
Terms for subject Textile industry containing 系统 | all forms | in specified order only
一步法工件夹紧系统single step work clamping system
三步法单纱上浆系统three part single-end sizing system
三维人体扫描系统three-dimensional body-scanning system
三维服装计算机辅助设计系统three-dimensional apparel computer-aided design system
三角系统cam system
不上浆的整经系统non-sizing warper system
不稳定系统unstable system
专家系统expert system (ES)
专销店系统tied house system
两步法单纱上浆系统two part sizing system
两步法单纱上浆系统two part single-end sizing system
丰田式缝制管理系统Toyota Sewing Management System
主喂纱系统leading feed
主成圈系统main feed
乔特 USC 测色系统Jodd's USC system
事务终端系统Administrative Terminal System
二维服装设计系统2D-fashion design
产品分类系统product classification system
人体尺寸测量系统body measurement system (BMS)
人体测量系统human body measuring system
人机系统system of human and machine
仓敷纺连续自动化纺纱系统Kurabo Auto Transfer Spinning System
传送带流水作业线系统conveyer line system
低容量配料系统low volume dispensing system
偏差监测系统deviation monitor assembly
全国信息处理系统National Information System
全国情报系统National Information System
分色系统color separation system
分销系统channel of distribution
利润规划系统profit planning system
制衣业电脑管理信息系统computer management/information system for apparel industry
制衣业电脑管理资讯系统computer management/information system for apparel industry
制衣业计算机管理资讯系统computer management/information system for apparel industry
半自动花纹电子扫描系统semi-automatic scan system
系统袜机single-feed machine
单元生产系统unite product system
单元组合结构系统unit construction system
单剑杆引纬系统unilateral rapier system
单进线系统single-thread system
压针挺针系统press jack system
及时生产供应系统just in time JIT system
系统三角座double-system cambox
系统三角座滑架double-lock carrier
系统三角移圈double-lock transfer
系统平机double lock flat knitting machine
系统平机double-lock flat knitting machine
系统横机double lock flat knitting machine
系统横机double-lock flat knitting machine
系统横编机knitting machine with double mechanism
系统针织机twin knitter
系统针织机tandem machine
系统针织机two-feed knitter
系统针织机double feed machine
双偶系统dual system
双剑杆引纬系统bilateral rapier system
双头双系统横机tandem two system flat knitting machine
双库系统two-bin system
双架制系统two-bin system
双重系统dual system
可控硅整流系统thyristic system
吊挂系统Product-O-Rail system (P-O-R)
吊架系统hanger system
吴羽纺现代化纺纱系统Kureha's Modernized Spinning System
商品出口检验系统commodity export inspection system
喂入系统feeding system
系统针织机four-feed knitter
因果系统causal system
国民账户系统system of national accounts
国际统_商品分类系统Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System
在线测色系统on-line color metric metering system
在线色连续监控系统on-line color continuity monitor
在线质量监控系统on-line quality monitoring system
垂直营销系统vertical marketing system
复合系统combination system
系统三角箱multi-system cam box
系统圆型针织机multi-feeder circular knitting machine
系统multiple-feed series
系统平型针织机multi-head flat knitting machine
系统舌针圆型针织机multi-feed circular latch needle knitting machine
系统针织机multi-feeder knitting machine
多向送料系统multidirectional feed system
多品种系统several commodity system
多喂给系统multi-feed system
多层空气冷却内衣系统multilayer air-cooling underwear system
多成圈系统multi-feed system
多操作工人系统multi-operator system
多路独立绣花控制系统multiple independent embroidery control system
大和纺自动化纺纱系统Daiwabo's Automated Spinning System
天然色系统national colour system
孟塞尔表色系统Munsell notation system
工程监测纤维选择系统engineered fiber selection
布料/ 辅料存货系统fabric/ accessory inventory system
布料/辅料存货系统fabric/accessory inventory system
平面打板系统flat patternmaker system
平面纸样制作系统flat pattern making system
库存控制系统inventory control system
库存高低点系统order point system
