
Terms for subject Statistics containing 线性 | all forms | in specified order only
回归线性检验test of linearity of regression
回归线性1/4煅test of linearity of regression
多元线性回归multiple linear regression
抽样方案的检验特性曲线OC curve
抽样方案的检验特性曲线operating characteristic curve for a sampling plan
最佳线性估计量best linear estimator
最小*1/2差线性无偏估1/4屏minimum variance linear unbiased estimator
最有效线性系统统1/4屏most efficient linear systematic statistic
最有效线性系统统计量most efficient linear systematic statistic
线性依赖关系linear dependence
线性假设hypothesis of linear relationship
线性1/4偕hypothesis of linear relationship
线性1/4偕linear hypothesis
线性判别式函数linear discriminant function
线性参数one-dimensional parameter
线性回归斜率linear regression slope
线性linear diagram
线性one-dimensional diagram
线性系统统1/4屏linear systematic statistic
试验的特性曲线OC curve of test
试验的特性曲线operating characteristic curve of test