
Terms for subject Finances containing 纳税 | all forms | in specified order only
个人所得税缴纳期限time limitation of personal income tax payment
估计滞纳税款拒付数准备estimated uncollectible delinquent taxes
取得进款和交纳税款的时间间隔time lag between the receipt of income and the payment of tax
各种资金应收税款滞纳数合并明细表combined schedule of delinquent taxes receivable by funds
增值税纳税VAT payer
增值税纳税申报表VAT payment return
纳税所得额taxable income
纳税的价值rateable value
纳税财产rateable property
应收税捐一滞纳数taxes receivable-delinquent
无法征收的滞纳税uncollectible delinquent taxes
无需纳税之资产inadmissible assets
纳税款利息interest on tax postponed
照章纳税pay taxes according to regulations
纳税payer of tax
纳税准备金provision for tax
.纳税准备金存款deposit for preparation of tax
纳税前净收益指所得税net income before tax
纳税申报单tax return
纳税负担burden of paying tax
纳税payment of tax
美国应纳税U.S. tax liability
记账纳税duty assessment by accounts