张力自动调节牵拉系统variable take-down system
归档系统programming and archiving system
快速反应系统quick response system (QRS)
快速反应控制系统quick response control system
快速反应缝制系统quick response sewing system
成圈系统camming system
成圈系统knitting feeder
成圈系统knitting system
成圈系统数目number of feeders
成圈系统数目feeder number
成圈系统选择feeder selection
成本控制系统cost control system
手提式生命维持系统portable life support system
扎束裁片生产系统bundle production system
打样系统sampling system
打梓系统sampling system
报价系统quotation system
指导价格系统system of guideline prices
捆扎式服装生产系统bundle system
排放系统extraction system
排料系统marker system
接缝传感系统seam sensing system
控制系统图示法flow charting
描样系统pattern marking system
提花轮喂纱系统pattern wheel system
搬运系统transfer system
放码系统grading system
数字线圈密度控制系统digital stitch control system
整体材料设计系统服装面料total material design system
服装整体设计放码系统dimensional pattern concept
断续控制系统discontinuous control system
新布雷德福纺纱系统new Bradford system processing
系统性风险unsystematic risk
无人操作系统unattended system
日东纺自动化纺纱系统Nittobo Automatic Spinning System
日本丰田自动化纺纱系统Toyota Automated Spinning System
易燃织物事故和测试系统the flammable fabrics accident case and testing system
智能缝纫系统intelligent sewing system
服装 CAM 系统computer aided garment manufacturing system
服装专家系统garment specialist system
服装产品数据管理系统服装 PDM系统garment product data management system
服装企业信息管理系统服装MIS 系统garment management information system GMIS
服装悬挂传输系统garment conveyer system
服装款式设计系统clothing design system
服装生产自动化系统automated system for clothes production
服装生产自动化系统automated system for clothing production
服装结构设计系统pattern design system (PDS)
服装计算机综合生产系统apparel computer integral manufacture system
服装计算机综合生产系统apparel CIMS
柔性制造系统flexible manufacturing system (FMS)
柔性生产系统flexible manufacturing system
标准生产系统module manufacturing
校准系统prove system
样板纸样设计系统pattern design system (PDS)
样板生成系统pattern generation system
格柏吊挂线系统Gerber mover
格柏自动吊挂系统automatic Gerber mover
格柏自动裁剪系统Gerber cut
检验系统prove system
模块式系统modular system
模块式生产系统modular manufacturing system
泡沫涂层系统frothed backing system
流水作业系统team system
流水线系统line system
滤尘系统dust filtration system
潘通配色系统Pantone Matching System
激光验布系统laser fabric inspection system
熨烫部输送带系统pressing department conveyor system
特殊商品系统specially goods
环保控制系统背心利用变相材料制作的轻薄,透气凉爽背心,美军防核,防生化,在高温条件下使用的配套服Vest Protective Environmental Control System Vest
生产系统production system
生产管理系统production control system
电传处理系统teleprocessing system
电子信息管理系统computer information management system (CIMS)
电子分色系统Response system
电子提花系统商名Electro-knit system
电子程序系统直形线迹缝纫机programming system electronic straight sewer
电子计算机会计系统computer-based accounting system
电脑刺绣设计系统computer embroidery design editing system
电脑对格裁料系统matching cutter
电脑放码系统computer grading system
电脑放码及排唛架系统computer grading and marking system
电脑绣花设计打板系统computer embroidery design and punching system
电脑综合成衣系统computer integrated clothing system
电脑自动裁剪系统computer automatic cutting system
电脑辅助设计系统computer aided design system
电脑辅助车间操作系统computer aided machineshop operation system
电脑配色系统computer color matching system
电脑配色系统computer colour matching system
电脑铺料系统computer control apread system
皮带送料系统belt feed system
直接测量系统direct measurement system
直观测色系统visual color system
积极喂纱系统positive feed system
程序控制系统programmed control
类似婴儿系带的挪威传统帽hardanger bonnet
粗纱停喂系统roving feed stop system
系统决策systematic decision
系统工程试验计划system engineering test program
系统校验system check
系统检查system check
系统检验system inspection
系统设计system planning
纸样制作系统pattern making system
