
Terms for subject International trade containing | all forms
三夹板plywood case
专用信private letter box
专用集装special container
临界集装货物marginal containerizable cargoes
低底板型集装lower-deck container
侧壁全开式集装open side container
侧壁全开集装open side container
侧开门集装side door container
侧开面集装side door container
保温集装insulated container
全集装all containership
公共汽车壁广告bus transit advertising
内柱式集装interior post type container
冷藏集装refrigerated cellular
冷藏集装refrigerated container
冷藏集装reefer container
冷藏集装reefer containers
冷藏集装、冷藏货柜frozen products insulated container
集装箱区内拆terminal devanning
TD集装箱区内拆terminal devanning
集装箱区内装terminal vanning
half chest
单位装unit packing list
集装箱指示general discharging instructions
压舱ballast tank
可拆装的集装collapsible container
可拆装的集装collapsible containers
可集装化的货流containerizable cargo flow
国际安全运输集装公约1972年12月2 日International Convention for Safe Transport Container
国际标准化组织集装ISO container
国际集装公司inter-container company
国际集装安全公约International Convention for Safe Transport Container
国际集装International Container Bureau
国际集装运输公司Container Transport International
塑料plastic box
塑料集装plastic container
塑胶plastic box
集装箱外地装回送overland transit full
外柱式集装outside post type container
大木wooden barrel
安全集装safe container
密闭集装sealed container
封闭型冷藏集装refrigerated enclosed container
封闭型小型集装enclosed small container
集装baby container (small container)
已装货集装loaded container
带有集装格槽的开上开下滚装ro/ro plus cellular
干货集装dry container
干货集装dry cargo container
平板车式集装拖车trailer on flat car
平板车装运的集装container on flat car
平架集装flat rack container
货运服务费LCL service charge
并装集装mixed container
并装集装LCL container
开盖集装open top container
开顶式集装open top container
开顶集装open top container
集装箱当地拆local devanning
集装箱当地装local vanning
快速集装装卸方式speedtainer system
承运人装carrier's pack
承运人装carrier pack
报纸邮政车paper box
作业deconsolidation service
devanning report
航运groupage system
航运,编组制铁路运输groupage system
consolidation shed
less than a container load
less than container load cargo
运输groupage traffic
运输航运编组运输铁路运输groupage traffic
控制湿度的集装humidity-controlled container
散装货集装bulk container
散装货集装free flowing bulk material container
散装货集装bulk cargo container
散货集装solid bulk container
CY allowance
集装full container load
集装箱full container load (fcl)
container load cargo
整装集装full container load container
断热集装insulated container
second-hand cases
second hand cases
普通封闭集装conventional enclosed container
普通货运集装general purpose freight container
普通集装general container
最低装标准minimum rule
最适合集装装运的货物prime containerizable cargoes
有盖的装货packing box with gland
wooden cases
未包装的条板unpacked crate
未满载集装less than container load
未满载集装less than a container load
机腹式集装belly container
杂货集装break bulk container ship
杂货集装break-bulk container ship
条板skeleton case
标准保温集装normally insulated container
标准集装standard container
标准集装配件standard container fittings
格子skeleton case
格槽式集装cellular container ship
格槽式集装货船cellular vessel
汽车集装car container
汽车集装car containers
汽车集装auto container
流动集装floating container
海外集装运输公司Overseas Containers Ltd.
液体集装tank container
液体集装liquid bulk container
混合集装mixed container
滚装式集装roll on/roll off Ro-Ro
滚装式集装roll on /roll off vessels
漏斗式集装hopper container
保温集装thermal container
牲畜集装pen container
牲畜集装livestock container
牲畜集装cattle container
特种集装special container
独立拼经营人independent groupage operator
猪驮式集装运输piggy-back-trailer on flat car
纸板箱,板条箱packed in cartons
纸板箱,板条箱packed in crates
纸板箱,板条箱packed in cases
由发货人装shipper's pack
电冰refrigerator electrical
皮革集装hide container
破木broken wooden case
私人信private box
租用银行保险存放财物safety deposit
in empty
进口imported empty
空包装运价tariff for tare carriage
空气调节集装air-conditioned container
空运集装belly container
空运集装air container
空集装盘存报告empty container inventory report
集装箱位号slot number
集装箱位租用权slot charter
集装箱位租赁权slot charters
case number
夹板box pallet
子有钉眼case with nail holes
子破裂case broken, contents unknown
形搬运台box pallet
板受潮case board stained by moisture
板潮湿case board stained by moisture
集装箱架系统rack system
in cases (boxes)
运化航运containerization cargo
粉状货集装free flowing bulk material container
纤维板fibre board box
纤维胶合板集装plywood container
纸壳paper thimble box
组格式集装cellular container vessel
罐状集装tank container
联合运输集装终点站intermodal container terminal
联合集装班轮公司Associated Container Line
联合集装运输公司Associated Container Transportation Ltd.
