
Terms for subject Commerce containing | all forms
东洋织公司Toyobo Co., Ltd. (1914)
中国织品进出口总公司China National Textiles Import and Export Corporation
中国织品进岀口总公司China National Textiles Import & Export Corporation
国际织品协定International Textile Agreement
应征的织品税a duty chargeable on textile
我们是经营织品的主要商号Ours is an important firm dealing in textile fabric
我们的一位客户打算递送一份购买中国织品的大订单One of our clients contemplates placing a large order for Chinese textiles
我们经营织品Our business is dealing in textile
我们经营织品出口业务We are engaged in the export of textiles
我方仅限于经营织品业务Our activities are confined to the textile line
产品non-woven product
union cloth
织印花textile printing
织品textile fabric
织品原料实行配给Textile materials were put on allocation
织品市场趋势难以确定The trend of the textile market is hard to determine
织品、成衣及鞋类textile, clothing, footware
国际纺织品委员会织品监视机构Textile Surveillance Body
织工人cotton spinner