
Terms for subject Agriculture containing 米栏 | all forms
一平方米样方meter quadrat
一等米whole rice
一等米head rice
一级米head rice
七成碾米undermilled rice
上等米high-grade rice
不完整米粒imperfect kernel of rice
不淘洗米加工non-washing rice processing
丝米1/10,000 米decimillimetre
中国蜡型种玉米Chinese waxy maize
中等米middle-grade rice
中粒米medium grain rice
中级米middle-grade rice
乳白米opaque-kernel rice
乳白米粒milky white rice kernel
优质米high-grade rice
克什米尔山羊Kashmir goat
克厘米gram centimeter
全粒米whole rice
全粒米head rice
全粒米whole kernel
具胚精米polished rice with embryo
养殖系统,米那帕蒂minapadi culture system
养麦米groats of saracen corn
养麦米groats of buckwheat
分米decimetre (dm, = 1/10 米)
分米decimeter (= 1/10 米)
制米作物groats crops
制米工业groats industry
剥玉米穗苞叶机shucking machine
剥玉米穗苞叶机maize cob husker
十米decameter (dam)
半白米half polished rice
半碾米half-milled rice
半碾米half-clean rice
半精米half polished rice
半精米semi-milled rice EEC
卧捆式玉米割捆机horizontal corn binder
含有5%碎粒的精白米white rice 5%
圆粒米round rice
地位势米geopotential meter
玉米summer maize
外来米foreign rice
大碎米second heads
大碎米big brokens
大米white rice
大米inspection standard of rice,wheat,barley and rye
大米仓库rice bank
大米仓库rice warehouse
大米储藏量rice stocks
大米分级机rice grader
大米品质rice quality
大米政策policy of rice
大米淀粉starch of rice
大米淀粉rice starch
大米白化rice whitening
大米粥rice gruel
大米调运rice movement
大米谷蛋白rice gluten
大米贮藏rice storage
大米贮藏仓rice storage bins
大米面rice flour
大米食味评定rice taste evaluation
大粒大麦米pot barley
大麦米hulled barley
大麦米husked barley
大麦米去壳的大麦粒barley groats
大麦米片cargo meal
头等出米率head rice yield
头等米head rice
头等米产量head rice yield
奥可拉米克斯红美国甘薯品种Oklamex Red
小站米Shiao Chan white rice
小站糙粳米Shiao Chan cargo rice
小米加工millet processing
层积立方米cubic metre
层积立方米stacked cubic meter
平方分米square decimeterdm2
平方米centare 1 (= 1 m²)
弹压式玉米脱粒机spring corn sheller
强化大米rice fortification
强化米添加营养成分的大米enriched rice
总出米率total-rice yield
戈尔德施米特气压计Goldschmidt barometer
手推玉米播种机hand corn planter
手摇玉米脱粒机hand-driven maize sheller
改性玉米粉modified corn starch
改性蜡质种玉米淀粉modified waxy corn starch
整米whole rice
整米粒whole rice grain
整粒米whole rice grain
整粒米perfect rice grain
春玉米spring corn
普通米日本指粳稻,粳米ordinary rice
有稃型玉米 Zea mays convar. tunicatacow corn
有稃型玉米 Zea mays convar. tunicatahusk corn
有稃型玉米 Zea mays convar. tunicatapod maize
有稃型玉米 Zea mays convar. tunicatapod corn
有稃种玉米husk corn
有胚精米milled rice with embryo
木材立方米solid meter of timber
未上光米drydressed rice
未上光米uncoated rice
未割的玉米standing corn
未成熟米粒unripe rice kernel
本地米local rice
本地米native rice
本地米indigenous rice
机动玉米脱粒机motor-driven maize sheller
机器碾米厂mechanical rice-hulling mill
杂交[种]玉米hybrid corn
杂交玉米hybrid corn
杂交玉米hybrid maize
标准米prototype meter
橡皮带式剥玉米穗苞叶机rubber belt husker
橡皮辊式剥玉米穗苞叶机rubber roll husker
欧洲经济共同体大米工业协会联盟Union of Rice Industry Associations of the EEC
死[稻粒]米opaque-kernel rice
死青米green dead-kernel rice
