
Terms for subject Economy containing 系统 | all forms | in specified order only
一般劳动力动态评估系统General Workforce Performance Appraisal System
专利局分类系统Patent Office Classification System
世界数据査询系统world data referral system
中央集权系统体制centralized system
银行价值分析10要素产品利润、人员、个性、有形传输系统、组合、产品、程序、房产和财产、计划化、潜力profit, people, personality, physical delivery system, portfolio, products, processes, plant and property, planning, potential
人类社会经济系统human socio-economic system
代金券系统voucher-based system
价值系统value system
价格报告系统price reporting system
企业整体经营系统enterprise-wide management system
企业文件管理系统enterprise-wide document Management system
作业分析系统job analysis system
作为信息处理系统的会计the accounting as an information system
便于用户操作的系统a user-friendly system
信息系统控制control in information system
候选系统观念alternative candidate system
候选系统观念alternative system concepts
美国海关债券担保系统海关担保债券是委托方与担保方达成的契约。旨在保证履行由法律或规则强加的债务责任。受益人往往是海关bond system
假想系统hypothetical system
全国各银行资料电传系统all-bank data telecommunications system
全国市场系统National Market System
全国证券商协会自动报价系统National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quote (system)
全国证券商协会自动报价系统National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation (system)
美国全球出口管理者电子系统Global Export Manager
全球市场消息和研究系统global market information and research system
全球监测系统Global Environmental Monitoring System
全自动化系统a fully automatic system
全面价格管理系统total price system management
公司识别系统corporate identify system
公用动力系统electric utility
内部电话系统an intercom system
美国出口控制自动支持系统Export Control Automated Support System
美国出口许可证有声信息系统Export License Voice Information System
分类系统categorizing system
分类的有效系统efficient system of category
分配系统distribution system
前馈系统feedforward system
系统单位subsystem module
加速完成系统expediting system
动态系统dynamic system
单一内部市场信息系统single internal market information systems
即时信息处理系统real time information-processing system
原始系统embryo system
及时预警和干预系统timely warning and intervention system
双屉系统two-bin system
双重价格系统double price system
可择选系统alternative system
可重复使用的长期信贷发放系统a replicable long-term cred it delivery system
可靠性和维修性信息系统reliability and maintainability information system
司法系统judicial system
员工管理信息系统employee management information system
响应管理系统response management system
美国商务部商业信息管理系统Commercial Information Management System
因子系统factor system
美国,腊斯达克公司固定收入作价系统fixed income pricing system
国家基础设施包括交通、教育、通讯和法律系统等等A country's infrastructure includes traffic, education, communication, and legal systems, etc
国家石油评价系统National Appraisal System for Petroleum
国家能源模拟系统national energy modeling system
国际质量评价系统International Quality Ratings System
国际闭合系统Closure System International
在线综合材料管理系统an on-line integrated materials management system
基本生产计划编制系统basic production scheduling system
堆高吊车系统stacker-crane system
复式系统multimode system
外汇配额系统exchange quota system
外汇限额系统exchange quota system
外派支持系统expatriate support system
多媒体管理信息系统multimedia management information system
大规模系统large scale system
存款汇兑系统electronic funds transfer system
安全保证系统safety assurance system
安全管理系统safety management system
完全稳定系统completely stable system
定向管理信息系统an oriented management information system
对角系统diagonal coefficients
层次系统hierarchical system
工业系统管理system industrial management
工业系统管理学industrial dynamics
工业自动管理系统automated industrial management system
工厂生产系统factory production system
工程系统经济评价economic evaluation engineered system
工程系统设计与规划design and planning of engineering system
工程管理系统engineering management system
市场系统结构market system structure
市场营销决策支持系统marketing decision supporting system
市场间交易系统intermarket trading system
年循环能源系统annually-cycled energy system
库存自动化控制系统automated inventory control system
应急系统emergency response system
应急能源管理信息系统emergy energy management information system
应用系统分析application system analysis
应用系统分析applied system analysis
建设工程的合同系统construction contract system
开放系统的规划工作open systems planning
心理社会系统a psychosocial system
快速存取管理信息系统rapid access management information system
总账系统ledger system
成本及经济情报系统cost and economic information system
成本和经济信息系统cost and economic information system
成本和经济情报系统cost and economic information system
我们花了很多精力开发此种新电脑系统We have spent a great deal of energy in developing this new computer system
打孔卡片系统a punch card system
技术人员观看新的程序控制系统进行操作The technicians saw the new programme control system being demonstrated
投入产出控制系统input-output control system
美国海关的报关汇总选择系统entry summary selectivity system
担保系统guarantee chain
拖曳系统tower system
持续流通系统continuous flow system
"指导"价格系统system of "guideline"prices
指挥系统a director system
按需要提供数据系统on-demand system
操作系统手册operating system manual
操作综合管理系统operations integrity management system
支线运输系统a feeder system
政经系统politico-economic system
方块角系统block angular system
旅客运输计划系统passenger transport system
日报 system 数字式记录和测量系统污染系数daily report
