
Terms for subject Surgery containing | all forms
斯金德-手术Pashkind-Miller operation
斯塔尿道悬吊术Stamey procedure for stress urinary incontinence
泌尿生殖系统阿巴病amoebiasis of genito-urinary system
溶组织内阿Entameba histolytica
亚尔-居布勒综合征Millard-Gubler syndrome
尔沃基支架Milwaukee brace
库利兹结肠造口术Mikulicz colostomy
里齐综合征Mirizzi syndrome
阴茎阿巴病amoebiasis of penis
巴性肉芽肿amebic granuloma
巴结肠炎急性穿孔acute perforation of amebic colitis
巴肝脓肿amebic of liver abscess
巴肺脓肿amoebic of lung abscess
巴肺脓肿amoebic abscess of lung