
Terms for subject Mathematics containing | all forms
三相关立方设计cubic designs with three associate classes
三角形单或双重连接区triangular singly or doubly linked blocks
三角形多连接区设计triangular multiply linked block design
不可约方程irreducible system of equations
不完全区incomplete block
不规则合的irregular kollectiv
中位数median class
中数所在median class
交叉分crossed classification
以位织的存贮器bit organized memory
传达communicating class
决策函数的完备性completeness of a class of decision functions
convex combination
因子block factor
因子group factor
序贯设计group sequential design
旋转设计group divisible rotatable designs
grouping lattice
比较group comparison
泊松分布grouped Poisson distribution
符号class symbol
设计group divisible PBIB
设计group divisible design
分层分设计hierarchical group divisible design
分层,分,谱系分组nested classification
分层,分,谱系分组hierarchical classification
分类不完全区设计group divisible incomplete block design
加权weighted battery
内子群intrablock subgroup
单位频数,单位频率,频数class frequency
单位频数,单位频率,频数cell frequency
单向分one-way classification
单连区设计singly linked block design
可解析平衡不完全区设计resolvable balanced incomplete block design
合拼的拼四小syzygetic tetrad
处理一次一样的区方案singly linked block design
多重分multiple classification
多重分manifold classification
套平衡不完全区设计nested balanced incomplete block design
的容量block contains
记忆网存贮器word-organized memory
完全决策函数,判定函数complete class of decision functions
完备方程complete system of equations
宏模件计算机macro-modular computer
对称不等区排列symmetrical unequal block arrangement
广义分设计extended group divisible design
开口分open-ended classes
分组校正correction for grouping
穿孔gang punching
n 数n-tuple
ordered series
处理机array processor
多路通道block multiplexor channel
数字digit group
数据卡片data deck
有程误差error in equations
机率的probabilistic combination
正交数orthogonal arrays
正则群可分不完全区设计regular group divisible incomplete block design
沃尔德分统计量Wald's classification statistic
电子资料处理计划之Organizing the EDP program
相等equivalent combination
系统system organization
约翰循环不完全区设计John's cyclic incomplete block designs
线性linear combination
线性合论linear combination theory
中值class mark
mid value
内方差intraclass variance
内相关intraclass correlation
合幂均值combinatorial power mean
合并pooling of classes
合式混合计算机combined hybrid computer
合方法combinatorial methods
合检验combinatorial test
合语言assembly language
grid sampling
分类符号class symbol
迭代法group interaction
间变动variation between group
间方差between-groups variance
间方差interclass variance
间相关interclass correlation
统计等价区statistically equivalent block
编码coded combination
群内方差,内方差within-group variance
联立方程system of simultaneous
联立方程模型simultaneous equations model
联立方程模型multi-equational model
试验battery of tests
试验combination of tests
递归体制,递归方程recursive system
通用审计软件合程序generalized audit software package
部分平衡不元全区设计partially balanced incomplete block design
部分平衡数partially balanced arrays
部分平衡相联区设计partially balanced linked block design
部分相联区设计partially linked block design
链形区设计chain block design
随机化区randomized blocks
随机化区randomised blocks
集体合程式macro assembly program
非齐次方程inhomogeneous system of equations
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