
Terms for subject Biology containing | all forms
佛罗里达泽Florida arrowroot (Zamia floridana A. DC.,苏铁科)
佛罗里达泽coontie (Zamia floridana A. DC.,苏铁科)
加拿大小Canadian eyebright (Euphrasia canadensis,玄参科)
卡因山绿豆Kaimi clover (Desmodium canum,豆科)
墨西哥角果泽Mexican horncone (Ceratozania mexicana sp.,泽米科)
大阿bishop's weed (Ammi najus sp.,伞形花科)
粟,谷子,Setaria italica (L.) Beauv.; Panicum italica L.,禾本科foxtail millet
eyebright (Euphrasia tatarica Fisch.)
草属eyebright (Euphrasia L.,玄参科)
黍蚜,Rhopalosiphum prunifoliae (Fitch)apple grain aphid
small rice weevil (Sitophilus sasakii Takahashi,象甲科)
lesser rice weevil (Sitophilus sasakii Takahashi,象甲科)
小叶小microphyllous eyebright (Euphrasia microphylla Koidz.,玄参科)
巨座玉southwest corn borer (Diatraea grandiosella (Dyar); Zeadiatraea,螟蛾科)
弯曲碎bittercress (Cardamine flexuosa Withering,十字花科)
彩叶玉ornamental maize (Zea mays var. japonica sp.,禾本科)
氏牧根草Charmel mixedflower (Phyteuma charmeli,桔梗科)
新热带玉neotropical corn borer (Zeadiatraea lineolata (Walker),螟蛾科)
有稃种玉包皮玉米,Zea mays L. var. tunicata Sturt.,禾本科pod corn
水田碎lyrate bittercress (Cardamine lyrata Bunge,十字花科)
爆粒种玉popcorn (Zea mays L. var. everta Sturt.,禾本科)
玉蜀科,Zea mays L.maize
玉蜀科,Zea mays L.zea
玉蜀黍,苞米,Zea mays L.,禾本科corn
玉蜀黍,苞米,Zea mays L.,禾本科maize
玉蜀黍,Zea mays L.,禾本科corn
corn aphid (Aphis maidis Fitch,蚜科)
corn leaf aphid (Aphis maidis Fitch,蚜科)
Indian corn (Zea mays L.,禾本科)
earcorn (Zea mays L.,禾本科)
玉蜀黍,Zea mays L.,禾本科maize
common green aphis (Aphis maidis Fitch,蚜科)
一化性蛴螬annual white grub (Ochrosidia villosa Burmeister)
丝黑穗病head smut of corn (Sphacelotheca reliana (Kuehn.) Clint.)
叶比氏凤梨maize leaved pitcairnia (Pitcairnia maidifolia Dcne.,凤梨科)
叶锈病leaf rust of corn (Puccinia sorghi Schw.)
大斑病maize leaf blight (Helminthosporium turcicum Pass.)
大斑病leaf blight of corn (Helminthosporium turcicum Pass.)
天蚕蛾iomoth (Automeris io Fabricius,天蚕蛾科)
守瓜corn silk beetle (Calomicrus brunneus (Crotch),叶甲科)
小叶斑病leaf spot of corn (Cochlioblus heteroltrophus Drechsler.)
小叶斑病maize leaf spot (Cochlioblus heteroltrophus Drechsler.)
小斑病leaf spot of corn (Helminthosporium maydis Nish. et Miyake)
小秆螟小玉米螟,Elasmopalpus lignosellus Zell.,螟蛾科lesser corn stalk borer
干腐病dry rot of corn (Diplodeazeae (Schw.) Lev.)
干腐病diplodia ear rot of corn (Diplodia zeae (Schw.) Lev.)
幼芽根叶甲western com rootworm (Diabrotica virgifera LeConte,叶甲科)
拟花蛋spotted maize beetle (Astylus atromaculatus Blanch)
斑潜蝇corn blotch leafminer (Agromyza parvicornis Low,潜蝇科)
斑点病brown spot of corn (Physoderma zeae-maydis Shaw.)
