
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing 等 离 体 | all forms
中间包直流等离子体加热器DC plasma tundish heater (In addition, a DC plasma tundish heater is installed on the slab caster with an annual capacity of 800, 000 tonnes to heat the molten steel in the tundish. 此外,将直流等离子体中间包加热器安装到这台年生产能力 80 万 t 的板坯连铸机上,用于加热中间包内钢水。)
中间包等离子体加热plasma tundish heating
中间包等离子体加热器plasma tundish heater
中间包等离子体加热器PTH (In addition, the application of PTH also greatly reduced the occurrence of submerged entry nozzle clogging. 此外,使用中间包等离子体加热器还大幅度降低了浸人式水口堵塞的发生。)
中间包等离子体加热系统plasma heating system for tundish
中间包等离子体加热装置PTH system
完全电离的等离子体stripped plasma
射频等离子体radio-frequency plasma
气体保护金属极等离子弧联焊法GMPA process
气体放电等离子体gas-discharge plasma
气体等离子喷涂air plasma spraying
气体等离子喷涂air plasma spray
氧气等离子体切割plasma oxygen cutting
氧等离子体切割plasma oxygen cutting
氮-水射流等离子体nitrogen water jet plasma
激光等离子体laser plasma
热核等离子体thermonuclear plasma
热等离子体hot plasma
环形等离子体toroidal plasma
电子等离子体electron plasma
电弧放电等离子体arc discharge plasma
电弧等离子体加热arc plasma heating
电弧等离子体喷镀金属arc plasma metallizing
直流等离子体direct-current plasma
直流等离子体中间包加热器direct current plasma tundish heater
直流等离子体中间包加热器DC plasma tundish heater
直流等离子体喷射direct-current plasma jet
空气等离子体air plasma
等离子气体plasma gas
等离子体plasma body
等离子体刨削plasma gouging
等离子体加热炉plasma furnace
等离子体化学气相沉积plasma assisted chemical vapour deposition
等离子体化学气相沉积plasma assisted chemical vapor deposition
等离子体反应plasma reaction
等离子体喷镀plasma spraying
等离子体密度plasma density
等离子体扩散plasma diffusion
等离子体振荡分析仪plasma oscillation analyzer
等离子体放电plasma discharge
等离子体波长plasma wavelength
等离子体注入器plasma injector
等离子体淬火plasma hardening
等离子体漂移plasma drift
等离子体熔融还原法plasma smelting reduction process (【技】一种以等离子体作为热源的熔融还原炼铁工艺。瑞典 SKF 公司在这一领域做出了开拓性工作,先后开发出了 PLASMARED、 PLASMASMELT. PLAS-MADUST. PLASMACHROME 等等离子体熔融还原工艺。它在处理难熔和难还原金属及工业废弃物方面具有较大优势。)
等离子体熔融还原炼铁法plasma reduction process
等离子体电子plasma electron
等离子体电弧plasma arc
等离子体表面切割plasma gouging
脉冲等离子体impulse plasma
辐射等离子体radiating plasma
钢水等离子体加热法plasma heating method for liquid steel
高能等离子体energetic plasma