
Terms for subject Agriculture containing 类 型 | all forms | in specified order only
丛生类型即直立类型bush form
中熟类型middle group
中间类型intermedial form
亲本类型parental form
代谢类型metabolism type
传输类型transmission type
作物类型crop type
先锋类型pioneer form
类型winterness form
分布类型distributional type
分枝类型branched form
匍匐类型creeping form (forma repens)
半冬性类型semi-winterness form
半蔓生类型semi-runner type
半野生类型semi-cultivated type
类型stenopalynous (stenopalynus)
发端类型pioneer form
变异性类型form of variability
同化类型assimilation type
土地类型制图land-type mapping
基因型分类classification of genotypes
基本类型primary type
复种类型multiple cropping pattern
类型eurypalynous (eurypalynus)
大花品种类型指花卉large size of flower
帐目分类模型model for classification of accounts
帐目分类模型pilot farm
帐目分类模型model farm
异源多倍体类型allopolyploid form
引进类型introduced type
类型检査strong type checking
打印机类型type printer
插条类型type of cutting
类型springness form
晚熟类型late maturing group
晚熟类型指稻品种late group
杂交类型crossing form
杂种类型hybrid form
极端类型指分化extreme type
标本类型specimen type
栽培类型cultivated form (formis cultivus)
森林立地类型site type
植株类型plant form
植物类型plant type (phytotypus)
植被类型解释检索表key to interpret the vegetation types
求偶类型courtship pattern
洄游类型migration pattern
温室类型glasshouse type
灌木状类型shrubby form (formis fruticosus)
父本类型paternal form
甜瓜匍匐类型melon creeping form
生长类型growth form (forma vegetationis)
畸变类型type of aberration
矮株类型short stature type
神经类型nervous type
类似野生型表型quasi-wildtype phenotype
类型形成过程form-formative process
类型特化学说进化theory of specialization of types
类型稳定性type constancy
类型稳定性constancy of type
类型转化form transformation
类型错误type error
群落类型coenotype (coenotypus)
耕作类型cropping pattern
联系类型relationship type
脂类球状蛋白镶嵌模型lipid-globular protein mosaic model
苗床类型type of bed
茶叶类型tea style
草地类型grassland types
蔓生类型花生,大豆等vine type
蕨类植物型fern type
表型分类学phenotics (phenotica)
观赏类型ornamental form (forma ornamentalis)
起始类型ancestral form
起始类型ancestor form
过渡类型passage form
违章类型寄存器violation type register
遗传类型ancestral form
遗传类型ancestor form
遥感为土地类型分析与调査remote sensing for land type analysis and surveying
野生类型wild form (forma rudis)
植物集落类型classes of settlements
顺序类型ordinal type