星瓢corn leaf-eating ladybird beetle (Epilachna similis Thunberg,瓢虫科)
曲病green smut of corn (Ustilaginoidea virens (Cke) Tak.)
条纹病maize streak (Zea virus 2)
根线虫corn nematode (Pratylenchus zeae Graham)
根结线虫病root knot nematode of maize (Meloidogyne sp.)
根网螟tobacco webworm (Crambus caliginosellus Clemens,草螟科)
根网螟corn root webworm (Crambus caliginosellus Clemens,草螟科)
根草螟corn root webworm (Crambus caliginosellus Clemens,草螟科)
根草螟tobacco webworm (Crambus caliginosellus Clemens,草螟科)
根蚜榆蚜,Tetraneura ulmi DC.,蚜科ulm aphid
根蚜corn root aphid (Anuraphis maidiradicis Forbes,蚜科)
炭疽病anthracnose of corn (Colletotrichum graminicolum Wilson)
猝倒病damping off of corn (Pythium debaryanum Hesse)
田蚁American lawn ant (Lasius alienus (Forster))
田蚁cornfield ant (Lasius alienus (Forster))
田蚁 Lasius alienus (Forstr.) 蚁科American lawn ant
白带黑蓟马maize thrips (Heliothrips striatopterus Kob.,蓟马科)
白蠊须夜蛾millet whitish cutworm (Zanclognatha innocens Butler,夜蛾科)
短体线虫pratylenchus zeae (Pratylenchus zeae Graham)
禾螟sorghum stem borer (Chilo zonellus Swinhoe; Chilo partellus Swinb.,螟蛾科)
禾螟maize stem borer (Chilo zonellus Swinhoe; Chilo partellus Swinb.,螟蛾科)
红褐露尾甲maize blossom beetle (Carpophilus dimidiatus (Fabricius),露尾甲科)
红褐露尾甲corn sap beetle (Carpophilus dimidiatus (Fabricius),露尾甲科)
细菌性条斑病bacterial leaf streak of corn (Pseudomonas andropogoni Stapp)
缢管蚜corn leaf aphid (Rhopalosiphum maidis Fitch,蚜科)
缢管蚜grain aphid (Rhopalosiphum maidis Fitch,蚜科)
缢管蚜cotton aphid (Rhopalosiphum maidis (Fitch),蚜科)
缢管蚜cereal leaf aphid (Rhopalosiphum maidis Fitch,蚜科)
花叶病corn mosaic (zea virus 1)
花叶病毒corn virus 1 (Zea virus 1; Marmor zeae (Holmes))
花叶病毒maize mosaic virus (Zea virus 1; Marmor zeae (Holmes))
花叶病毒corn mosaic virus (Zea virus 1; Marmor zeae (Holmes))
茎线虫corn stem nematode (Ditylenchus dipsaci Kühn.)
茎腐病maize bacterial stem rot (Erwinia dissolvens Butler.)
草螟southern corn stalk borer (Diatraea crambidoides Grote,草螟科)
荒漠跳甲desert corn flea beetle (Chaetocnema ectypa Horn,跳甲科)
荒漠跳甲desert corn -field beetle (Chaetocnema ectypa Horn,跳甲科)
萎蔫病bacterial wilt of corn (Xanthomonas stewartii (Smith) Dowson; Bacterium stewartii E. F. Smith)
cominon green aphid (Aphis maidis Fitch,蚜科)
corn aphid (Aphis maidis Fitch,蚜科)
蛀茎褐夜蛾maize stalk borer (Busseola fusca Fuller,夜蛾科)
millet stalk worm (Ostrinia nubilalis Hübner,螟蛾科)
European maize borer (Pyrausta nubilalis Hbn.,螟蛾科)
millet stem borer (Pyrausta nubilalis Hbn.,螟蛾科)
maize moth (Ostrinia nubilalis Hubner,螟蛾科)
maize stalk borer (Ostrinia nubilalis Hübner,螟蛾科)
maize borer (Chilo partellus Swinhoe,螟蛾科)
maize stalk moth (Pyrausta nubilalis Hbn.,螟蛾科)
European corn borer (Ostrinia nubilalis (Hübner),螟蛾科)
corn borer (Ostrinia nubilalis (Hübner),螟蛾科)
褐斑病corn brown spot (Physoderma maydis Miyabe)
maize weevil (Sitophilus zeamais Motschulsky,象甲科)
赤霉病scab of corn (Gibberella zeae (Schw.) Petch; Fusarium graminearum Schow.)
