
Terms for subject Surgery containing 系统 | all forms | in specified order only
H一2 组织相容性系统H-2 histocompatibility system
主要组织相容性系统major histocompatibility system
白细胞抗原组织相容性系统human leukocyte antigen histocompatibility system
白细胞抗原组织相容性系统HLA histocompatibility system
人类白细胞 A 系统HLA system
传导系统conduction system
内脏神经系统vegetative nervous system
内脏神经系统autonomic nervous system
凝血级联系统coagulation cascade system
原发性系统性纤维变性primary systemic fibrosis
双等位基因系统diallelic system
哈佛系统Haversian system
系统器官衰竭multiple system organ failure
多等位基因系统multi-allelic system
左心转流系统left heart bypass system
标记亲和素一生物素系统labeled avidin-biotin system
次要组织相容性系统minor histocompatibility system
泌尿生殖系统urogenital system
泌尿生殖系统urogenital apparatus
泌尿生殖系统丝虫病filariasis of genito-urinary system
泌尿生殖系统血吸虫病schistosomiasis of genito-urinary system
泌尿生殖系统阿米巴病amoebiasis of genito-urinary system
清除系统scavenging system
生物素一抗生物素蛋白系统biotin-avidin system
γ 系统gamma system
肝素测定系统heparin assay system
肾激肽系统renal kallikrein system
胺与胺前体摄取和脱羧细胞系统amine precursoruptake and decarboxylation system
边缘系统环路Papez circuit
锥体系统pyramidal system