
Terms for subject Dancing containing 纺 织步 | all forms | in specified order only
侧行纺织步在分式激转步之后weave from PP after open impetus turn
侧行纺织步在拂形步之后weave from PP after a whisk
侧行位置纺织步weave from PP
侧行位置纺织步前导步拂形步weave from PP preceded by whisk
侧行位置的快右转纺织步quick natural weave from PP (running weave)
华尔兹式纺织步weave in waltz time
纺织步natural weave
弹跳并退纺织步结束bounce fall away with weave ending
快右转纺织步quick natural weave
由侧行并步至侧行纺织步chasse from PP to weave from PP
纺织步衔接于 1-4 左转波纹步之后weave after 1-4 of reverse wave
纺织步basic weave
纺织步结束于侧行位置weave ended PP