旱地游牧系统mobile dryland pastoral system
时序调査系统sequential scheduling system
替换的系统alternative system
最低成本估算与日程安排系统least-cost estimating and scheduling system
有效管理系统effective management system
机器因冷却系统的故障而不能运转The machine broke down because of a defective cooling system
杜威小数点系统Dewey decimal system
杜威小数点系统十进位制度Dewey decimal system
标准分类系统standards classification system
标准数据处理系统uniform automatic data processing system
模拟和投资计划系统simulation and investment planning system
欧洲美元系统Euro dollar system
武器系统效能工业顾问委员会weapon system effectiveness industry advisory committee
水域生态系统the aquatic ecosystem
油矿储油系统lease-storage system
浮装式系统a floater system
消费者价格协调系统/消费者价格统一指数harmonized index of consumer prices
清理系统liquidation system
灵活生产系统a flexible manufacturing system
物的流程系统logistics system
独立系统作业者independent system operators
独立系统营运商independent system operators
独联体系统Common-wealth of Independent State system
生产一体化系统production integrated system
生产可行性资源消耗系统system for production availabilityse resources consumption
生产控制与信息系统production control and information system
生产经营信息系统production and operation information system
美国 IBM 公司软件用户信息与管理系统Customer Information and Control System
电子系统之人性观the human side of electronics
电子计算机订座系统computerized reservation system
电脑辅助系统computer aided system
磁性总账卡片系统magnetic ledger card accounting system
社会技术系统sociotechnical system
社会技术系统方法sociotechnical system approach
社会文化系统sociocultural system
稳定的农业生态系统sustainable agro-ecosystem
第三方售票系统third party ticket system
简化的石油天然气会计系统simplified oil and gas accounting system
管控一体化系统control and management integrated system
管理系统management systems
管理系统the supervisory system
管理信息与决策系统management information and decision system
管理分析报告系统management analysis reporting system
管理判定系统management decision system
管理情报系统management information system
管理报告系统management reporting system
管理模型系统model based management system
系带长统靴lace boots
系统与系统之间壁垒unbridgeable chasms between different industries and trades
系统偏差systematic deviation
系统元素system element
系统分析the network analysis (for)
系统分析system analysis
系统分析一运筹学system analysis/operational research
系统分析与综合模型system analysis and integration model
系统分析人员system analyst
系统分析师system analyst
系统分析模型system analysis model
系统化的销售管理the systematized sales management
系统单位system module
系统可用性模型system availability model
系统可靠性服务systems reliability service
系统organization chart
系统system chart
系统学派system school
系统安全保证system safety assurance
系统安全工程system safety engineering
系统审査the systematic inspection
系统对应system response
系统对校准配列system-versus-criteria array
系统开发和开发中的研究system development and studies during development
系统性能system performance
机械人系统system hand
系统扩充项目system expansion project
系统抽样样品systematical sample
系统服务申报system service request
系统标准a system standard
系统检验the systematic inspection
系统水准levels of system
系统水准level of system
系统流程图flowcharts of system
系统流程图system flow of chart
系统流程图flowchart of system
系统测试a system test
系统状态的阶段模拟system state phase modeling
系统现场维护队systems maintenance field party
系统的选择方案system alternative
系统研究system research
系统程序systematic procedure
系统管理systematic management
系统管理单元system management unit
系统管理小组systems administration group
系统管理技术system management techniques
系统约束system constraints
系统综合及结构控制system integration and configuration control
系统行动behavior of system
系统要求system requirement
系统计划之状态status of the systems
系统计时器a system timer
系统记时员a system timer
系统设计凭紊统要求the systems requirements will dicate how the system should be designed
系统误差a systematic error
系统运转时间system running time
系统适用性和可靠性分析system availability and reliability analysis
系统销售system selling
系统首次故障时间time to first system failure
紧急反应系统emergency response system
线上实时系统on-line real-time system
线外整批处理系统off-line batch processing system
线性系统分析linear system analysis
终端行政管理与填报单据系统terminal administration and billing system
经济系统地理the geography of economic system
经济分析的有系统陈述formulation of economic analysis
经济循环系统process of reproduction, circular flow of economic system
经营决策辅助系统management decision auxiliary system
经营管理情报系统management information system
经费和拨款管制及开支预测系统Appropriation and Allotment Control and Expenditure Projection System
统一指挥系统unified Command System
统一渔业数据系统integrated fishery data system
统一的国民经济计算体系unitary accounting system of national economy
统一连带经济法律关系unified joint economic legal relations
美国海关统计交汇系统Census Interface System
统计分析系统statistical analysis system
维修管理信息系统maintenance management information system
综合系统概念total system concept
综合时间系统synthetic time system
综合时间价值的系统system of synthetic time values
综合监控系统comprehensive monitoring system
综合监视系统comprehensive monitoring system
网状系统lace work
美国海关罚款系统Fines, Penalties, and Forfeitures System
美国行业分类标准系统standard industrial classification
联动控制系统a coordinated control system
联合系统开发公司Joint System Development Corp.
