
Terms for subject Horticulture containing 系统 | all forms | in specified order only
专家系统的推理决策功能reasoning decision function of expert system
专家系统辅助工具tool-aided for expert system
专家评审系统expert evaluation system
主动式数据库管理系统active database management system (active DBMS)
传统决策支持系统traditional decision support system
作物管理决策支持系统management decision support system of crop
作物系统模型指作物生长模型,农业气象模型,养分利用模型,水分平衡模型,病虫草害模型和农业经济模型等的总称crop system model
作物系统模拟模型simulation model of crop system
作物信息服务系统crop information service system
作物智能决策支持系统crop intelligence decision support system
作物智能化生产的空间信息系统spatial information system of intellectualized crop production
作物智能栽培的服务系统servicing system of intelligent crop production
作物智能生产的决策系统decision system of intelligent crop production
作物栽培决策系统crop culture decision system
作物生产信息系统crop production information system
作物生产决策系统crop production decision system
作物生产数据库系统database system of crop production
作物生产数据库与信息系统crop production database and information system
作物生产的智能化信息系统intellectualization information system of crop production
作物生长系统crop growth system
作物生长预测与监测系统crop growth prediction and monitoring system
作物空间信息系统spatial information system of crop
作物空间信息系统information system of crop space
信息化生产系统数据管理data management of production system of informatization
农业系统数据agricultural system data
农业智能决策支持系统intelligent agriculture decision support system
农业生产系统farming production system
农业生产管理的应用系统application system of agricultural production management
分布式网络系统distributed network system (DNs)
分析综合系统analysis synthesis system
协同操作的专家系统cooperating expert system
台式模拟系统desk analogy system
咨询系统inquiry system
地方农业信息系统local agricultural information system
地球信息系统3S技术之一geographic information system
教学专家系统teaching expert system
教室信息系统classroom information system
数据库的系统systematization of database
无土栽培供液系统liquid feed system for soilless culture
智能决策支持系统intelligence decision support system
智能化农业信息系统agricultural information system of intellectualization
智能化决策支持系统intellectualization decision support system
智能栽培学的系统为智能栽培学基本特征之一systematization of intelligent crop production
智能管理决策系统intelligent management decision system
有声教材系统learn-up system
有效网络服务系统effective network service system
模拟模式的决策支持系统decision support system of simulation model
水数据单元系统water data unit system
测产子系统yield estimation subsystem
深层知识系统deep knowledge system
现代知识系统modern knowledge system
知识系统的智能决策支持系统intelligent decision support system of knowledge system
空间信息系统space information system
管理评价用的预测与估算系统forecast and appraisal of management evaluation
精确农业支持系统support system of accuracy agriculture
精确农业支持系统accuracy agriculture support system
系统分析原理principle of systemic analysis
系统动力学模model of systemic dynamics
系统科学systematic science
系统集成技术system integration technology
综合系统的应用范围applicability of comprehensive system
综合系统的机理性mechanismicity of comprehensive system
综合系统的知识性knowledgeability of comprehensive system
综合衣业生产信息系统comprehensive information system of agricultural production
苗情诊断系统seedling situation diagnosis system
苗情诊断系统seedling diagnose system
资源环境系统指有关预测作物生长模型resource environment system
集成数据库管理系统integrated database management system
高级人机交互系统advanced man-machine interaction system
高速数据存储子系统high data rate storage subsystem
高速资料存储子系统high data rate storage subsystem