纸样开发系统pattern development system (PDS)
纺纱系统spinning system
纺织情报系统Textile Information System (美国麻省理工学院建立的磁带文件系统)
线型生产系统line production system
织物面料布边处理系统fabric management system
给纱系统yarn feeder
给纱系统数目number of feeders
维持生命系统life-support system
综合成衣系统total apparel system
编织系统knitting system
编织系统knitting feeder
缝纫工位系统sewing station system
缝袜头系统closed toe knitting
联结系统link system
联运系统multimodal transport chain
自动描图系统auto-tracing system
自动描花样系统automatic drawing pattern system
自动描花样系统automatic color drawing system
自动数据存储与传输装置,自动数据存输系统Automatic Data Accumulator and Transfer
自动缝制系统automatic sewing system
自然系统natural color system (NCS)
自然生物生态系统natural life-supporting eco-system
自然表色系统natural color system
自然颜色系统natural color system
船务系统shipping system
船舶运输系统vessel traffic system
色彩系统color system
芒塞尔表色系统Munsell notation system
花纹准备系统pattern preparation system
花纹编织系统pattern generation system
衣内微气候测量系统inside-garment microclimate measuring system
装配线式缝纫系统assembly seaming system
观察系统visual review system
计算系统控制computer-based system control
计算机分色系统computerized color separation system
计算机刺绣设计系统computer embroidery design editing system
计算机提花系统computer pattern system
计算机放码和排唛架系统computer grading and marking system
计算机放码和排码系统computer grading and marking system
计算机测色系统computerized color measure system
计算机的远程处理系统teleprocessing system
计算机监测系统computerized monitoring system
计算机纹样准备系统computer pattern preparation system
计算机绣花设计打板系统computer embroidery design and punching system
计算机综合成衣系统computer integrated clothing system
计算机联机生产制造系统computer integrated manufacturing system
计算机自动裁剪系统computer automatic cutting system
计算机辅助服装工艺计划系统computor aided garment process planning system (CAPPS)
计算机辅助服装工艺设计系统computer aided garment process planning system (CAPP system)
计算机辅助服装教学系统computer aided garment instruction system (CAIS)
计算机辅助样板推档、划样和裁剪系统computerized pattern grading marking and cutting system
计算机辅助车间操作系统computer-aided machine shop operating system (CAMOS)
计算机通信系统computer communication system
计算机配色系统computer color matching system
计算机集成制造系统computer integrated manufacturing system (CIMS)
订单管理系统order management system
订货点控制系统order point system
订购点系统order point system
试衣系统fitting design system
试衣设计系统fitting design system
误差控制系统error controlled system
误差检测系统error system
财务管理系统financial management system
质量管理系统quality control system
质量鉴定系统试验quality evaluation systems test
跟单系统project file system
轧液系统liquid removal system
运算系统operation system
运输系统transport system
运输系统transport chain
运输带生产系统conveyor production system
近距离控制系统in-plant system
近距离控制系统in-house system
进样系统sample-handing system
连续式按序加工系统sequential processing system
连锁酒馆系统tied house system
送布系统cloth conveyor system
配色系统Color Matching System (CMS)
配额管理系统quota management system
三维量身系统body measurement system
金融通信系统Banking Communication System
针冷却系统needle cooling device
针盘三角系统dial cam system
针织电子提花系统computerized jacquard knitting system
钟渊纺连续自动化纺纱系统Kanebo Automatic Progressive System
银行系统开发贷款development loans through the banking system
防滴水系统drop-proof system
防火喷水系统sprinkler system
零件储存系统part-storage system
零售系统retail POS system
零售系统retail P. O. S. system
非提花成圈系统plain knitting feed
非语言交流系统non-language exchange system
面辅料存货系统fabric/accessory inventory system
颜色品质控制系统color quality control system
颜色在线连续监控系统on-line color continuity monitor
骨骼系统sketal system
高灵敏度控制系统quick response control system
高纯氧曝气系统high purity oxygen aeration system