气管式玉米授粉器air pump corn pollinator
水稻和玉米黑孢菌茎穗腐病 Nigrospora oryzae (Berk et Br.)Petch.nigrospora cob and stalk rot of corn and rice
污染米stained rice
污染米[粒]discoloured rice (指米粒受污染变色)
污染米stained kernel
洋占米Young Jien rice (long-shaped)
涂亮米以葡萄糖与滑石粉在米粒表面涂一层薄膜以增加白米亮度glazed rice
涂亮米以葡萄糖与滑石粉在米粒表面涂一层薄膜以增加白米亮度coated rice
清除玉米穗苞叶风扇shuck fan
湿式碾米机wet type rice polisher
爆米puffed rice
爆米花puffed rice
爱米好-16182-isopropyl-5methylphenyl trimethylamino chloridelpiperidinecarboxylate (生长阻滞剂,C₁₉H₃₄ClN₂O₂)
爱米好-1618AMO-1618 (生长阻滞剂,C₁₉H₃₄ClN₂O₂)
牵引式双行玉米摘穗机two-row pull type corn picker
牵引式玉米摘穗机trail-behind picker
玉米[花]丝corn silk
玉米三交maize triple cross
玉米三交[杂]种maize triple hybrid
玉米三交种maize triple crosses
玉米三系杂交maize triple cross
玉米与生猪比价corn-hog ratio
玉米中耕箭形铲corn sweep
玉米产区maize growing area
玉米产区corn belt
玉米产量corn yield
玉米休闲maize fallow
玉米休闲地maize fallow
玉米切碎机corn shredder
玉米剥苞叶机corn husker
玉米割捆机maize binder
玉米割捆机corn binder
玉米割茎式收获机cut-off corn harvester
玉米包皮maize husk
玉米单交maize single cross
玉米单交[杂]种maize single hybrid
玉米单交种maize single crosses
玉米同源多倍体maize autopolyploid
玉米同胞育种法maize sib method of breeding
玉米土壤耕作maize soil cultivation
玉米大豆混合物corn soya blend
玉米带corn belt
玉米干燥棚maize dry shed
玉米干燥棚corn drying shed
玉米干燥间maize drying loft
玉米幼苗young corn plant
玉米幼苗立枯病Gibberella blight of corn
玉米扁足[拟步]甲 [Pedinus femoralis L.]false wire worm (拟步甲科)
玉米扁足[拟步]甲 [Pedinus femoralis L.]maize tenebrionid (拟步甲科)
玉米打顶corn topping
玉米打顶机corn topper
玉米打顶机corn top remover
玉米授粉器maize pollinator
玉米摘剥机corn picker-husker
玉米摘穗切秆机corn picker-chopper
玉米摘穗剥苞叶机maize picker-husker
玉米摘穗机corn snapper
玉米摘穗机stripping machine
玉米摘穗机stripper harvester
玉米摘穗机corn picker
玉米摘穗脱粒机maize picker-sheller
玉米摘脱机corn picker-sheller
玉米播种机corn planter
玉米播种机maize planter
玉米播种装置maize seeder unit
玉米支持根corn brace root
玉米支持根corn prop root
谷物联合收割机的玉米收割附加装置maize cutting attachment
玉米收获corn harvest
玉米收获机maize cutter
玉米收获附加装置maize cutter
玉米杂[交]种corn hybrids
玉米杂交育种maize hybridization breeding
玉米杂种优势maize heterosis
玉米杂种优势maize hybrid vigor
玉米条播机corn drill
玉米条矮病病毒病害streaked dwarf of corn
玉米条矮病病毒病害maize streaked dwarf
玉米果穗corn ear
玉米果穗切碎机earcorn reducer
玉米果穗粉碎机earcorn granulator
玉米根虫maize rootworm
玉米栽培maize growing
玉米栽培maize culture
玉米栽培corn growing
玉米栽培区maize growing area
玉米栽培地区corn-growing region
玉米栽培学maize growing
玉米栽培学maize culture
玉米栽培学corn growing
玉米栽培技术corn agrotechniques
玉米栽培者corn grower
玉米植株 生长 密度corn stand
玉米油[工]业corn oil industry
玉米浆maize pulp
玉米浆corn pulp
玉米测交种maize tester
玉米清选corn cleaning
玉米渣corn grit
玉米爆花corn flakes
玉米生物化学maize biochemistry
玉米白化现象maize albinism
玉米砍刀corn broadsword
玉米稿料corn chop
玉米穗碾碎机earcorn crusher
玉米穗轴corn ear
玉米穗轴corn cob
玉米穗轴加工机corn-cob processing machine
玉米穗轴压碎机corn-cob crusher
玉米突变育种mutation breeding in corn
玉米籽粒corn kernel
玉米粉mealy meal
