
Terms for subject International trade containing 第三 | all forms | in specified order only
不受第三人权利和债权限制的货物goods free from the rights or claims of third persons
第三者的运输transport on account of third party
参加义务履行的第三person intervening
受让单据第三third party transferee
合同关系不涉及第三人原则privity of contract
合同关系不涉及第三者原则privity of contract
第三国出口产品的限制restrictions on export of products to third countries
第三国出口产品的限制restriction on export of products to third countries
向责任第三方追偿recourse against the responsible third party
向责任第三者追偿recourse against the responsible third party
善意第三third parties acting in goods faith
善意第三bona-fide third party
第三方的转让assignment to third party
汽车第三者责任保险motor vehicle third party insurance
汽车第三者责任险third party motor insurance
海上运输保险一第三者危险marine insurance: third party risk
第三世界third world
第三产业产品tertiary products
合同当事人以外的第三人可以要求合同当事人履行的保证义务floating warranty
第三人对票据的付款保证guarantee by aval
第三人的债权诉权claims of third persons
第三仲裁人third arbitrator
第三仲裁员third arbitrator
第三份提单triplicate bill of lading
第三优先股third preference share
第三债务人third debtor
第三third country
第三国承汇运人third flag carrier
第三国承运人third flag carrier
第三张汇票third of exchange
第三方利益third party interest
第三方所开的货物符合合同证明书expert third-party certificate of conformity of the goods
第三方负责third party’s liability to and from
第三方责任third party liability
世界银行第三类业务third window
第三类业务third window
第三类业务条件third window terms
第三third person
第三third party
第三者托运人third party shipper
第三者提单third party bill of lading
第三者条款third party clause
第三者责任保险third party insurance
第三者责任法定保险compulsory third party insurance
第三联汇票third of exchange
第三责任者third party liability
货物符合合同第三者证明书expert third-party certificate of conformity of the goods
通过第三国汇兑cross exchange