
Terms for subject Economy containing 统计 | all forms | in specified order only
与分配无关的统计方法distribution free statistical method
英国中央统计central statistical office
主任保险统计chief actuary
银行价值分析10要素产品利润、人员、个性、有形传输系统、组合、产品、程序、房产和财产、计划化、潜力profit, people, personality, physical delivery system, portfolio, products, processes, plant and property, planning, potential
人口统计the population accounting
人口统计数据demographics (如年龄、性别、家庭人数、家庭收入等)
人口统计census return
代理人统计报告agent's cloth
统计方式进行监督supervision by statistical means
以国际货币基金为标准计算的国际收支统计balance of payments statistics based on the IMF standard
传统成本计算the traditional costing
作业速度统计schedule statistics
作为信息处理系统的会计the accounting as an information system
保险统计actuary (专家)
保险统计基础the actuarial base
保险统计的报酬和承担the actuarial considerations and assumption
保险统计算出的等值equivalent actuarial value
保险统计计算科学actuarial science
保险统计费用法actuarial cost methods
债务统一基金特别会计账户debt consolidation fund special account
农业统计integration statistics
凭证査验统计抽样法statistical sampling in voucher examination
出口统计export statistics
出口证明统计export certification statistics
分级寿命统计a graduated life table
劳动统计年报an annual abstract of labour statistics
美国劳工统计Bureau of Labor Statistics
可靠性和统计数据计算机分析reliability and statistic data analysis by computer
商业统计sales records
商业循环的统计验证statistical testing of business cycles
加拿大国家石油统计咨询委员会National Advisory Committee on Petroleum Statistics
国家资产统计statistics of fixed assets
国际核算统计年鉴yearbook of national accounts statistics
基本统计basic statistics (数字)
基本统计数字the benchmark statistics
基本生产计划编制系统basic production scheduling system
美国外贸统计法规Foreign Trade Statistical Regulation
家庭预算统计family budget statistics
家计统计family budget statistics
工业统计调査census of manufacturing
工程系统设计与规划design and planning of engineering system
应用统计application statistics
应用统计application theory of statistics
户口统计census return
按一定依据计算的出口统计export statistics on a certified basis
按区统计zone metering
描写统计descriptive statistics
整理后统计数字derived statistics
旅客运输计划系统passenger transport system
有劳动能力的居民死亡率统计labour force life table
有条件的统计预测conditional statistical forecast
柱形或条形统计图表bar graph
柱形或条形统计图表bar charts
标准统计canonical statistics
模拟和投资计划系统simulation and investment planning system
欧盟统计Statistical Office of the European Community
死亡统计mortality table
死亡率统计人寿保险公司由经验得出的experience table
电子计算机订座系统computerized reservation system
省一级的统计口径内的工业企业数number of industrial enterprises covered by the provincial statistics
社会统计概要Compendium of Social Statistics
社会经济统计资料social and economic statistics
简化的石油天然气会计系统simplified oil and gas accounting system
统计划之状态status of the systems
统计时器a system timer
系统设计凭紊统要求the systems requirements will dicate how the system should be designed
经济统计economic statics
经济统计economic statics
经济统计总数economic quantity
经济人口模式统计economic-demographic modelling
经济情况统计business statistics
结关统计customs clearance statistics
统一会计uniform accounting
统一的国民经济计算体系unitary accounting system of national economy
统一计划schedule of consolidation
联合国统一计量单位专家小组Unification of Units of Measurement Panel
统一设计准则uniform design criteria
美国海关统计交汇系统Census Interface System
统计分析系统statistical analysis system
统计分类statistical distribution
统计分配statistical distribution
统计单位registration unit
统计record card
统计statistical clerk
统计和市场情报图书馆statistics and market intelligence
统计图略分析statistical regression analysis
统计学应用理论application theory of statistics
统计性品质管理办法statistical quality control
统计性推断statistical inference
统计报表statistical forms
统计报表report form
统计摘要the statistical abstract
统计数值表statistical table
统计曲率分析技术statistical curvature analysis technique
统计机关statistical agency
统计标准statistical standard
人口统计法指南census regulation
统计的分法dichotomous classification
统计的质量管理Statistical Quality Control
统计科目a statistical account
统计稳度区间statistical precision interval
统计精确度the statistical accuracy
统计编制compilation of statistics
统计表格table form
统计调查statistical investigations
统计调査the statistical inquiry
统计账户a statistical account
统计质量控制监督statistical quality control
统计资料the statistical data
统计过程和质量控制statistical process and/or quality control
统计问题the statistical problem
综合统计假说composite statistical hypothesis
编造统计the statistical tabulation
美国统计学会American Statistical Association
美洲金属统计American Bureau of Metal Statistics
职业统计调査an occupation census
联机计算机系统an on-line computer system
联邦调査统计Federal Bureau of Investigation
规划一设计一预算一核算系统planning-programming budgetary-accounting system
计划维修系统planned maintenance system
计划、规划、预算系统planning, programming, budgeting system
计时系统time keeping system
计算机化的科学管理计划系统computerized scientific management planning system
计算机系统的辅助分理机front-end processor
订货量统计ordering table
贝氏统计Bayesian statistics (学)
财政统计financial statistics
货物运输统计freight traffic statistics
货运运输统计指标freight traffic statistical index
美国运输统计Bureau of Transportation Statistics
通用会计系统general accounting system
银行租用电缆利用计算机办理业务通讯的系统bank wire