
Terms for subject Otorhinolaryngology containing 线 | all forms
上项线superior nuchal line
上颞线superior temporal line
下坡型曲线downward-sloping audiogram
下颌舌骨线linea mylohyoidea mandibulae
下颞线inferior temporal line
线肉芽肿midline granuloma
线骨导试验median bone conduction test
线指数main line index
线横向指数main line index of transversality
侧位后倾斜位断层 X 线摄影postero-lateral inclined tomography
侧窦线lateral sinus line
信号前额线frontal routing of signal
信号同侧线ipsilateral routine of signals
信号对传线contralateral routing of signals
前正中线anterior median line
半月线linea semilunaris
半面线profile line
压力一容量曲线pressure-volume curve
双耳中线定位binaural median plane localization
双耳信号对传线CROS bilateral
双耳信号对传线bilateral contralateral routing of signals
双耳同时中线定位试验simultaneous binaural median plane localization test
双耳同时中线定位试验binaural simultaneous median plane localization test
口角线line of angulus oris
后前位投影X 线摄片postero-anterior projection radiography
后正中线posterior median line
听力曲线threshold curve
听力曲线auditory sensation curve
听力曲线auditory curve
听力曲线audiometric curve
听力曲线acoustic curve
听力疲劳恢复曲线auditory fatigue recovering curve
听度曲线audibility curve
听气导曲线air conduction curve
听辐射线thalamotemporal radiation
听辐射线radiatio acustica
听阈曲线threshold audiogram
线lip line
线labial line
喉 X 线照相术laryngroentgengraphy
喉 X 线照相术laryngoroentgenography
喉X 线laryngogram
噪声标定曲线noise rating curves
噪声规范标准交换曲线noise criterion alternate curves
噪声规范标准曲线noise criterion curves
坎珀线ala tragus line
坎珀线半面线Camper line
垂直线试验vertical line test
线压强共振base line pressure resonance
线听力图base line audiogram
基鼻线basinasal line
线acoustic cues
定频听力描记曲线fixed frequency Bekesy tracing curve
巴亚热内线stria of internal pyramidal layer
巴亚热外线stria of internal granular layer
布里奇特线Bridgett line
常态分布曲线normal curve of distribution
平坦听力线flat audiogram
弗伦克耳线Fraenkel line
影子曲线shadow curve
戈廷格线Gottinger line
托皮纳尔线Topinard line
支气管 X 线照相术bronchoradiography
支气管X 线造影术bronchoradiography
支点线fulcrum line
数字式荧光 X 线照相术digital fluorography
曲面断层X 线pantomogram
最大呼气流量曲线maximal expiratory flow-volume curve
涎管X 线造影片sialograph
清晰度曲线articulation curve
甲状软骨斜线linea obliqua cartilaginis thyreoideae
线位移linear displacement
线复响straight line recruitment
线重振straight line recruitment
眼颧线oculozygomatic line
硬腭枕骨线Fischgold line
窦腔 X 线照相术sinography
等响线loudness contour
等响线equal loudness level contour
等响线equal loudness contour
等强度曲线iso-intensity curves
线linea aspera
线多轨迹体层摄片polytomography X
X 线头影测量机cephalometric X-ray machine
线头影测量片cephalometric roentgenogram
线性变频器linear converter
线性响应flat response
线性转换器linear converter
线断层照相术tomography X
线活动照相机actinocinematography X
线扩张疗法string treatment
耳囟线auriculobregmatic line
耳间线biauricular line
能听范围曲线audibility curve
菲尔绍线Virchow line
言语清晰度曲线speech articulation curve
调谐曲线tuning curve
贝凯希听力描记线Bekesy tracing curve
逆行听力描记曲线reversed Bekesy tracing
逆行听力描记曲线backward Bekesy tracing curve
通贯线simple transverse crease
里斯伯格线Wrisberg lines
阈曲线threshold curve
低频陡倾听力线stiffness tilt audiogram
面中线肉芽肿midfacial granuloma
顺扫听力描记曲线sweep Bekesy tracing
顺扫听力描记曲线forward Bekesy tracing
线cervical line
线genal line
线cheek line
频率调谐曲线frequency tuning curves
频率阈值曲线frequency threshold curve
额结节间线intertuberal line
线temporal line
线linea temporalis
食管X 线esophagram
骨导曲线bone conduction curve
黑尔姆霍尔茨线Helmholtz line
鼻翼线nasal line
鼻翼线De Salle line
鼻翼耳屏线ala tragus line
鼻耳线acanthimeatal line
鼻背中线痿管mesal fistula of nasal dorsum