玉米粉粗粉Indian meal
玉米粉粗粉maize meal
玉米粉粗粉corn meal
玉米粉corn meal
玉米粉琼脂培养基corn meal agar
玉米粉碎机籽粒maize crusher
玉米粉碎机corn crusher
已脱粒玉米粒dredge corn
玉米联合收获机玉米粒升运器shelled corn elevator
玉米粒干燥器shelled corn drier
玉米粒箱shelled corn tank
玉米素zeatin (C₁₀H₁₄N₅O)
玉米素6-4-hydroxy-3-methyltrans-2-butenylamino purine
玉米素6-4-hydroxy-3-methyl-trans-2butenylaminopurine (C₁₀H₁₄N₅O)
玉米素N⁶ -isopentenyladenine
玉米联合收获附加装置corn combining attachment
玉米育种corn breeding
玉米育种学corn breeding
玉米育种技术corn breeding techniques
玉米脱粒凹板sheller concave
玉米脱粒机corn thresher
玉米脱粒机corn sheller
玉米脱粒筛shelled corn screen
玉米芯粉corn-cob meal
玉米花corn flakes
玉米花叶病病毒病害mosaic of maize
玉米花叶病病毒病害mosaic of corn
玉米茎叶混合物饲料corn-straw mixture
玉米茎秆corn stalk
玉米茎秆纸浆机corn-stalk macerator
玉米落粒收集器shelled corn saver
玉米螟European maize borer
玉米螟European corn borer
玉米螟害[损失]earworm damage
玉米行宽corn row width
玉米行距corn row spacing
玉米豆类间作legume interseeding in corn
玉米蹲苗wilting of corn
玉米轮作在时间上的安排maize rotation arrangement in time
玉米轮作在空间上的安排maize rotation arrangement in space
玉米轴corn rachis
玉米辅助授粉maize pollination in aid
玉米辐射育种maize radiation breeding
玉米退绿矮缩病毒maize chlorotic dwarf virus
玉米通风仓corn crib
玉米酒糟maize pulp
玉米酒糟corn vinosse
玉米醇溶蛋白纤维zein fiber
玉米锄草铲组maize hoeing set
玉米隔离maize isolation
玉米隔离区maize isolated-plot
玉米青贮maize silage
玉米青贮料corn silage
玉米面flour of maize
玉米面corn meal
玉米面mealy meal
玉米面Indian meal
玉米面maize flour
玉米面包corn bread
玉米顶交maize topcross
玉米饼maize pancake
玉米麸质饲料corn gluten feed
甜玉米sugar corn
甜玉米 Zea mays convar. saccharatasugar corn
甜玉米sugar maize
甜玉米 Zea mays convar. saccharatasweet corn
甜玉米摘穗机sweet corn picker
甜玉米收获机sweet corn harvester
甜玉米枯萎病sweet corn Stewart's bacteria wilt
甜粉种玉米starchy sweet maize
甜质种玉米甜玉米,禾本科sweet corn
甜质种玉米甜玉米,禾本科sugar corn
留种玉米seed corn
白垩质米chalky rice
白玉米品种white corn
白米polished rice
白米skin abrased rice
白米white rice
白米milled rice
白米率rate of polished rice
白米率percentage of milled rice
百米hectometer (hm)
研米rice polishing
砻米rice shelling
硬粒玉米 Zea mays convar. vulgarisflint maize
硬粒玉米 Zea mays convar. vulgarisflint corn
硬质种玉米 Zea mays convar. vulgarisflint maize
硬质种玉米 Zea mays convar. vulgarisflint corn
硬质米high hardness rice
硬质米hard-textured rice
稻米 交易所rice exchange
稻米副产物多用途加工multipurpose processing of rice by-products
稻米副产物的综合利用multipurpose processing of rice by-products
稻米发酵剂rice ferment
稻米对外贸易展望prospect for foreign trade in rice
稻米库rice bank
稻米检验rice inspection
稻米淀粉rice starch
稻米玉米组合rice corn mix
稻米磨光rice polishing
稻米饲料rice feed
穗轴上的玉米corn on the cob
筛出碎米rice screenings
简易玉米收割机sled harvester
米一吨 -秒制单位meter-ton-second system of units
米仓rice barn
米切里西方程[式] {土壤}Mitscherlich equation
米切里西法Mitscherlich method
米切里西试盆Mitscherlich pot
米制单位metric measures
米可兰氏离析液{显技}Medium's macerating fluid
米-吨一秒制meter-ton-second system
米品质quality of rice (kernel)
