
多效撇油系multi-purpose oil skimming system
多数据流记录系multiple streamer recording system
多时态地理信息系temporal geographic information system
多普勒定位与测距系Doppler location and range system
多普勒成像系Doppler Imaging System
多普勒测定系Doppler Measurement System
多普勒测距和信息系Doppler Ranging and Information System
多普勒测距系Doppler ranging system
多普勒测速与定位系Doppler Velocity and Position System
多普勒雷达系Doppler Radar System
多波段传感系multispectral sensing
多波段扫描仪分系multispectral scanner subsystem
多波段扫描仪系multispectral scanner system
多瓦浦系Doppler Velocity and Position System
多目标计法multiobjective statistical method
多目标优化系multi-purpose optimization system
多目标决策支持系multi-objective decision support system
多目标相位跟踪和测距系multi-object phase tracking and ranging system
多程序执行系multiprogramming executive system
多能量锎分析系multienergy californium assay system
多视频系multivideo system
多资源分析和信息系multiresource analysis and information system
多输入多输出系multi input multi output system
多边形信息叠加系方案 IIPolygon Information Overlay System Version II
多道分析多普勒系Multiple Analytical Doppler
多重虚拟存储操作系operating system multiple virtual storage
多链锚定浮标系multichain anchoring buoy system
多项观测卫星图像校正系multi-observational satellite image correction system
多频探测系multifrequency exploration system
多飞机定位系multiple aircraft positioning system
大口径金刚石岩心钻进系large diameter diamond core system
大地测量光学系geodetic optical system
大地测量参考系geodetic reference system
大地测量定位系geodetic positioning system
大容量废物利用系large object salvage system
大样本模糊系聚类的快速算法algorithm of fast fuzzy cluster of large samples
大气与海洋信息处理系atmospheric and oceanographic information processing system
大气与海洋信息处理系支持程序包AOIPS support package
大气与海洋图像处理系atmospheric and oceanographic image processing system
大气扩散测量系atmospheric diffusion measuring system
大气效应订正系atmospheric effect correction system
大气数据采集系atmospheric data acquisition system
大气电探测系atmospheric electric detection system
大气研究用全数字视频图像系all digital video imaging system for atmospheric research
大洋洲城市和区域信息系协会Australasian Urban and Regional Information Systems Association
大海分区系broad ocean scoring system
大系谐系动态规划large-system hierarchical dynamic programming
大西洋海洋系Ocean Systems Atlantic
大量程地震测量系long range seismic measurements system
天气计回归statistical-synoptic regression
天气信息显示系weather information remoting and display system
天气信息系weather information system
天气信息网显示系weather information network and display system
天气信息网远距离显示示系weather information network and display system
天气图像处理系weather image processing system
天气监视与警报系watch/warning preparedness system
天气观测与预报系weather observing and forecasting system
天气雷达系weather radar system
天气雷达资料处理显示系weather radar processor and display
太平洋区域通讯系Pacific Area Communication System
太平洋岛屿海洋资源信息系Pacific Islands Marine Resources Information System
太平洋海洋系Ocean Systems Pacific
太阳后向散射紫外线和臭氧总量测图系光谱仪solar backscattering ultraviolet/total ozone mapping system
太阳能热离子转化系solar energy thermoionic conversion system
夭气信息遥测系weather information telemetering system
封闭式生态系closed ecological system
封闭系气压指数baric index of system-closed
γ射线环境监测系gamma ray environment monitor system
小型测距仪卫星测量系mini-ranger satellite survey system
小样品测定系small-sample assay system
市场交易系intermarket trading system
布莱顿同位素动力系brayton isotope power system
航摄带图记录仪系strip chart recorder system
带有海道测量仪器与导航设备的深海钻孔地质剖面测量系deep ocean logging profiler with hydrographic instrumentation and navigation
带缆单人常压潜水系tethered one man atmospheric system
开放地理信息系联合会open GIS consortium
开放式系互连open system interconnect
开放的生态系open ecosystem
开放系信息检索information retrieval for open shop system
开放系接口open system interface
弗吉尼亚州地理信息系Virginia Geographic Information System
弗吉尼亚州资源信息系Virginia Resources Information System
性能监测系performance monitoring system
性能鉴定报告系performance evaluation reporting system
感应脉冲瞬态系induced pulse transient system