范格型集装Vanguard container
薄壳式集装monocoque container
packing and crating
pack a box
前检查pretrip inspection
packing slip
vanning order
集装箱container load plan
packing specification
单和重量单packing list and weight memo
集装箱地点places of vanning
集装箱地点place of vanning
报告vanning report
集装箱报告vanning report
指示vanning order
集装箱container loader
花色码单packing specification
crating charge
TV集装箱装卸区内装terminal vanning
装有集装格槽的载驳货船barge carriers with cellular space
设置在内地的集装货物站inland depot
详细装detailed packing list
集装箱lift van
packing case
尺码measurement of packing case
尺码measurements of packing cases
运输container traffic
货样sample case
货物集装freight container
贮藏货物locker cargo
跨运集装吊车gantry container crane
内交货价free into wagons
集装箱还'地点place of return
适合集装货物suitable containerizable cargoes
适合集装货物container load cargo
速寄装rush packing list
邮政信post office box
邮政信post box
部分装的货物partially crated items
部分集装化的part cellular
部分集装货船partial container freighter
钢制干货集装steel dry cargo container
铅皮衬里木tin-lined case
铝制干货集装aluminum dry cargo container
银行保险safe deposit box
门到门集装the door to door container
隔热保温集装insulated produce container
集装container freight station
集装专用列车container unit train
集装专用权full container ship
集装两用船convertible container ship
集装中转站container freight station
集装催提单report of undelivered container
集装关税条约customs convention for containers
集装兼用船convertible container ship
集装再次搬运报告container rehandling report
集装再次搬运清单container rehandling list
集装冲洗厂container washing plant
集装列车freight liner
集装制度container system
集装containerization cargo
集装化的货物containerized cargoes
集装化运输containerization transportation
集装卸箱清单container unloading list
集装号码单container number list
集装和集装箱船container & container ship
集装基地container base
集装堆场container yard
集装堆场经营人container yard operator
集装堆放场container yard
集装堆放场container pool
集装拖车车架trailer chassis
集装提单container bill of lading
集装服务公司integrated container service
集装服务费container service charge
集装未交付报告undelivery container report
集装/杂货船combination ship
集装/"杂货"船combination container/break-bulk vessel
集装标准container standard
集装标准规格container standards
集装海关公约Customs Convention on Containers
集装海运班轮制度container marine lines system
集装火车container train
集装班轮或班机container liner
集装的拼箱货less than a full container
集装的灭失或损坏loss of or damage to container
集装码头货站terminal depot
集装碍头container terminal
集装租金container hire
集装翻舱报告container rehandling report
集装container carrying vessels
集装container vessel
集装container ship
集装container-carrying vessels
集装船舶位container berth
集装营运人container operator
集装装卸区container terminal
集装装卸站container depot
集装装箱单container load plan
集装装箱清单container loading list
集装装载计划表container load plan
集装装运containerized shipment
集装规格type of container
集装订舱汇总清单booking container summary
集装货物containerization cargo
集装货物集散站container freight station
集装货运containerized shipment
集装货运方法container system
集装货运站container freight station
集装货运站作业CFS operation
集装货运站货物CFS cargo
集装贸易containerized trade
集装载驳货船barge carriers with cellular space
空运集装运价general cargo ULD rates
集装运费率container rate
集装运输transport by containers
集装运输container traffic
集装运输container service
集装集散地container freight station
非整less than container load cargo
非标准集装non-standard container
非洲集装捷运公司African Container Express Co.
非空进口not imported empty
预定船运集装book shipping container
马口铁衬垫tin-lined case
鱼驮式集装运输Fishy Back
鸟驮式集装运输birdy back