跳甲corn flea beetle (Chaetocnema pulicaria Melsheimer,跳甲科)
锈病corn rust (Puccinia sorghi Schw.)
长蝽corn stack bug (Scolopostethus pictus (Schill),长蝽科)
霜霉病downy mildew of corn (Sclerospora maydis Butter.)
飞虱corn planthopper (Peregrinus maidis Ashmeead,飞虱科)
黄翅叶蝉corn leafhopper (Baldulus maidis D. et W.,叶蝉科)
黏虫莎草黏虫,Laphygma exempta Walker,夜蛾科nutgrass armyworm
黏虫莎草黏虫,Laphygma exempta Walker,夜蛾科maize armyworm
黑独角仙玉米黑金龟蝉,Heteronychus licas Klugblack maize beetle
黑田蚁American lawn ant (Losius nigeralienus americanus Emery,蚁科)
黑田蚁cornfield ant (Losius nigeralienus americanus Emery,蚁科)
黑粉病smut of corn (smut of maize, Ustilago zeae (Beckm.) Unger; Ustilago maydis (DC.)Cda.)
黑粉病maize smut (Ustilago zeae (Bucken) Unger; Ustilago maydis (DC.) Corda.)
黑粉病common smut of corn (Ustilago zeae (Beckm.)Ung.)
黑粉病corn smut (Ustilago Zeae (Beckm.) Unger.; Ustilago Maydis (DC.) Cda.)
黑粉病boil smut of corn (Ustilago zeae (Beckm.) Unger.; Ustilago maydis (DC.) Cda.)
黑露尾甲maize blossom beetle (Carpophilus foveicollis Murr.,露尾甲科)
甜粉种玉粉质甜玉米,Zea mays L. amyleosaccharata Sturt.,禾本科starch sugary corn
甜粉种玉粉质甜玉米,Zea mays L. amyleosaccharata Sturt.,禾本科starch-sweet-corn
白马齿种玉white dent corn (Zea mays L. var. indentata Sturt.,禾本科)
直生粟millet carpetweed (Mollugo stricta L.,粟米草科)
直立小upright eyebright (Euphrasia maximowiczii Wettst.,玄参科)
直立碎upright dittercess (Cardamine fallax Nakai,十字花科)
硬毛碎Pennsylvania bittercress (Cardamine hirsuta L.; Cardamine pennsylvania Muhl.,十字花科)
硬粒种玉flint maize (Zea mays L. var. indurata Bailey; Zea indur ata Sturt.,禾本科)
硬粒种玉flint corn (Zea mays L. var. indurata Bailey; Zea indur ata Sturt.,禾本科)
wavy bittercress (Cardamine flexuosa With.)
lady's-smock (Cardamine flexuosa With.)
荠属wavy bittercress (Cardamine L.,十字花科)
荠属lady's-smock (Cardamine L.,十字花科)
莎草yellow cyperus (Cyperus iria L.,莎草科)
莎草rice flatsedse (Cyperus iria L.,莎草科)
莎草rice cyperus (Cyperus iria L.,莎草科)
lip-fern (Cheilanthes chusana Hook.)
蕨属lip-fern (Cheilanthes Sw.,水龙骨科)
仔兰碎米兰,Aglaia odorata Lour.,楝科Chu-lan tree
仔兰碎米兰,Aglaia odorata Lour.orchid flower
仔兰aglaia (Aglaia odorata Lour.)
仔兰属碎米兰属,Aglaia Lour.,楝科orchid flower
仔兰属aglaia (Aglaia Lour.,栋科)
mi-lan tree (Aglaia Lour.)