米商rice dealer
米屑waste rice
米屑rice screenings
米库rice bank
米库rice warehouse
米査尔反应Michael's reaction
米氏常数Michaelis constant (Km)
米氏常数用于胞膜运输Michaelis constant
米汤rice water
米烛光meter candle
米烛光metre candle
米烛光metre-candle (lux)
米烛光lux (X)
米的蒸煮特性boiling characteristics of rice
米筛rice sieving screen
米粉rice meal
米粉粗粉rice meal
米粉rice vermicelli
米粉rice flour
米粉ground rice
米粉条rice vermicelli
米粉条加工rice vermicelli processing
米粉牛奶rice milk
米粒rice grain
米粒rice kernel
米粒原始标本检查等级用标准米original specimen of rice kernel
米粒等级grade of rice kernel
米粞broken rice
米糖油rice bran oil
米糠bran of rice
米糠rice short
米糠rice bran
米糠出口scalpings outlet
米糠油bran oil
米糠饼cake of rice bran
米贩子rice dealer
米达尺metre scale
米酒rice beer
米门二氏动力学Michaelis-Menten kinetics
米门二氏方程 [式]Michaelis-Menten equation
米门二氏方程与膜运输Michaelis-Menten equation and membrane transport
米门二氏方程的限制limitation of Michaelis-Menten equation
米隆反应剂Millon's reagent
米隆氏液{显技}Millon's solution
米隆试验Millon's test
米雪snow grains
籴米buy rice
联合式碾米机united rice mill
脱下的玉米粒dredge corn
脱下的玉米粒corn dredge
脱脂米糠defatted rice bran
腹白米white belly rice
茶色米rusty Kernel rice
茶色米brown kernel of rice
装米用草制米包straw rice-bale
草制米袋straw rice-bag
药用玉米medicinal maize
营养米enriched rice
蜜蜂阿米巴病amoeba disease of bees
蜜蜂阿米巴病amebiasis of bees
蜡质玉米 Zea mays convar. ceratinawaxy maize
蜡质玉米 Zea mays convar. ceratinawaxy corn
西[谷珍珠]米pearl sage
西南玉米螟southwest corn borer
贮藏米stored rice
赤变米reddening of grains
转基因玉米transgenic maize
转基因稻——黄金米genetically modified golden rice
软粒玉米粉质种玉米soft corn
软粒玉米粉质种玉米soft maize
软质玉米 Zea mays convar. amylaceasquaw corn
软质玉米 Zea mays convar. amylaceaflour maize
软质玉米 Zea mays convar. amylaceasoft maize
软质玉米 Zea mays convar. amylaceaflour corn
软质玉米 Zea mays convar. amylaceasoft corn
软质米soft-textured rice
软质米low hardness rice
轻便自走式单行玉米摘穗机portable self-propelled one row corn picker
选米机rice grader
速煮米precooked rice
速煮米parboiled rice
速熟米饭加工instant cooking rice processing
遗传改良稻——黄金米genetically modified golden rice
酿酒米rice for alcoholic preparation
酿酒米rice for sake brewery
酿酒米rice for making wine
酿酒米brewer's rice
锈色米rusty Kernel rice
长粒米Long kernel rice
长粒米long grain rice
阿基米德数Archimede's number
附属碾米厂subsidiary rice mill
附属碾米厂part-time rice mill
陈米rice of old crop
陈米old crop rice
陈米old rice
霉病米Absidia diseased rice
霉病米Fuke rice
青刈玉米soiling maize
青玉米green corn
青米blue rice
青贮玉米silage maize
青贮玉米silage corn
青贮玉米maize for ensilage
青贮用玉米maize silage
青贮用玉米corn for silage
青霉病米penicillium diseased rice
预蒸米parboiled rice
预蒸米加工parboiled rice processing
饲用玉米fodder maize
饲用玉米forage maize
饲用玉米fodder corn
饲用玉米feeding corn
饲用玉米feeding grains
饲用玉米feed corn
饲用玉米面feeding corn meal
马齿型玉米品系dent line
马齿种玉米true maize
马齿种玉米dent corn
马齿种玉米dent maize
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