联合发货系统joint delivery system
联合情报査询与检索系统Joint Information Search and Retrieval System
联合材料目录系统corporate material catalogue system
联机计算机系统an on-line computer system
联运系统a multimodal transport system
美国联邦储备系统Federal Reserve System
能源系统探测咨询委员会Energy System Acquisition Advisory Board
能源管理系统energy management system
能源管理信息系统energy management information system
自动交易系统automatic trade system
美国海关的自动信息系统Automated Information Exchange
自动化生产系统mechanized production system
美国海关的自动商务系统Automated Commercial System
美国海关的自动经济人信息交汇系统Automated Broker Interface
美国海关的自动货物清单系统Automated Manifest Systems
自设推销系统直接销售direct marketing by integration
英国法定标准系统British Imperial System
萌芽系统embryo system
行政终端系统administrative terminal system
补偿系统制度back-off system
补充系统replenishment system
表格系统可靠性分析tabular system reliability analysis
装载管理系统load management system
规划一设计一预算一核算系统planning-programming budgetary-accounting system
规模中性系统scale neutral system
计划维修系统planned maintenance system
计划、规划、预算系统planning, programming, budgeting system
计时系统time keeping system
计算机系统的辅助分理机front-end processor
计算机化的科学管理计划系统computerized scientific management planning system
记录管理系统records management system
证券交易自动报价系统stock exchange automated quotation system
评价支持系统evaluation support system
财经贸易系统financial economic and trade fields
货物数据交换系统cargo data interchange system
质量系统认证程序quality system certification program
质量保证系统quality insurance system
质量报告系统quality reporting system
质量监测和控制系统quality monitoring and control system
质量管理系统quality management system
质量运行系统quality operating system
资本预算系统capital budgeting system
资金可得性通知系统Funds Availability Notification system
资金预算系统capital budgeting systems
转换生产系统公司Diversionary Production System, Co.
转账支付系统national giro
载驳船系统指装载若干装货物的驳船的轮船lighter aboard ship
过程操作管理系统process operations management system
过程管理系统processing management system
过程管理系统process management system
运筹学一系统分析operations research/system analysis
远景系统规划advanced system planning
美国追踪出口许可证申请系统System for Tracking Export License Applications
适应的合理系统an adaptively rational system
选择最优系统selecting the best system
通口大小系统size gate system
通用产品代码系统Uniform Product Code System
通用会计系统general accounting system
通用分类系统universal classification system
通用的不确定性经济模拟系统general uncertainty economic simulation system
通讯系统交连设备communication interface equipment
通讯信息系统示惫图schematic diagram of communication system
通讯输入输出控制系统communication input output control system
配额系统quota system
银行租用电缆利用计算机办理业务通讯的系统bank wire
防伪系统anti-false system
阶段编码系统stage code system
阿拉斯加系统协调委员会Alaskan Systems Coordination Council
随机进出系统random access system
集成电路数据处理系统system integrated data processing system
零售系统retail trade system
美国零售自动执行系统retail automated execution system
系统化销售管理the unsystematized sales management
系统化销售管理unsystematic sales management
系统风险the non-systematic risk
非直线系统a non-linear system
项目管理 控制系统project control system
顺应时势的系统temporary systemic
预先编定的号码系统predetermined code
预算及财政资料处理系统budgetary and fiscal data processing system
风险分级系统risk scoring system
高级摄影系统Advanced Photographic System