兰属mi-lan tree (Aglaia Lour.,栋科)
口袋Mikoudai (Gueldenstaedtia multi flora Bge)
口袋gueldenstaedtia (Gueldenstaedtia multi flora Bge)
口袋属Mikoudai (Gueldenstaedtia Fisch.,豆科)
口袋属gueldenstaedtia (Gueldenstaedtia Fisch.,豆科)
曲霉aspergillus oryzae (Aspergillus oryzae (Ahlb.) Cohn)
淡墨虫grain worm (Anchonoma xeraula Meyrick)
甘草climbing hempweed (Mikania scandens Willd.)
甘草属climbing hempweed (Mikania Willd,菊科)
rice moth (Corcyrpa cephalonica Stainton,谷蛾科)
Java flour moth (Corcyrpa cephalonica Stainton,谷蛾科)
蜡莲Mexican star (Milla biflora Cav.)
蜡莲属Mexican star (Milla Cav.,百合科)
rice weevil (Sitophilus oryzae L.; Calandra oryzae L.,象甲科)
maize weevil (Sitophilus oryzae L.; Calandra oryzae L.,象甲科)
grain weevil (Sitophilus oryzae L.; Calandra oryzae L.,象甲科)
米蠹,Calaudra oryzae L.; Sitophilus oryzae L.,象甲科rice billbug
面翁piratebush (Buckleya lanceolata Miq.)
面翁属piratebush (Buckleya Torr.,檀香科)
黑虫black rice worm (Aglossa dimidiata Haworth)
粉质种玉large-grained flour corn (Zea mays L. amylacea Sturt.)
粉质种玉starchy corn (Zea mays L. amylacea Sturt.,禾本科)
粉质种玉soft corn (Zea mays L. amylacea Sturt.,禾本科)
粉质种玉flour corn (Zea mays L. amylacea Sturt.,禾本科)
carpet-weed (Mollugo pentaphylla L.)
草属carpet-weed (Mollugo L.,粟米草科)
草科carpet-weed family (Molluginaceae)
Chinese abelia (Abelia chinensis R. Br.; Abelia hanceana Mart.,忍冬科)
绿green rice moth (Dolessa viridis Zell.; Thagora figurana Wk.,螟蛾科)
罗氏小drug eyebright (Euphrasia officinalis L.; Euphrasia rostkoviana Hayne; Euphrasia rostkoviana ssp. serotina Gan.,玄参科)
美国泽coontie (Zamia floridana A. DC.,苏铁科)
美国泽Florida arrowroot (Zamia floridana A. DC.,苏铁科)
药用小drug eyebright (Euphrasia of ficinalis L.,玄参科)
药用小euphrasy (Euphrasia of ficinalis L.,玄参科)
菲岛玉蜡蝉maize planthopper (Peregrinus maidis (Ashmead),蜡蝉科)
菲岛玉蜡蝉corn lantern fly (Peregrinus maidis (Ashmead),蜡蝉科)
蜡质种玉糯玉米,Zea mays L. var. ceratina Kulesh.,禾本科waxy maize
蜡质种玉糯玉米,Zea mays L. var. ceratina Kulesh.,禾本科waxy com
螺旋大泽spiral macrozamia (Macrozamia spiralia sp.,苏铁科)
螺旋大泽palm-fern (Macrozamia spiralia sp.,苏铁科)
软粒玉粉质种玉米,Zea mays var. amylaccasoft maize
软粒玉粉质种玉米,Zea mays var. amylaccasoft corn
铁屎canthium (Canthium clicoccum Lam.)
铁屎canthium (Canthium Lam.,茜草科)
巴病amoeba disease (Malpighamoeba mellificae)
食用玉grain corn (Zea mays L.,禾本科)
马齿种玉dent maize (Zea mays L. var. dentiformis Sturt.,禾本科)
马齿种玉dent corn (Zea mays L. var. dentiformis Sturt.,禾本科)
鳞秕泽Jamaica sago tree (Zamia pumila sp.,苏铁科)
黑点虾米病,Xanthomonas atroviridigena Miyake et Tsunodacinnamon speck of rice grains