感应脉冲瞬态航空电磁系induced pulse transient airborne electromagnetic system
成像光子计数系image photon counting system
成本数据索引系Cost Data Bank Index System
成本计划和控制系cost planning and control system
成矿系metallogenic system
成矿系网络metallogenic system network
成组地震检波器记录系seismometer group recorder
成组有功功率调节系group active power regulation system
战略地球轨道系Strategic Earth orbit system
战略月球系strategic lunar system
指控信息系command and control information system
按序定位系order location system
按钮式自动拔号数据收集系automated tone dial data collection system
搜索与跟踪系acquisition and tracking system
明尼苏达州用水数据系Minnesota Water-Use Data System
易滑动环境系easy sliding environmental system
最佳温度插值系optimum thermal interpolation system
最高/最低温度系maximum /minimum temperature systems
月球光学会合系lunar optical rendezvous system
月球地形测量系lunar terrain measuring system
月球填图与测量系lunar mapping and survey system
月球姿态系lunar attitude system
月球实验遥测系lunar experiment telemetry system
月球测量系lunar surveying system
月球测量系lunar measuring system
月球测量系计划lunar surveying system program
月球着陆系lunar touchdown system
月球轨道测量系lunar orbital survey system
月球轨道飞行器摄影系lunar orbiter photographic system
月球轨道飞行器数据换算系lunar orbiter data conversion system
月球透度计系lunar penetrometer system
月球通讯系lunar communication system
月球钻探系lunar drill system
月面测绘系lunar mapping system
有人操作的环境系评价manned environmental systems assessment
有坐标网格的数据库系grided data base system
有害废物等级排列系hazardous ranking system
有用数据生成系generation availability data system
有限元地表水模拟系finite element surface water modeling system
有限幅度测深系finite amplitude depth sounding system
未勘探区勘探数据系frontier exploration data system
标准化数据管理信息系standardization data management information system
标准化生态系品系normalized ecosystem strain
标准区域观测和预报系prototype regional observation and forecast system
标准屈服、相容标号最优化和优先系criteria yielding, consistent labeling optimization and precedents-based system
标准系探测流程图typical system acquisition flow
标准自动数据处理系uniform automatic data processing system
标量音频磁大地电流系scalar audio magnetotelluric system
校正系correction factor
模块堆芯非线性最优化系modular in-core nonlinear optimization system
模块数据处理系modular data transaction system
模型参考自适应控制系model reference adaptive control systems
模型参考自适应系model reference adaptive system
模型注释检索系model annotation retrieval system
模型输出计法model output statistics method
模式分析系pattern analysis system
模态信息系Model State Information System
模态波前控制系modal wavefront control system
模拟-数字-模拟处理与检验系analog-digital-analog process and test system
模拟-数字系联合模拟器combined analog-digital systems simulator
模拟数字记录系analog-to-digital recording system
模拟模型输出计法simulated model output statistics approach
模拟计算机分系analog computer subsystem
模数数据自动化系modular data automation system
模数综合利用系modular integrated utility system
横越克罗斯琴劳伦大气探测系美国国家大气研究中心Cross-Crosschain Loran Atmospheric Sounding System NCAR
欧洲地理信息系European Geographic Information System
欧洲遥感系European Remote Sensing System
欧米里系omnidirectional downhole EM system
气候系监测计划世界气候资料计划climate system monitoring program WCDP
气候系研究计划climate system research program
气动型波能转换系pneumatic wave energy conversion system
气动阻尼复位控制系damped aerodynamic righting attitude control system
气态氮测量系gaseous nitrogen measuring system
气海相互作用处理系atmospheric and oceanographic interactive processing system
气溶胶采样系aerosol sampling system
气相色谱仪-质谱仪-计算机联机系gas chromatography-mass spectrometer-computer
气相色谱-质谱图数据系gas chromatograph/mass spectrogram data system
气相色谱-质谱法数据系闭合环路溶出分析gas chromatography/mass spectrometry data system closed-loop stripping analysis
气象交互数据显示系meteorological interactive data display system
气象传真系weather facsimile system
气象信息交互显示系meteorological interactive display system
气象信息数据采集系meteorological information data acqusition system
气象信息显示系meteorological information display system
气象信息系meteorological information system
气象卫星作业系meteosat operational system
