
Terms for subject Information technology containing 组合 | all forms | in specified order only
代码组合code combination
代码组合长度code combination length
传输格式和资源组合transmission format resource composite
组合bit pattern
光纤组合fiber-optic combiner
可外访闭合用户组closed user group with outgoing access
图与组合算法graphic and combinatorial algorithm
组合head disk assembly
帧同步组合格式frame synchronization pattern
操作数组合composite of operand
数字组合汇接digital combining
数据存储区组合buffer pool
数据库组合系统database combination system
混合媒体多链路传输组mixed-media multilink transmission group
源电压和负载组合效应combined source voltage and load effect
禁用组合unused combination
禁用组合校验forbidden combination check
简略组合关系条件abbreviated combined relation condition
线性组合linear combiner
线性分集组合linear diversity combining
组合三次拍频信号composite triple beat
组合关系synthetic relation
组合单元assembly unit
组合combined station
组合型歧义切分字段combination ambiguous segmentation
组合外部符号词典composite external symbol dictionary
组合成组工艺group technology
组合开发工具combined development tool
组合式互感器combined transformer
组合式漏电保护器assemble type residual current operated protective devices
组合控制台composite console
组合数据composite data
组合文件combined file
组合最优化问题combinatorial optimization problem
组合条件语句compound condition
组合模块composite module
组合模块库composite module library
组合爆炸combinatorial explosion
组合状态composite state
组合用户接口integrated user interface
组合电缆composite cable
组合电缆combination cable
组合电路combinational circuit
组合磁头composition disk head
组合神经网络composite neural network
组合类型composite type
组合系统combinatorial system
组合索引combined index
组合编码/译码器combined coder/decoder
组合编辑处理程序compose-edit processor
组合警告combined alert
组合设计combinational design
组合转换combining switch
组合软件系列产品integrated software line
组合逻辑combinatorial logic
组合逻辑元combinational logic element
组合逻辑电路combinational logic circuit
组合配线combined distributing frame
组合配线combined distributing frame
组合键标composite key
组合combinational gate
缓冲存储组合buffer pool
联合二值图像编码专家组joint bi-level image coding experts group
联合国信息系统及有关活动国际组织局Inter-organization Broad for Information System and Related Activities, UN
联合国科教文组织国际版权信息中心International Copyright Information Centre, UNESCO
联合图像专家小组joint photographic expert group
自展组合的程序语言bootstrap combined programming language
自展组合的程序语言,BCPL 语言bootstrap combined programming language
运动联合图像专家小组motion joint photographic experts group
近似组合算法approximation combinatorial algorithm
错误组合格式error pattern
闭合〔封闭〕数组〔系统〕closed array
闭合用户组closed user group
闭合用户组呼叫指示符closed user group call indicator