
Terms for subject Technology containing 箱形 | all forms | in specified order only
三室箱形截面three-box section
三室箱形桥梁three-box section girder bridge
三角箱形triangular box section beam
专用箱形雨水槽special-purpose box rainwater gutter
专用箱形雨水沟special-purpose box rainwater gutter
偏轨箱形bias rail box girder
全偏轨箱形full bias rail box girder
分格箱形结构cellular box structure
分段式箱形浮船坞sectional box dock
加支撑的箱形框架braced box frame
箱形semi-box beam
单元箱形single cell box girder
卧式箱形horizontal box furnace
箱形截面大梁twin-box girder
双室箱形截面double box section
双排板桩箱形围堰two-walled sheet-pile cofferdam
双联箱形刚架twin-box-shaped rigid frame
复式箱形虹吸管multiple box siphon
多孔箱形cell box girder
大容量箱形撒石机large-capacity stone spreader box
屋面箱形下水沟的铅衬里lead-lining of box roof gutter
平板箱形孔型bull head
箱形梁桥curved box girder bridge
抗扭箱形纵桁torsional box girder
散热器箱形radiator case frame
整体式箱形货车root van
曲线箱形梁桥curved box girder bridge
曲线箱形钢梁桥curved steel box girder bridge
木制箱形涵洞wooden box culvert
木制折叠箱形托盘wood collapsible box pallet
梯形箱形大梁trapezoidal box girder
梯形的箱形钢梁trapezoidal steel box girder
混凝土箱形沉箱concrete box caisson
混凝土箱形涵洞concrete box culvert
滑动式箱形沉箱sliding box-shaped caisson
滚动箱形pontoon on rollers
焊接板箱形Plated box pile
特制的箱形天沟purpose-made box roof gutter
直的箱形straight box beam
箱形涵洞stone box culvert
石棉水泥屋顶箱形天沟asbestos-cement box roof gutter
石砌箱形水道stonework box drain
石砌箱形涵洞stonework box culvert
空腹箱形截面联结系Vierendeel box-section bracing
箱形檐沟copper box roof gutter
管道形式一箱形box section
箱形egg shape
箱形box shape
箱形体系box system
箱形光度计box photometer
箱形内龙骨box keelson
箱形冷凝器box type cooler
箱形减压器box reducer
箱形减速器box reducer
箱形凸起甲板trunk deck
箱形出口box out
箱形齿条状插齿刀刀架cutter box
箱形齿条形插齿刀刀架cutter box
箱形刀架cutter box
箱形刮泥器cabinet scraper
箱形剪力试验机box-shear apparatus
箱形升降机casing elevator
箱形单梁龙门起重机single-box girder gantry crane
箱形tank table
箱形叶轮cased impeller
箱形吊杆box-type boom
箱形吊索box sling
箱形商店box store
箱形围堰box weir
箱形围堰box dam
箱形坞门dock caisson
箱形基础coffer foundation
箱形基脚box footing
箱形堆垛法box-end stacking
箱形墙垛boxed buttress wall
箱形大梁pontoon girder
箱形大梁cased girder
箱形大梁hollow web girder
箱形大梁hollow box girder
箱形大梁boxed girder
箱形夹具box type jig
箱形字盘trunk dial
箱形层压板门式钢架box-plywood portal frame
箱形屋顶水沟boxed roof gutter
箱形屋顶雨水沟special box roof gutter
箱形岩芯取样器box corer
箱形峡谷box canyon
箱形床脚box-typed leg
箱形底座bed box
箱形底架box section under frame
箱形box stand
箱形开关box switch
箱形开挖法box cutting method
箱形弹簧床box spring bed
箱形弹簧床single cushion type bed
箱形截面大梁box section girder
箱形截面构件box sect ion member
箱形截面柱box section column
箱形截面梁box girder
箱形截面梁式起重机box girder crane
箱形截面梁楼板box beam floor
箱形截面楼梯斜梁box section stringer
箱形截面槽钢柱column of channel box section
箱形截面的框架box section frame
箱形托盘box pallet
箱形拖车box trailer
箱形拱座box abutment
箱形拱桥box ribbed arch bridge
箱形挖槽box cut
箱形挺杆box jib
箱形石料摊铺机spreader box
手推车马道的箱形支座box horse
箱形支撑杆box strut
箱形料架pocket setting
箱形断路器tank-truck circuit-breaker
箱形断面box profile
箱形断面基础box section foundation
箱形断面基脚box section foundation
箱形断面底脚box section foundation
箱形断面索box section string
箱形暗渠box culvert
箱形曲流box-shaped meander
箱形机座电动机box frame motor
箱形box slab (桥梁)
箱形板梁tabular girder
箱形板梁box plate girder
箱形板梁桥tabular bridge
箱形构造box-type construction
箱形构造类型box construction type
箱形box shaped pillow
箱形box type frame
箱形截面box column
箱形cased column
箱形box section column
箱形box-shaped column
