
Terms for subject Technology containing 等角 | all forms | in specified order only
一等三角测站first order triangulation station
一等三角测量main triangulation
一等三角测量major triangulation
一等三角测量first-order triangulation
一等三角测量三角形primary triangle
一等三角测量法first-order triangulation
一等三角测量点principal triangulation point
一等三角测量点primary triangulation point
一等三角测量点first-order triangulation point
一等三角测量网primary triangulation net
一等三角测量网first-order triangulation net
一等三角点first order triangulation station
一等三角网primary triangulation net
一等三角网first-order triangulation net
一等三角链first-order triangulation chain
一等三角锁first-order triangulation chain
三等三角测量third order triangulation
三等三角测量third-order triangulation
三等三角测量third-class triangulation
三等三角点third-order triangulation point
三角不等式triangular inequality
三角不等式triangle inequality
三角恒等式trigonometrical identify
三角恒等式trigonometric identify
三角测量等级order of triangulation
三角测量等级class of triangulation
三角测量等级classification of triangulation
三角点等级class of triangulation point
三角等积投影triangular equivalent projection
三角锥等值pyrometric cone equivalent
三角锥等值pyrometer cone equivalent
等角投影axonometrical projection (图)
等角投影axonometric projection (图)
等角投影图axonometrical drawing
等角投影图axonometric drawing
等角透视图axonometrical perspective
等角透视图axonometric perspective
不等粒角砾岩anisometrical breccia
不等肢圆头角钢unequal-leg bulb-angle
不等肢角钢unequal leg angle
不等肢角钢unequal-leg angle iron
不等肢角钢angle with unequal legs
不等边三角形scalene triangle
不等边三角形unequal triangle
不等边三角形non-equilateral triangle
不等边不等厚角钢angle of unequal legs and thickness
不等边角焊缝unequal-leg fillet welds
不等边角钢unequal-sided angle iron
不等边角钢unequal leg angle
不等边角钢angle with unequal legs
不等边角钢unequal angle iron
不等边角钢angle steel with unequal legs
不等边角铁unequal angle iron
等角度冲断层medium angle thrust
等角度晶界medium angle boundary
二等三角测量second-order triangulation
二等三角测量secondary triangulation
二等三角测量点second-order triangulation station
二等三角测量点secondary triangulation station
二等三角测量站second-order triangulation station
二等三角测量站secondary triangulation station
二等三角测量网second-order triangulation net
二等三角测量网secondary triangulation net
二等三角点second-order triangulation station
二等三角点secondary triangulation station
二等三角点second-order triangulation point
二等分角angle bisection
互等边多角形mutually equilateral polygons
低等三角测量minor triangulation
低等三角测量lower-order triangulation
保角等价的conformally equivalent
等角congruent angle
全等〔叠合〕三角形congruent triangles
全等三角形congruent triangles
双标准经线等角圆柱投影transverse cylindrical conformal projection with two standard meridians
双标准经线等角圆柱投影transverse cylindric conformal projection with two standard meridians
四等三角点fourth-order triangulation point
地面等角ground isocenter
等角vertical angles
等角opposite angles
正轴等角圆柱投影normal cylindrical conformal projection
正轴等角圆柱投影normal cylindric conformal projection
波峰与等深线的夹角angle between wavefront and bed contour
波峰线与等深线夹角angle between wave crest and contour line
滚轧不等边角钢rolled L-section
焊脚不等的角焊缝unequal fillet weld
等中心角拱坝constant angle arch dam
等值线角angle of isoline
等倾角干涉interference of equal inclination
等倾角法equal inclination method
等偏角线isoclinal line
等径直角锥齿轮mitre gear
等效三角形脉冲群equivalent triangular burst