气象卫星地面计算系METEOSAT ground computer system
气象应用图示整套彩色系meteorological applications graphics integrated colour system
气象应用图示整套彩色系meteorological applications graphics integrated color system
气象应用显示系meteorological application display system
气象数据采集和显示系meteorological data acquisition and display system
气象档案资料检索系欧洲中期天气预报中心meteorological archival and retrieval system
气象-海洋测定系meteorological-oceanographic measurement system
气象系meteorological system
气象通信系meteorological communications system
氮气流测量系nitrogen flow measuring system
氮气测量系nitrogen measuring system
洞穴监控系cavity monitoring system
温哥华土地利用信息系加拿大Land Use Information System-Vancouver
理论性地球利用系Theoretical Earth Utilization System
甚早期时间域电磁勘探系very early time electromagnetic system
生态水文学系模型ecohydrological systems model
生态系响应单位ecosystem response unit
生态系污染控制实验controlled ecosystem pollution experiment
生态系生态学ecosystem ecology
生态系的公益ecosystem service
生态系组分模拟模型ecosystem component simulation models
生态能量系eco-energy system
生成网格系控制中心Generation Grid System Control Centre
生活污水处理系domestic sewer system
生物分析系公司Bioanalytical Systems, Inc.
生物宇航轨道空间系bioastronautical orbiting space system
生物-有机质-流体成矿系organism-organic matter-fluid metallogenic system
用于地震预报的遗传算法分类系classifier system based on genetic algorithms for earthquake prediction
用于显微镜矿物鉴定的计算机信息系computer information system for microscopic mineral identification
真接地显现系Real Earth Visualization
研究与开发信息系research and development information system
研究系实验室Research Systems Facility
程序自动测试系pro gram automatic testing system
程控数据采集系programmable data acquisition system
程控计算机系process control computer system
第二代高空大气探测系next generation upper air system
脉冲位置调制器系pulse position modulator system
脉冲分析-记录信息系pulse analysis-recording information system
脉冲振幅测量系pulse height measuring system
脉冲激光测深系pulsed laser depth sounding system
脉冲激光系pulsed laser system
脉冲电磁系pulse electromagnetic system
脉冲编码调制遥测技术系pulse-code modulation telemetry system
脉冲转发器系transponder system
航标环境传感器系aids-to-navigation buoy environmental sensor system
航测数据存储与检索系storage and retrieval of aerometric data
航磁数据自动制图系aeromagnetic data automatic mapping system
航空地形断面测量系aerial profiling of terrain system
航空地球物理数据处理系system of processing aerogeophysical data
航空多频道辐射仪系multichannel aircraft radiometer system
航空天气自动观测系aviation automatic weather observing system
美国航空总公司海洋系Aerojet General Corporation Oceanic System
航空数据公司的扩展图像系aerodata extended image system
航空气象数据转接系aircraft meteorological data relay
航空气象数据采集和检索系aircraft meteorological data acquisition and retrieval
航空测量系aerial measurement system
航空海洋监视系ocean surveillance system aircraft
航空磁测记录系magnetic airborne recording system
调查资料处理系survey information processing system
贝加尔裂谷系Baikal Rift System
贝尔审计系bell audit system
贝立尼-托西无线电定向发射系Bellini-Tost System
质谱测试系mass spectral search system
质量数据系mass data system
通信与测量系communication and instrumentation system
通信和数据综合系communication & data systems integration
通信计算机操作系communication computer operations system
通用不稳定流模拟系multipurpose unsteady flow simulation system
通用地图分析规划系general map analysis planning system
通用地球参考系conventional terrestrial reference system
通用天气预报系general purpose forecasting system
通用实验室接口系general-purpose laboratory interface system
通用应用系generalized application system
通用数据系general data system
通用生产系模拟程序general production system simulator
通用科学技术信息系universal system for information in science and technology
通用系标识符和估算子general purpose system identification and evaluation
通用系模拟器general purpose systems simulator
通用系的鉴定和评价general purpose system identification and evaluation
通用系研究学会Society for General Systems Research
通用计算机辅助选线系generalized computer-aided route selection
通用近海采矿系multi-purpose offshore mining system
速度定位与跟踪系speed position and track
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