箱形格构大梁box latticed girder
箱形格构大梁box lattice girder
箱形box girder
箱形桁架box truss
箱形桁架桥trussed-box-girder bridge
箱形桁架梁box truss girder
箱形cased frame
箱形框架box section frame
箱形框架cellular framing
箱形框架boxed frame
箱形框架式抗震墙box frame type shear wall
箱形框架结构box frame construction
箱形框架钢筋混凝土结构box frame type reinforced concrete construction
箱形框纱窗box screen
箱形box bridge
箱形桥台box type abutment
箱形box pile
箱形hollow box beam
箱形box girder
箱形梁式起重机box girder crane
箱形梁曲线桥curved box girder bridge
箱形薄壁梁桥box girder bridge
箱形梁楼板box beam floor
箱形梁模板box former
箱形楼梯boxed staircase
箱形楼梯closed stair
箱形楼梯closed staircase
箱形楼梯boxed stair
箱形模板box shuttering
箱形模板box form (work)
箱形横截面box cross-section
箱形横截面box section
箱形檐槽parapet gutter
箱形檐沟box gutter
箱形檐沟boxed gutter
箱形水力分级机water scalping tank
箱形水槽box rainwater gutter
箱形水槽trough gutter
箱形水槽boxed gutter
箱形水沟box gutter
箱形沉箱America caisson
箱形box pump
箱形活塞box-type piston
箱形流槽box launder
箱形box dock
箱形液体冷却器tank-type liquid cooler
箱形混凝土摊铺机box type concrete spreader
箱形潮位仪box gauge
箱形潮位仪box gage
箱形潮位计box gauge
箱形潮位计box gage
箱形甲板船trunk deck vessel
箱形百叶窗folding shutter
箱形box shaped
箱形的刮土戽斗box-shaped scraper bucket
箱形石料摊铺机spreading box
箱形石棉水泥天沟asbestos-cement box roof gutter
箱形空气过滤器box type air filter
箱形窗框cased window frame
箱形窗框box casing
箱形box-shaped pipe
箱形box pipe
箱形管片box segment
箱形结构cased structure
箱形结构tubular construction
箱形结构box-type construction
箱形结构形式box construction type
箱形结构系统cubicle system
箱形给料器sliding box feeder
箱形联结器box coupling
箱形联轴节box coupling
箱形肋拱桥box ribbed arch bridge
箱形肋断面box rib profile
箱形肋骨box frame
箱形胶合板门式框架box-plywood portal frame
箱形胶合板龙门架box-plywood portal frame
箱形box-shaped ridge
箱形box type jib
箱形臂流动式起重机mobile crane with box section
箱形舞台proscenium frame stage
箱形舱口盖pontoon type hatch cover
箱形舱口盖pontoon hatch cover
箱形舷缘box gunwale
箱形船闸chamber gate
箱形船闸box gate
箱形薄板box slab
箱形螺母box nut
箱形设计box design
箱形货物boxed cargo
箱形货舱口盖cargo hatch pontoon cover
箱形路沟box gutter
箱形路面排水沟box rainwater gutter
箱形轧槽box groove
箱形输水道box conduit
箱形边沟box gutter
箱形进水口box intake
箱形进水口box inlet
箱形连接器box coupling
箱形通风管box ventilator
箱形钉固的输送器box stapling conveyer
箱形box steel
箱形钢板桩box steel sheet piling
箱形钢柱boxed steel column
箱形钢柱box column
箱形钢桩box pile
箱形钢梁steel box girder
箱形锻造风箱chest bellows
箱形门框box casing
箱形门阶box stoop
箱形隧道rectangular shaped tunnel
箱形隧道box section
箱形雨水槽box gutter
箱形雨水沟box rainwater gutter
箱形预应力混凝土结构box-shaped prestressed concrete structure
箱形预应力混凝土结构box prestressed concrete structure
箱形验潮仪box gauge
箱形验潮仪box gage
组合箱形composite box beam
胶合板箱形plywood box beam
薄壁箱形结构thin membrane box structure
装于滑动底板的箱形喷洒器skid-mounted box-like spreader
装于滑动底板的箱形撒料机skid-mounted box-like spreader
连续箱形continuous box girder
通用箱形构件universal box
钢板箱形大梁steel plate box girder
钢桥面板式箱形梁桥box girder bridge with steel plate floor
钢筋混凝土箱形大梁reinforced box girder
钢筋混凝土箱形拱桥reinforced concrete box arch bridge
钢筋混凝土箱形梁桥reinforced concrete box girder bridge
钢筋混凝土箱形沉箱reinforced box caisson
铸铁箱形屋顶天沟cast-iron roof gutter
铸铁箱形排水沟cast-iron box gutter
铸铁箱形雨水排水沟cast-iron box rainwater gutter
闭口箱形孔型closed box pass
闭口式箱形孔型closed box groove
预应力混凝土箱形大梁prestressed concrete box girder
预应力混凝土箱形截面prestressed concrete box beam
箱形接头bellows joint
高架箱形motor duct
高温箱形电炉high-temperature box-type furnace