等斜角angle of isocline
等方位角equal azimuth
等方向角曲线curve of equal bearing
等滞后角控制equal delay angle control
等相角线phase contour
等磁倾角曲线图curves of magnetic dip
等磁倾角曲线图curves of equal magnetic dip
等磁倾角曲线图chart of lines of equal magnetic dip
等磁偏角线图isogonic chart
等磁偏角线图isogonal chart
等磁偏角轨线isogonal trajectory
等积三角形equivalent triangle
等肢角钢angle with equal legs
等腰三角形解isosceles triangular solution
等腰球面三角形isoceles spherical triangle
等腰球面三角形equilateral spherical triangle
等腰球面三角形isoceles spheric triangle
等腰球面三角形equilateral spheric triangle
等角三维投影图isometrical three-dimensional projection
等角三维投影图isometric three-dimensional projection
等角共轭点isogonal conjugate points
等角分线angular bisector
等角加速度constant angular acceleration
等角动律law of constant angular momentum
等角双曲线equiangular hyperbola
等角变形equal angular distortion
等角变换equiangular transformation
等角圆柱投影conformal cylindrical projection
等角圆柱投影conformal cylindric projection
等角圆柱投影法Mercator projection
等角圆锥投影conformal conical projection
等角圆锥投影conformal conic projection
等角多圆锥投影conformal polyconical projection
等角多圆锥投影conformal polyconic projection
等角多角形equiangular polygon
等角多边形equiangular polygon
等角屋顶equilateral roof (其跨度和椽子形成一等边三角形)
等角投影isometrical projection
等角投影equal-angle projection
等角投影identical map
等角投影图conformal map
等角投影图equal-angle projection
等角投影法isometric projection
等角投影法isometrical projection method
等角投影法isometric projection method
等角投影海图conformal chart
等角投影经度conformal longitude
等角equilateral arch
等角斜轴切圆柱投影oblique tangent cylindrical conformal projection
等角斜轴切圆柱投影oblique tangent cylindric conformal projection
等角方位投影azimuthal orthomorphical projection
等角映射isogonal mapping
等角曲线系isogonal trajectory
等角条件conformal condition
等角格网equiangular lattice
等角横切圆柱投影transverse tangent cylindrical conformal projection
等角横切圆柱投影transverse tangent cylindric conformal projection
等角横切椭圆柱投影equal-angle transverse projection
等角point of zero distortion
等角equal-angle point
等角点像片三角测量isocenter triangulation
等角点辐射三角测量isocentre plot
等角 线rhumb line
等角航线course of constant bearing
等角航线改正rhumb-line correction
等角螺线天线equiangular spiral antenna
等角轨线isogonal trajectory
等角isometrical axis (线)
等角isometric axis (线)
等角轴测投影diametrical projection
等角轴测投影diametric projection
等角透视isometrical perspective
等角透视isometric perspective
等角速万向节constant-velocity joint
等角速万向节constant speed universal joint
等角速度constant angular velocity
等角速度转动steady rotation
等距投影图等角isometrical view
等距投影图等角isometric view
等边三角形岸边植柳tripod planting
等边三角形测风法wind star
等边三角形的equilateral triangular
等边角剖面equal-leg angle section
等边角形截面angle section of equal legs
等边角钢equal-leg angle steel
等边角钢equal-sided angle iron
等边角钢mild steel equal angle
等边角钢equilateral angle steel
等边角钢equal corner iron
等边角钢equal-leg angle
等边角钢equal-leg angle iron
等边角钢equal-angle steel
等边角铁equal corner iron
等边角铁equal-angle bar
等迎角机翼aeroisoclinic wing
蔬菜绿篱、使用西红柿、茄子、芝麻、羊角豆、立刀豆等vegetable fence
角度不等值angular discrepancy
角的三等分线angular trisector
角的等分线bisecting line
角的等分线bisector of an angle
角的等分线angular bisector
钝角等分线obtuse bisectrix
等角等积投影arbitrary map projection
风向与等压线的交角inclination of wind
高等三角测量higher-order triangulation